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SithDusk's story continues
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"...We propose that you leave Knight Chion behind aboard your ship, as your assurance that this mission will not just vanish into the Empire, and that you board the Nightfall Spectrum with Rafiik, the ship's astromech, and myself, for transport to the Cloak, where many of Lord Tuscias' victims have ended up.  We had to take on two shipfuls of long-term victims and intended victims of his alchemy, and it's proving rather a strain to manage well."


Rafiik's looking a little pale at all this. "They haven't threatened me at all, for the record. But I've been, you know, behaving myself."


They hold a 'wait one' finger to the screen as they turn to the crowd of Jedi, vocoder firmly muted from their end.  "...Alright, everyone but Knights Khotar and Bani, shoo.  Knight Chion, that could have been an utter disaster.  Thank you Master Karmin, but I can handle this from here, I don't think Darth Kalbetis is all that interested in playing court politics."  Not with Jedi, at least.  They're becoming fairly convinced they might be her weapon of choice against other Sith as they re-evaluate what's known of her actions in the wake of everything that has just happened.


Knight Chion looks fairly mutinous, really, as she removes herself from the room - but she does at least go offscreen.


...And Nesbitt Karmin is most definitely preparing to sit on her if he has to, to prevent her from doing something Stupid like attempting to provokeDarth.


Knight Khotar is, frankly, appalled that he's being considered a subject matter expert on sapient droids or whatever has caused Master Ries to want him here, but he'll do his best.  Or perhaps Master Ries noticed what Knight Khotar wasn't saying, and wanted him here for...  What, insight?  Or perhaps they simply suspect a cyberneticist would be useful to have.  That, he could do.  He really hopes it's that.


Knight Khotar is still here because Knight Khotar has a cool head on his shoulders and a considering mind, and Master Ries thinks those qualities will be sorely needed soon.


"Ah, thank you for your patience.  We were not expecting quite this when we arrived."


"Nor, realistically, should you have.  It's objectively unreasonable, and we recognize this.  It is not begrudged."


"...What needed my saying of it has been said, and my presence is likely superfluous with that accomplished.  Padawan Vidarra was kept informed of our plans to host you.  Shall I leave you to his debriefing, then, for the moment?"


...She'll still hear everything anyway, most likely, but perhaps it would be better done regardless.  "It would be appreciated, I believe.  We will speak further on our plans to assist with the healing Darth Kalbetis wants."


"Very well, then."  She exits stage left, and the evidence of a door shutting follows her.


"...Padawan Vidarra, my apologies for that shameful display.  Are you alright?"


"Yes sir. And I agree that Knight Chion shouldn't come - the situation with Daisy is strange, and it'd be easy to be startled by it, but it's not - like - it makes sense, and it makes sense that they'd want you to be careful of it? Lord Pradnakt can come to the Light but she's not Jedi trained, she doesn't keep her self very well, and the droid helps keep her safe with that."


...Master Ries nods, because that makes sense of why this L5-C3 pushed the issue so firmly with her mistress's? backing.  If Lord Pradnakt is - vulnerable - well, Sith don't like their vulnerabilities showing in the first place, so perhaps an unusually-prosocial Sith, as Darth Kalbetis' policy decisions paint her if you look at what they do and not her stated reasons for them, would be this offended by letting someone take advantage of another's vulnerability.  ...By not protecting Lord Pradnakt's trust, even, though they're not as confident in that reading.


"...You said you were helping with the Healing," Kypora follows, after a gesture from Master Ries.  "Could you explain that further?"


"Sure, but I'm not sure what you want to know? They have the artifact that lets us meditate together, and Lord Pradnakt showed us how to undo the alchemy, and it's - I wouldn't be able to do it by myself at all, but it's not that hard with her stabilizing the healing energy and helping us figure out what to do."


"...Helping - and it is just helping?  Is it?"


"Yeah, it is; the way the meditation works I can see what they're doing, and a couple times there were tricky parts that I didn't think I could help with and I dropped out of the meditation altogether and they'd fixed it by the time I went back to it, so it's not that it's something subtle unless they don't even need me in the meditation for it."


She nods, slowly.  "...And what is this artifact you mentioned?"


"It doesn't have a specific name; Master Chenk and I were on our way back from picking it up from an archeological dig. I have the report on it in my stuff if you want to see it."


"...Please do.  I'm not sure we ever received that report."


"Sure, one minute." He has to go offscreen - into a different room than L5-C3 went into, if they're watching closely enough to tell - to get it, but it doesn't take long for him to come back with a standard-issue travel duffel, dig the relevant datacard out, and send the file.


...And he has his lightsaber as well.  Which is quite odd, if they think of Rafiik as someone a Sith has taken prisoner.  But then, perhaps he isn't.


He certainly doesn't seem to be thinking of himself as a prisoner, no.


The report describes the artifact, and the context it was found in; it was developed for the type of use it's being put to, allowing multiple Force sensitives to share their skills and abilities to work together on projects where even normal cooperation isn't sufficient to the task. There's a well-supported theory that the artifact is highly dangerous, though; some of its creators reported strange dreams after using it in groups of over a dozen, and the final report before everyone in the area disappeared was of plans to use it with a larger group than ever before. 

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