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a reality show where a dominant entrepreneur must manage his harem/company well if he wants to win love and money
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Meanwhile, Amber has penetrated the various protective layers surrounding Chad South and is providing emphasis for Iroko's points.


It is possible to give a blowjob that a man cannot just talk through, or think through, but if he's not otherwise close to an orgasm it will take some element of surprise or overstimulation.  He will pat Amber on the head to acknowledge her current efforts, if she hasn't yet managed to fully distract him, and reply to Iroko.

"Sure, we'd need to scale OkCupid to a lot more people -- maybe a thousand times as many users -- to get equivalent revenue to the Sadism Service if we can get large payments from individuals that way.  But OkCupid could easily be twice as viral over ten growth periods, considering how much of a bar Sadism faces to virality.  And we don't actually have a strong theory yet about how Sadism pays us."


"Sadism is its own reward!" jokes Iroko.

"No, but seriously. Um."


Amber pulls her head up for a second and wipes her face with the back of her hand.

"High membership fee for customers. Training fees for would-be sadists."

And then dives back in.


"Ah, yes, sorry, I admit I'm having a little trouble multitasking!"

"In my previous business we did see some really good results from charging both parties in the transaction in different ways. So here, nominally we make money on the masochists seeking sadists, but also we make sure to deliver them a really high quality service by training the sadists ourselves and charging them for it."


"This all seems so complicated."

"Why not just make money in a simple, straightforward, proven way?"

She shifts her weight, knocking her hip into Amber's head.


With heroic effort, Amber does not bite down when she gets clonked in the head, but she does grunt angrily. It's muffled because her mouth is so full.


"No sabotaging my own pleasures, especially when it involves mechanical force, my cock, and nearby teeth."


"I sincerely apologize," Silver says to both Amber and Chad. "It won't happen again," she says to Chad.


"So... Sadism as a Service, then?"


"Apology accepted, we can talk penance later," he says to Silver.

To Iroko, "What's the real reason you wouldn't want to do the easier thing?  Too uninspiring by comparison, or do you really not think it's easier?"


"I find it exciting to build new things that haven't been done before. I think we can do this and I'd like to be on the team that does it. I think the other idea is dull and the market is crowded. I like to go high end and really excite a customer base, even if it's a small one. People are going to love us. It's going to radically improve their lives."


Amber is doing her best to excite the high end of Chad's customer base.


If just one woman was saying they found it more exciting to build a new untried business, he'd think they were a spy.  But there's too many different women saying it for all of them to be the spy.  Jeannie -- who he is privately rating, at this point, as one of the least likely of spies -- seemed to basically feel the same way.

There's something to be said about making your startup try to do something that inspires the engineers... isn't there?

It'd be an easier call, if not for Silver feeling more inspired by OkCupid; he currently has Silver down as the second least likely to be a spy after Jeannie...

...Amber's getting kind of distracting, here.


Are your relationship fights more REPETITIVE than usual, especially while texting?

Can your partner FIGHT INDEFINITELY without seeming to get tired?

Does it seem like your partner occasionally HALLUCINATES?


Your partner may be using an LLM to generate their side of the argument!

If you don't do the same, you'll get tired first!

Don't lose the fight. Automate it.




Chad, it's time to DOMINATE the MARKET... and your harem.



"Sadism as a Service, because as the saying goes in startups, you gotta do what makes your employees wettest.  We can pivot to 2014 OKCupid if the moonshot isn't mooning."


Jeannie, Pansy, Lychee, Amber, and Iroko look pleased.

Silver looks resigned.

Jade can't help herself, and blurts out, "Oh no! You're repeating the mistakes of seasons two and three! You're trying to get too fancy!"

Iroko counters, "Fancy is excellent. Fancy is how you get an engaged customer base promoting your service to others."

Silver nudges Jade. "I think he already made up his mind, are you sure you want to be on the wrong side, here?"



"I should probably be pretending to be completely confident in this idea, but I'm not actually.  Just, if I wasn't into at least trying my hand at doing the crazy, I wouldn't exactly be on this show, would I.  I shalln't punish Silver or Jade if they go on speaking their mind about that."


"All right." Jade squares her shoulders.

"I don't really expect you to go for my idea, here, given what you just said about wanting to do the crazy. But... seriously. Can't we just do something simple that will obviously work? It doesn't have to be a liquor store like I said before. It can be something bigger and beefier."


"Chad will give you something bigger and beefier, you don't need to worry about that."


"Well, the 'who bells the cat' question here is what a straightforward business looks like, such that we hit the producer-mandated KPIs.  The producers didn't set up the KPIs with intent to let us win by being boring.  They want hot-startup growth rates on whatever we're doing.  Which in turn seems to imply something Internetty and that represents a qualitative improvement over previous solutions."

"It'd be nice to have something like that, which is also straightforward, but what is that thing?  To me it feels like the hard part isn't saying that the list of nice qualities would be nice, it's coming up with any specific thing which actually has that bunch of nice qualities."


"You want internetty but also simple and straighforward? That's obviously the OkCupid idea. You already had it."

"Nobody has really argued successfully against it, it's just that they're all tremendously slutty masochists and they're getting wet thinking about dial-a-sadist."


"My head -- the top one -- thinks that's pretty persuasive."

"My heart says, you don't win by doing things that don't inspire your employees, and so the majority tilt among the masochists ends up decisive for me.  Maybe in a week it becomes clear that it couldn't possibly work and we swap to OKCupid, but -- we should at least take our first run at the thing that gets them excited."


"You're the boss."

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