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a reality show where a dominant entrepreneur must manage his harem/company well if he wants to win love and money
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"I'll bet you have," purrs Pansy, as she settles herself on his lap and puts one arm around his neck. She traces her finger lightly along the other side of his neck.

"What have you come up with so far?"


He'll trace a finger along her neck and use slightly more fingernail.

"Now, should I really be prejudicing you by telling you what the other girls thought, before I hear what you have to say?"  This hardly seems like best practice with possible-spies.


Pansy squirms prettily. Her skirt is very micro and if Chad keeps that up, she's going to get cave dew on his pants.

"Seems like you've got us at a disadvantage, then!"


"That's why I'm the dom and you're the victim.  Now, opinions, my potential dear?"

He'll use more fingernail to emphasize the question.  If he ends up with Extract of Pansy on his pants, well, such are the acceptable hazards of being manly.


"I think we went too quickly past all the dog ones at the beginning. They probably weren't going to work as stated, but I'm sure we can workshop them into something good!"

"What if, when you got your replacement dog, it came with dog language translator module? Kind of an upgrade, so you don't have to feel so bad about losing the first dog?"


Pansy will just nibble on Chad's ear while Lychee is talking.


"Think the conventional wisdom there is to start with a Minimum Viable Product?  First we've got to figure out how to ship the basic pre-adjusted dog, then we can work on developing further add-ons for upsales.  Or develop the translator first, then, use it to record all the data off your previous dog to use in training a new dog."

He'll just put his hand on Pansy's short skirt and start tracing paths here and there.


"Do you think dogs worldwide all speak the same dog language? Like, what if we train the dogs somewhere cheap and unregulated, and then ship them to more wealthy countries... will the dogs speak the right language when they get there?"


Pansy will grind her hips and moan very quietly in his ear.


Well, he's used to that sort of thing, at this point in his life.  With a name like 'Chad' he'd almost have to be.

"It's the sort of thing we could test, but I wasn't planning to do anything unregulated with dogs, that might not be ethical.  And we'd initially be trying to develop the tech ourselves, on-hand, here in this highly developed country -- outsourcing the work would come after we'd verified the basic process ourselves, and were trying to scale further than the number of dogs we could handle."


"Oh good, then we wouldn't run into dog dialect issues right away. That's great, you've really thought of everything!"

"I'm not sure that's my actual vote, though. It does sound like it might take a while before we get to a really compelling product and we don't necessarily have that kind of time. The two dating ones are probably faster."


Pansy comes up for air.

"Like the sadism one. Sadism will get us where we want to go."


"It's what's for dinner, what makes the world go round, and forcibly causes the heart to grow fonder."

He'll give Pansy a nice sharp pinch somewhere as he says it.

"But the key question is, how do we monetize humanity's darkest desires?"


Pansy's spine straightens abruptly when Chad pinches her, and she squeaks.


"Monetization seems completely straightforward?"


"Don't we just make money on targeted advertisements that the sadists will deliver when their victims are at their most vulnerable?"


"If I'm going to all the trouble to deliver some guy with a spanker to a slightly scared woman's apartment, I am by good goddamn going to make more of a fee off of somebody than Google paying me six cents to have the guy tout her a Pepsi."


"But what if he doesn't let her have the Pepsi unless she does his bidding, and then he pays us also?"


" if I imagine myself as the woman, here, I want to know that I'm the customer and not the product, but maybe that's just way too 1980s thinking for the modern world.  I mean, I'm not against 'the first time is free' as a market philosophy, but the obvious thought is that she has to pay for the guy to come back."


"Or she could just pay to come."

Pansy licks Chad's ear.


"Hmm.  We'd need some way to get the guys to actually go along with it, or verify whether they did go along with it.  But I'm liking the trend of both things you're doing with your mouth, Pansy."


"Maybe there are more ways to monetize sadism than I thought! I'm feeling good about this idea."

"Do you, um."

"Need to me to demonstrate that?"

"Your lap looks pretty full."


"Oh, I can make room!"

Pansy shifts so that she's straddling Chad's right leg, and pats the other leg invitingly.


Lychee takes her cue and perches daintily on Chad's left leg.

"Did we convince you?" she asks brightly.


"Well, you know what they say about guys who can only go a couple of minutes before they end up convinced, if you know what I mean."


Next up, can Chad withstand the THREE-WAY persuasion of IROKO, AMBER, and SILVER?

Stay tuned to find out!

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