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a reality show where a dominant entrepreneur must manage his harem/company well if he wants to win love and money
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Jade remembers how to make the pout face and makes it, but remains quiet.


EXCELLENT, we have an AMBITIOUS, PROMISCUOUS business idea!

Next up, Chad: please identify the TOP TWO and BOTTOM TWO girls!


"It's a bit early for that!"


No no, you don't need to HIRE or FIRE anyone! This is just a way for you to give a PERFORMANCE REVIEW. Feedback is the key to great employee performance, if you know what we mean!


"...Huh.  All right, I can see how this fits in with the theme, and I can't in good conscience refuse after having agreed to do this show at all.  But for the record, this is not normally how I'd treat a bunch of slutty masochists, and I want to make sure my slutty masochists know that."


"Just out of curiosity... how would you normally treat a bunch of slutty masochists?" Lychee's eyes are big and innocent.


"With great respect for their individual talents and... vulnerabilities, which need not be reduced to a rank-ordering.  It's not about who's more ticklish, it's about you being helpless and me doing what I want."


Lychee blushes and ducks her head.


"All right, then.  I'd normally ask for a chance to review my notes in private, but I admit, I was keeping a running tally in my head.  Top two --"


And this seems like the PERFECT TIME for a COMMERCIAL BREAK!


Tired of LOSING your LLM-based relationship fights?

Our LLM is SPECIALIZED to win relationship fights against other LLMs!

Start coming out ON TOP again!



"All right, then.  I'd normally ask for a chance to review my notes in private, but I admit, I was keeping a running tally in my head.  Top two, Silver and Iroko."


Silver's mouth turns up slightly at the corners and her shoulders drop a little bit.


Iroko fist-pumps and jumps up and down a little bit, and then tries to arrange herself in a more dignified posture.


"Silver, at least on surface appearances, often seems to say what she thinks straight out and it's almost always been something I can immediately understand as sensible.  Iroko has been a positive organizing factor, first to start listing out items on the whiteboard."

"And then if I've got to rank the helpfulness of other contributions so far -- sorry and this is not usually the way I'd do things -- I'd put Jeanne, Amber, and Pansy ahead of Lychee and Jade."


Jeanne, standing at parade rest, remains stoic throughout this announcement.

Amber and Pansy look stricken and then relieved in turn as Chad reveals the twist in the sentence.

Lychee and Jade both look like they're about to cry.

Permalink is at least a little odd that they wouldn't have been more braced for the possibility, but maybe showing your emotions is something that the producers carefully select candidates for?  Lychee and Jade weren't top of his list for being spies.  Chad wasn't braced for seeing that much emotional reaction, but he is just a generally Braced Sort Of Person and is hopefully not reacting too visibly himself.

"All rankings subject to rapid change in the face of further experience!" Chad says reassuringly.  "I'm not the kind of guy who just makes up his mind!"


Jeannie presses her lips together.

Lychee sniffles and tries to pull herself together.

Jade blurts, "I knew this could happen but I didn't think it would happen to me! I really tried to give you ideas that would work!"


"And I could always turn out to be horribly wrong about everything!  Just because I'm the dom doesn't mean I'm smart!"


"Even so, you are in fact in charge here."


"It's not always easy, but all of you, so far, would outwardly appear to be worth it."


SILVER and IROKO, you may now take JADE and LYCHEE to the punishment chamber!


"Wait, WHAT?"


"Oh, right, I guess you didn't realize what it would MEAN for us. Since you don't watch the show."


"...Right.  Well, if they're overly mean to you past where it stops being fun, let me know and I'll be overly mean to them."

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