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a reality show where a dominant entrepreneur must manage his harem/company well if he wants to win love and money
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"You're a lot of woman, Pansy, but if you're female to the point of it being a scalable business then I might need to see some proof."


"Can do, sailor, you can dock at my port tonight if you pick me for the sleepover."


"It opens the somewhat disturbing question of what result of that sleepover would count as proof, and now I'm not sure I want to be anywhere near that bedroom."


Pansy pouts prettily.


Iroko watches all of this and wishes she'd thought of something better than that stupid boob-cupping.

At least he looked approving about it. Maybe she's still okay.


After the break: the ladies will try to PERSUADE Chad to go with their FAVORITE business ideas!

But first, a word from our sponsors!



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And we're back!

The haremettes will now take turns joining Chad in the BOARD ROOM where they will plead for the business idea they like the most!

They'll go in RANDOMLY SELECTED PAIRS, except for one lucky lady who will get Chad all to herself!

The first pair will be...





Jade squees.

"The Board Room! It's so exciting to be in here instead of just watching on the show!" She bounces a little bit.


"How do you want us to give you our feedback, Chad? I'm sure we each have thoughts about which business to pursue."


"Well, you know, there's people who are very dispassionate in their evaluations of ideas and who would pride themselves on not being persuadable by naked seduction.  I'm not one of those people.  I heard once that all mental faculties are correlated with each other; therefore, so are seductive excellence and good taste in startup ideas.  And at least one of you is probably smarter than I am.  So going with the opinion of whoever does the best job of seducing me is probably the wisest course of action."

"You've got opinions, anything is fair game when it comes to persuading me of them."


Jade blushes furiously and makes a little choking sound.


"Thank you for stating your criteria so plainly. Am I just competing against Jade or against all of the girls?"


"I'm not sure what it would mean for you to be competing just against Jade, and not the others?  We only get to choose one business idea, and then later I only get to choose three girls."


"I am purely trying to understand your algorithm. It sounds as though you want us to compete -- sexually -- and it is by this basis alone that you will choose a business idea. This sounded... implausible... to me, though I guess the network's interest is primarily in having an exciting television program, and so selecting an entrepreneur who would make business decisions this way might fit their goals."

"I hoped that maybe you would choose the winner of each small conversation by sex and then engage your entrepreneurial spirit in a subsequent round. But I infer from your confusion that actually, it's just sex."

"Very well."


Jeannie drops to her knees in front of Chad and begins to undo his belt buckle.




This is sufficiently surprising, and is going to take him long enough to think about, that Jeannie may possibly be able to get past the belt buckle before he actually thinks of a reply to say out loud.


Should she be taking off her top right now? What would the top sluts from previous seasons do? The pressure!


...but he will successfully realize, though not very much in words, that if a 1/64th genie said she wanted to be on this show, the producers would absolutely never say no to that, no matter how much Jeannie otherwise didn't seem to already get the vibe.

He'll put a hand on her head, with the sort of gentle pressure that would otherwise prevent her mouth from going straight for cock.  "Jeannie, I did say that anything was fair game to persuade me, and I meant that, but I feel like I should warn you that literally just having sex with me is probably not going to be that persuasive.  I mean, anyone could do that.  It doesn't even need words.  Also you haven't said which business idea you favor and you should probably do that part first."


Jeannie stops what she's doing but doesn't stand up.

"Oh, I was planning to tell you the business idea afterwards so that you'd be more likely to remember it. I was also going to write it down for you, so you could remember it past the other interviews."

She waits for a response rather than immediately diving back in.


He might have a teaching situation on his hands.

Chad would be a poor dom -- at least, his kind of dom, in his own ideals about that -- if he flinched away from that.

"There's a saying among humans, 'Seduction is always more singular and sublime than sex and it commands the higher price.'  We might have to teach you about that part.  Meanwhile I won't be offended if you just make a lot of logical and cogent points and then, you know, maybe try to distract me sexually while Jade is trying to make her points.  Unless, of course, you agree with Jade."


"If we're mainly talking then I think Jade should go first."

Jeannie takes a seat that is still within dive-bombing range of Chad's crotch, just in case, and looks expectantly at Jade.


Jade still has her top on. That's probably good? It seems like she should say words now?


"Right! Okay! Business ideas!"

"So, I have some concerns about... pretty much everything that's been proposed so far. I'm sorry. I didn't want to undercut you in front of everyone."

"I think... you have a hard problem. There's a balance to strike between building a successful business, doing it fast, and doing it in a way that brings network ratings."


"Huh.  I'd always figured that building a startup was an easy problem, which is why everyone else has already done it, and now everyone has millions of dollars."


"Well... it's actually pretty well known how to start a business? It's just that most successful businesses are boring and hard work."

"Like, I am pretty sure you could make a profitable laundromat business. Or liquor store. Or you could install flooring in apartment buildings. There's a lot of wear and tear on apartment building floors."

She should totally be taking her top off right now, right? Ahhhh this is confusing.

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