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a reality show where a dominant entrepreneur must manage his harem/company well if he wants to win love and money
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MULTI-MAMMARY, the new breast augmentation technology that lets you FILL YOUR BOOBS with ANY NON-CORROSIVE LIQUID!

For the Dom with a very obedient feminine sub, who's always wanted to drink beer or chocolate milk directly from the nipple!


Ask your doctor gingerly about Multi-Mammary at fine cosmetic/culinary surgery offices near you!


"Hey, Chad! I'm excited to pick a winning idea with you!"


"Uh. Yes. Me too. Excited. As you can see."

Silver does not actually look excited.


"I'm ready to get to work. What are the remaining leading ideas, now that you've talked to the other four? Do you need a tiebreaker?"

Amber scoops up Chad's necktie and seductively strokes the end of it.


He'll run a finger lightly over that black choker Amber's wearing.  "Only new idea that got added is 'just open a liquor store' or something equally mundane and straightforward, but I didn't see how to meet our required KPIs that way."

"As for the other ideas -- why, anything is in the running if somebody makes a sufficiently persuasive case."


"Who was best at persuading you so far, and what did they say?"

Amber sidles forward, straddling one of Chad's knees and working her way up the tie until she's touching his neck too.


His voices lowers seductively.  "I'll tell you after you've made your own move, Amber."


Amber pouts prettily.


"Well, I'm bold enough to say what I think!"

"Sadism as a Service is the clear winner. You saw how popular it was in the room with all of us, and I feel pretty confident that will generalize."




"Expand on your scorn," Chad says to Silver.


"In some important senses I was only born three months ago, but even I can tell that the seven of us are hardly a representative sample of consumers."


"Valid, but I think the case is more that it says something about there being a large-enough fraction of customers for us to meet our KPIs -- if only we could actually manage to build a service that works, and also somehow convince people that it worked.  I think that's my big qualm about Sadism as a Service, the question of how we make it work and then also convince people that it works."


"Free samples? Real videos of people happily using the service?"

"We could also start our own porn site that way."


"Testimonials! Client reviews of specific sadists!"

Iroko has been eyeing the Chad/Amber Mutual Neck Fondling Society and trying to figure out how to get in there. She approaches Chad from the side and clamps her hand on the back of his neck.


Silver stays a few paces away, her arms crossed.

"People will assume it's all staged."


He'll place a light finger under Iroko's chin, then.  With fingernail.  Just barely light enough to be threatening.

"They'll assume anything on our own website is false," he says agreeably towards Silver.  "I suppose if the service actually works, people might... well, the problem with word-of-mouth is that a lot of people who use the service will be reluctant to come out and say on Twitter what a great time they had.  And as for offering free samples to journalists, they'll lie out of sheer existential habit and because 'it worked fine' doesn't make a good story."


Iroko will jump, a little, at the fingernail, but then settle herself back down.


"This is why I think we should just go with the OkCupid clone. It's much easier for people to believe it's a real service. They get it. It's not such a leap of faith."


"Now that we told you what we're interested in, won't you please tell us the current standings?"


"I want to know, too, who's pushing for what. I'll... if you'll tell us, then I'll kiss someone else here. Whoever you say."


Silver rolls her eyes.


"Jade wanted us to do something straightforward like a liquor store while acting slutty enough to keep up ratings, but didn't have an answer to how we'd hit our KPIs."

"Jeannie wanted us to do something entirely new and still liked the isekai-kit concept, but failing that supported Sadism as a Service.  Jeannie worried a clone of 2014 OkCupid would fail the same way as 2014 OkCupid.  I said that OkCupid had been bought out by a rival with a crappier, more extractive service that didn't like the better competition; and that people cloning the bought-out service is how capitalism heals in that case."

"Lychee thought we could workshop one of the dog concepts into something good, but conceded that it might be hard to scale it up fast enough, and failing that endorsed one of the two dating businesses."

"Pansy endorsed Sadism as a Service, Lychee suggested having the sadists recite ads in order to monetize, and Pansy wondered about getting the sadists to do the enforcement of payments."

"I think that was the highlights of everyone's standing."

"As for who I'll have Iroko kiss, I think I'll save that particular debt as a surprise weapon."


Amber looks satisfied.

"I mean... I'll kiss her, just for getting you to tell us what's up."

She arches an eyebrow at Chad. Is he into it?


"I mean, realistically you'll kiss whoever I tell you to kiss, whenever I tell you to kiss them, or suffer the consequences.  For now, you'll go spend fifteen seconds licking Iroko's ear, just to make it clear how things are going to work around here."

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