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a reality show where a dominant entrepreneur must manage his harem/company well if he wants to win love and money
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"I suppose we keep going then.  Do we want to just rebuild OKCupid?  Everyone keeps saying how somebody should just build 'OKCupid from 2014' but nobody ever does it."


"Maybe we could add more explicit photos to it for people with premium subscriptions, that would drive revenue."


"Well, first of all, by the time we can actually ship and scale, people will already be assuming that any pretty female picture is AI-generated.  Present company excepted, of course.  But more importantly, as much as we might want people to post explicit photos that can only be seen by premium subscriptions, and then, pay for premium subscriptions, I'm not seeing how they find that in their own interests."


"In season one they tried to do a subscription website and they tanked. They couldn't get critical mass during the limited time shooting the show."

"Then again, it could have been because of what their actual service was."


"And that was?"


"Oh, right, you haven't seen the show!"

Jade forgets that people haven't seen this show. And all the other shows.

"So their company was called Vibester and they sold vibrators and then you could swap vibration patterns with your friends. But it turned out there are only three good vibration patterns and that pretty much does it for all clit-having people."


"I guess that slightly argues against any mostly two-sided system like OKCupid, where you need women to attract men and men to attract women... I don't know, it's not obvious to me that we wouldn't have enough of an advantage from the initial publicity boost of people watching us live.  The question is what grows faster."


"I think we're supposed to defer to you, so forgive the impertinence -- or don't! -- but I have an idea, if you'd like to hear it."


"I'll decide my general and personal policies on forgiveness later.  What's the idea?"


"I've always wondered what would happen if I got swept into a different universe quite suddenly. Like, would I be prepared? Would I be able to fend for myself, trade with the locals, and ultimately establish an empire of my own? So what if we sold kits to help people prepare for that low-probability but high-variance situation?"


", a packet of synthetic rubies and directions on how to start an industrial revolution?"



Jeannie slightly smiles for the first time.

Maybe Chad isn't a midwit?


"Maybe I shouldn't ask this, but what would you, personally, say are the chances that I'm going to need a kit like that... sometime?"


"I couldn't possibly narrow that down to any useful range, I'm sorry. But isn't it better to be prepared?"

There's a little glint in her eye.


"Let's maybe put that one on the shortlist and, you know, put at least a little effort on it at some point.  It could go with the premium OKCupid subscriptions."


Iroko updates the list on the whiteboard accordingly.


He should probably keep going?

"Also in terms of problems our viewership might be interested in solving:  In my experience, there's a lot more women interested in having some light brutality in their sex lives, than there are men they know and trust to deliver it.  What if we put some backbone into figuring out a vetting system that scaled further than small-town BDSM circles, where half the time nobody gets around to warning the newbie about that guy they couldn't manage to kick out of the public meetups?  To the point where you could go on an app, and get a trustworthy man delivered to you?  To the point where it wouldn't even have to be the same man each time, because they'd all just be reliable and even, to some extent, interchangeable?"

"I admit, I generated this idea mainly by thinking of new things that would initialize to SAAS.  Sadism As A Service."


There are nods and smiles and pleased looks all around the room.


"Ohhhh. I really like that one," breathes Lychee.


They... like it?

Well, it got too many nods for them to all be moles.  He hopes.  He's aware that reality shows don't always, like, tell you accurately what they're doing.

"We'll shortlist that one too," HE GUESSES.  "Anyone else want to say their own idea?  It's probably okay with the producers so long as you get disciplined accordingly."


"It's not a new idea so much as playing off your last one, which I also really liked."

"What if, in addition to vetting sadists, we also trained them? We could really make this world a better place."


"I think that's a great idea," Silver lies.


"I volunteer to pilot the training program. These new sadists will need someone to practice on!"


"I think having novice sadists practice on the seven of you individually does not scale.  Really, so long as we can come up with a sufficiently good way of certifying sadists, there'd naturally be training programs intended to help them get certified... though, I suppose in that light, we might want to run the programs ourselves, just to make sure the trainers aren't entirely teaching to our tests."

"The more basic question is -- how can we tell who's a good sadist?  Women can give testimonials, sure.  How do we figure out which women to trust about that?"


"I scale further than you might think!" Pansy winks at Chad.

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