There are a lot of Amentan countries. Vanda Nossëo representatives are dispatched to all of them. These Elves (two with black hair, one with silver) take a shuttle down from the lightleaper to a country called Calado, and radio ahead to request permission to land at a elegant modern spaceport.
Friday turns out to be in two days. Doing experimental magic in places that are not designated for that is not allowed; doing any kind of mind-altering magic except with a licensed subtle artist and appropriate consent all around is not allowed; doing these other kinds of potentially dangerous thing are not allowed. There is tuition. Sometimes it is waived.
Subtle artists have a different kind of magic that has lots of mental effects. If they are licensed as therapists they can use it consensually to fix phobias and stuff. The country this person is originally from used them for interrogation too but that's not allowed here. Tuition gets waived if you got screened and approved for a job you need magic for or are part of various pilot programs or know somebody who knows somebody.