okay by comparison Voa and Tapa look like thriving modern democracies
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He tells the Tapai reds that they should pick the caste in which they'll be most able to get a job, obviously. He figures Tapa won't be thrilled but better to ask forgiveness than permission.


(Peka's tent is bigger. It has a piano.)


There are shuttles at the promised location.


Piano! ...what happens when she has to move the tent.

Reds get onto the shuttle. Some of them have a hard time but they all make it.


Oh, it doesn't weigh anything more than it did before, and it rolls up fine. Everything is still there when she opened it. One of the containers of bubble bath spilled. 


The shuttle drops them off in a shiny facility in Casentar that has pollution areas and non-pollution areas meticulously delineated and lots of journalists waiting on the non-pollution side. Some of the journalists decided it was not worth waiting and are on the pollution side filming. 


Reds huddle together and go where they are herded.


They touch one of these boxes, they touch samples for hair color, they can touch themselves and their family to get a new body that's genetically very similar to their current one, they should aim for the age they want to be, they should practice morph awhile until they've got something they're satisfied with, then they can take a decontamination shower and cross through to the other side! Journalists snap pictures.


Do they have a way to change hair colors?


Yeah, you morph a blend including your desired hair color! There are volunteers who explain and try to describe how to do it. Some people will probably require some practice to get it.


What about babies?


Babies should not morph and pregnant people should not stay in morph.



(Scattered sobbing.)


...so they should probably set up a hotel in the polluted sector, then, for pregnant people their partners and people with babies to stay until the babies are old enough to morph safely.


(This doesn't help.)


"...what's the problem -"


"My husband already went ahead -"

"My first two kids -"

A lot of people have fetal or pregnant relatives.


" - right. Okay."

"We could just say we morphed the babies, it's not even a real thing -"

"Someone could leak it though."

"Well, we can accommodate everybody who wants to stay with a baby or pregnant person, if Tapa's not going to fuss about not getting all of them back -"

"They're not, they're not that good at pretending to care."


"What will we do here -"


"Stay in the hotel with your kids until they're ready to morph?"




Locals look a bit puzzled. "I'm - sorry?"


Sad reds.


"Why did they send people in the experimental batch who couldn't do it?"

"I have no idea. People are checking up on alternatives."


"Who would like to go to the hotel?"


Alarmed reds!


"...okay, do you have somewhere you'd rather go?"


Reds start crying again.

One absentmindedly pulls out a spray chalk and sprays a spot on the floor where a tear fell.


"...can someone maybe hire Kvina to be a consultant."

       "I'm trying to reach her right now."

Kvina gets some urgent calls and messages.

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