okay by comparison Voa and Tapa look like thriving modern democracies
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Um???? She reads the messages.


Would she like to be a consultant on the morph decontamination thing, which ran into the problem that Tapa shipped them a whole district who do not seem to have consented when they were expecting volunteers and babies can't morph yet.



What kind of consulting do you mean?


They're terrified and we're not good at convincing them to not be terrified and we can just host them here comfortably until they're ready to morph but they don't want that but they won't say what they prefer.


How do I get there?


I'll send a car.


Kvina awaits a car.


Car arrives promptly. Car takes her to the pretty morph-decontamination facility.


Where she steps out to observe miserable Tapai reds.

"Um," she says. "I'm a plumber. I don't actually know what to tell them. What are you trying to tell them?"


"We're sorry that we weren't anticipating families at this early stage in the process, but there are facilities set up for families - a hotel right near here - where they are welcome to stay until it's safe for their children to morph. If they want something else that's fine, they just have to let us know."


Kvina wades into the reds.

She wades out.

"Do they have to stay literally inside the hotel or can their kids play outside?"


"They can go anywhere they want in the area and we can add more stuff to the area if there's stuff they want that isn't accessible here right now."


"Are you going to run out of budget for hoteling reds, will they need to work, is there internet..."


"Vanda Nossëo's covering it so no, they don't need to work, don't they get parental leave anyway with the kids this young? Of course there's internet, it's a normal hotel with, like, a maid service and a gym and internet and cable television and room service and everything."


"...they don't get parental leave. Does the internet hook up to Amenta's here - who are the maids and room service people -"


"Amenta's got a slow extranet connection but they've got one - they're just the people who worked at that hotel who were okay with morphing for work so the country doesn't get "polluted" -" eyeroll.


"It might be a good idea to wait until a room asks for them before they go in."


"I will make sure they know that. Thank you."


"Is there anything else you need them to know -"


" - that if there's a better solution we'll do that, we just need to know what it is..."


"They don't know anything about what you could be doing instead of this. Are there medical facilities in the hotel - for when they have the babies or if they get sick -"


"Yeah. Magic healers with obstetrics experience and everything."


"Where are they?"


"Next to the hotel."


"How far in which directions can they go?"

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