okay by comparison Voa and Tapa look like thriving modern democracies
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"And the war stopped and Melkor went off to, I don't know, kick cats or something, and they worked on it for a while and got a way to contact other dimensions and found someone who could kill him and now he's dead. And I guess it was worth it."

      "But it wasn't okay."



"I'm sorry that happened to you," says Lynt.


"The Valar were dead longer than us. They weren't expecting to ever have a way to resurrect them. And they were worried the Valar would be mad. But then eventually they sorted it."


"Were the Valar mad?"


"...I think the Valar might have gotten resurrected conditional on not hassling the person who did it. Which is fine, we don't have anything against the person who did it, the King said to."

    "They haven't acted mad."


"Are we likely to - meet this king, or anything -"


" - uh, no, the people who fought the war stayed in Endorë. His brother is King here now. It wouldn't be good for him to be our King now, considering."




"You have to trust a King."


"...I think that's different on Amenta."


"People... don't feel that way about blues."


"...I think a King who people didn't trust would have a very hard time ruling. People wouldn't bring things to his attention that he needed to know."


"Yvalta doesn't have a King. It has Houses with heads of household."


"...I don't think that would change the problems with not trusting them?"


"And they're the ones who can give out child permissions."


"I guess that's a reason people would do what they say even without trusting them, but you still have the problem where, say, if something is causing people hurt, they wouldn't mention it to their House head because they wouldn't trust that he'd fix it."


"It depends on the head of household. The good ones will reward people who draw positive attention to themselves even if it's by warning them about a problem."


"I guess that would - work - but it seems very - it's like if parents got their children to listen to them by only feeding them when they did."


"...I don't think the blues regard their subjects as their children," says Vae.

"The conventional wisdom is that they have to limit the population somehow and - that's a way," murmurs Lynt, wrapping his arms around his wife.


"I don't mean it's exactly the same I mean - part of the problem with it is that it's horribly coercive in its own right but the other part of the problem is that you could have a relationship built on love and trust and instead you're extracting a... horrible parody."

       "And I don't see why you don't just let everybody have two. Being a way doesn't make it good enough - killing everybody is a way but it's an evil way -"


"The Voans let everyone have two," says Lynt. "And some other people."


The Elves think this is very sensible.


The oranges do not argue with them.


So do they want to get the blessings, magical or just goodwill-ish, of Vána?

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