okay by comparison Voa and Tapa look like thriving modern democracies
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"...but it died."


"...usually if they ask a rapist to write an apology or whatever the victim doesn't actually want it, it's for the - exercise in empathy."


"How do they make sure it's to their standards?"


"The court reviews it when they're considering early parole. Along with a whole package of things - conduct in prison, plans for release, efforts that have been made to make restitution - you could give her children some money for the funeral or something - both their parents dead -"


"I don't have a lot left after the emergency babysitter unless I'm going to be compensated for the arrest leaving my child in an unsafe environment or something."


" - I am almost certain I can swing that, let me get back to you tomorrow. And then maybe find out their names and say you would never wish the grief of losing a parent on anyone or something."


"...I have no idea how to find out their names."


"All right, I'll look that up too."




She is convicted of murder. Lawyer files appropriate requests. She gets a lot more than the babysitting expenses in support for childcare during arrest.


She apportions some of it - about a year of a red plumber's salary - to be distributed among the children of the victim, and writes a little note that is only about 1/3 plagiarized from a soliloquy.


Her lawyer recommends she testify in the sentencing hearing that she will take anger management classes and do her utmost never to be around a red again and that if she were around one she wouldn't attack the red even if the red were late.


She can testify that. She can pretend not to be simmering with resentment.


There aren't thoughtcrimes. 


She gets three Amentan years with a review for parole after one if she completes the anger management class and the restitution and writes an apology that reflects full understanding of the impact of her actions and reads the heartwrenching recently published biography of her victim.


She signs up for the class and figures out how to send the restitution and polishes the apology and is bewildered about the biography but she'll read it.


And she can request transfer between the various prisons of the Vanda Nossëo consortium with a simple web form. They have different architecture and different numbers of people and some of them have maternity facilities and one of them is literally an entire otherwise-uninhabited planet.


The anger management class teaches calming strategies and asks people to brainstorm about times they've acted angrily and what they wish they'd done instead. Most of her classmates are in for domestic abuse. One stabbed his wife and seems to think he and she have a lot in common. 

The biography is very well-researched; it traces a red life in Rivik in lots of detail and writes about it just as if it were a person experiencing all that.


She may as well be choosy about prisons.

She doesn't think she has anything in common with the guy who stabbed his wife.

It's an interesting sort of speculative work. She reads the whole thing.


They both stabbed a woman for being late! They're pretty much twins!


...wait, how does gender enter into this?


...stabbing a guy is just a different kind of thing than stabbing a bitch.


She hadn't even registered what variety of red she stabbed and only knows it now because people keep mentioning it in languages which have gendered pronouns for some reason.


Her language doesn't?


"I don't think any Amentan languages do."


Weird. Well. The dude isn't sorry he stabbed his wife because otherwise he might've ended up on the hook for child support.


He has a child?

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