okay by comparison Voa and Tapa look like thriving modern democracies
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...well, not now. What he meant by 'she was late' is 'she was maybe preggo'.


...she's confused.


"So I'm hitched to this twat but she doesn't work, living off benefits, picked up smoking some shit she got off some other dude she's probably banging, and she's whiny as fuck and I'd leave but I take a hell of a paycut - my work did dependents benefits - so I'm figuring out how to make that work and then she says she's maybe pregnant and Imma be stuck paying for the kid for fucking forever so I stabbed her in the stomach. I didn't actually want her to die, just to lose the baby."


She's unimpressed.


"Better reason than you had, sweetheart."


"I don't think so."


"If you hadn't stabbed the plumber would you have been on the hook for eighteen years of child support payments?"


"I don't really want to talk to you."


"Wow, we've got ourselves a judgmental murderer. I'll tell you this, if she'd had the fucking kid I wouldn't have killed her with a kid right there."


Social worker tells him to stop talking to her. He stops.


The green's kid visits her on a daily basis. She has a teleporter assigned to her to assist visitation; she teleports to see her mom after school and teleports to stay with her dad in his university accommodation in Tapa at night and teleports to school again in the morning. She is not afraid of her mother.


The social workers are attentive to that and do not leave them alone behind closed doors but otherwise let them be.


The not being left alone thing is annoying.


The courts do not grant murderers unsupervised visitation in prison.


Does it help if the kid asks?


They explain very kindly that they're glad she has such a good relationship with her mother but her mother did something very bad and she is in jail for it and part of jail is that there are people around to keep an eye on you.


"What if I bring my dad?"


That counts as supervised visitation, yes.


Sometimes she brings her dad. He sits in the corner and grades papers.


On Afterlife the oranges' neighbors persist in bringing regular home-cooked goodies for several months.


The oranges appreciate that!

Vae is pretty sure she is pregnant after they have been there for two weeks. Lynt glowingly informs every Elf they meet that they are going to have a baby.


Elves are so pleased for them!!! When it gets closer to time they will bring baby toys and help them build a crib if they'd like help with that!


That would be so nice of them! The Elves are great.


It is sort of customary in this community to make a pilgrimage up to Vána's when planning a baby to get her blessings. People will go with them if they'd like to do that; it's a few days' walking.


A few days walking sounds like a lot even with Vae's limp fixed...


...you could floatcar it? Elves like camping but if Amentans don't it'd be like an hour by floatcar.

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