Template: Landon Sharpe
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Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Aramis knew_the_sight John Patrick Amedori Cimmeria
Inara Sauvesteri timeofyourlife Morena Baccarin Elsewhere
Inara Serra discipline-and-preparation Morena Baccarin Hera
Lan Aeolus be-at-peace John Patrick Amedori Élémentaire
Landon Sharpe defiantly_normal John Patrick Amedori Restraint
Landon Sharpe diplomaticties John Patrick Amedori Mass Effect
Landon Sharpe kingdom-to-behold John Patrick Amedori Eclipse Phase
Lan'dri Sauval love-to-flee John Patrick Amedori Star Trek
Landri Sauval class-defiance John Patrick Amedori Mystic
Landri Sauval spotlight-glow John Patrick Amedori Masks
Landri Sauval use-it-wisely John Patrick Amedori Star Wars
Landri Stark not-a-legacy John Patrick Amedori Marvel Cinematic Universe
Lirael not-like-everyone Elliot Page Charter
Vanya Hargreeves utterlyordinary Elliot Page Umbrella Academy

Posts with Template Instances
Thread Continuity Authors Replies Last Updated
Hiatused Has Warnings they haven't seen the best of us yet [1 2 3 ... 13 14 15] quisquis beneficus est sanguine et igni 352 by Tabs
Hiatused slow your heart rate [1 2 3 ... 14 15 16] Moonlit Embers Practical Survival 387 by Guilty
Complete Has Warnings breathe evenly [1 2 3 ... 25 26 27] Moonlit Embers Practical Survival 655 by Curious Discoverer
Complete reflect what you wish to receive [1 2 3 ... 37 38 39] Moonlit Embers Learn To Feel 951 by Curious Discoverer
Complete Has Warnings this is gospel for the fallen ones [1 2 3 ... 59 60 61] quisquis beneficus est sanguine et igni 1510 by Guilty