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Template: untemplated
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Name Cluster Nickname Screenname Facecast Setting
Alice Cullen could-turn-back-time Twilight, fire and ice
Bella Swan live-for-no-one-else Brigette Lundy-Paine Twilight, fire and ice
Carlisle Cullen through-all-the-hurt Twilight, fire and ice
Edward Cullen cant-forget-love-and-pride Twilight, fire and ice
Emmett Cullen it-all-returns Twilight, fire and ice
Esme Cullen sadness-in-my-heart Twilight, fire and ice
Jasper Cullen in-my-heart-of-hearts Twilight, fire and ice
Katara never-turn-my-back Katara Avatar: The Last Airbender
Miko Miyazaki immune-to-the-fear Miko Miyazaki Order of the Stick
monster in the dark two-empty-places the monster in the dark Order of the Stick
Redcloak your-inexcusable-behavior Redcloak Order of the Stick
Rosalie Cullen whats-done-is-done Twilight, fire and ice
Sokka i-am-not-an-oaf Sokka Avatar: The Last Airbender
Su-Yeong NSians this-time-i-might-just Never Satisfied
Xykon power-equals-power Xykon Order of the Stick

Posts with Template Instances
Thread Continuity Authors Replies Last Updated
Hiatused Has Warnings it isn't the fall that kills you [1 2 3 ... 24 25 26] primrose sun we sure ain't quitters 646 by perinoveau
Hiatused Has Warnings coming from a distant wood [1 2 3 ... 5 6 7] primrose sun 165 by AndaisQ
Hiatused strange magic [1 2 3 ... 15 16 17] from the ashes 405 by TheBiggerFish
Complete back before you know i'm gone [1 2] from the ashes 28 by perinoveau
Complete Has Warnings fallen down [1 2 3 4 5] from the ashes 110 by TheBiggerFish
Hiatused I hold with those who favor fire effervescence 15 by perinoveau
Hiatused Has Warnings much deeper than snow Advent Calendar 2022 15 by perinoveau