Su-Yeong waves down at Hali.
"Hey, come on in! How'd your investigating go?"
"...what the fuck," Hali breathes out, as she pans her 'scope over the scene, "- is he -" like me, Morgan, okay, - "- what happened to his eyes -"
Focusing in to the point that the actual image of what this person would look like to an observer fades out reveals that the underlying mechanisms of their magical respiratory system, as it were, are basically identical to that of a normal magician. There's the reservoir that holds magic and the systems that control and direct it in perfect working condition, except for the part that there isn't any magic. The generators are completely offline. It's not just that they don't have a right eye - Hali's seen, by now, magicians with just one eye, and their magic works completely normally. It's that their left eye just - doesn't produce magic. It's unclear if it fundamentally can't or if there's something external blocking it.
(Before the image fades out, Su-Yeong spots it.)
"I'm pretty sure that is Morgan, or at least his secret twin. And your thingy says he's still in this city?"
"I thought that to a first approximation the eye thing came after the magic generation, but somehow no, what is this, why is this -
"Yeah. He's still in the city."
Is anyone else like him?
"… That house looked pretty nice. Is he… on his own? Can your thing check for that?"
"I could probably arrange for such, with enough effort, but I would like to know why you feel it necessary to spy upon him so, instead of asking?"
Oh oops.
"… Oh, good point. Sorry. I guess it's just -"
She bites her lip.
"We were best friends, him and Tobi and me, for as long as I could remember, until he left to be with Dr. Malliet. And I don't… blame him, y'know, we were on the streets and if I had gotten my magic back then instead of him I'd have made the same call. But - I guess that imagining he moved away hurt less than imagining that he's been here, this whole time, and just… forgot about us. Because we don't matter like magicians do."
She shakes her head.
"I guess I also don't know what we'd say, if we went and knocked on his door. Why we found him, how we found him. I guess since your magic is what found him, you'd probably be better at explaining anyway?"
"...I don't imagine he's forgotten you; did you - actually make any plans to be able to stay in touch, Su-Yeong? Because - it's hard to find two kids you haven't seen for a long while, without magic."
"Yeah. I mean - I guess we didn't, because it wasn't a goodbye, at first? We had known Officer Rothart for a little while before Morgan got his magic - he was a lot nicer than other guards. I mean, most of the guards aren't mean, most of them ignored us, but Officer Rothart would sometimes get us treats, or shoes, or other stuff it was hard to get on our own. And then Morgan got his magic, and… I think that it's a lot easier to take on an apprentice than to legally adopt a kid, especially if you don't have a lot of money, which, in retrospect, they probably didn't. But Officer Rothart kept looking out for us, and sometimes we would all go out for muffins and hot chocolate or whatever. But then, he just. Stopped. I remember we were gonna do something for Morgan's birthday in April and it just… never happened."
"...I wonder if something happened to the doctor.
"Could be related to the 'magic broken' thing.
"...I think we should go talk to Morgan."
Oh no scary social interaction She can handle this, actually, because she's an adult.
She… vents a bit of magic, making a little glowy ball in her hands that she dismisses after breathing deeply for a few seconds.
"Yeah, okay."
"You don't have to come. I'd like having someone who can confirm I'm not just some crazy lady along, but - you don't have to come."
"I think I would rather, all things considered. Both to confirm you're not some crazy lady and also because I want to see him. I can always bail if it seems like it's starting to go south."
"Then - let's go, shall we?"
She'll just make a pointer to Morgan's antisignature, and then they can go find him.
Morgan lives in a pretty nice house in the foothills on the south end of town! The yard's pretty overgrown, though, and tall trees shade the windows.
Hali's mien as she knocks on the front door is - cautious in a way that only people who spring ambushes know.
A pause, and then -
"I'll get it, Master Rothart!" hollers a muffled voice. Feet hurriedly thumpthumpthump down the stairs.
The door opens. The teenager in the door glances briefly at Su-Yeong and Hali.
"… uh, hi? Can I help you guys?"
"Hopefully, yes. If I have correctly identified you as Morgan, your friends from when you were young are kind of miffed they didn't get to come to your birthday party."
(Well, that's suspicious. She looks torn, but - decides to stay and watch. Just in case.)
Possibly-Morgan, however, looks - blank.
"Uh, what? Birthday party? Sorry, I think you've got the wrong house. I don't know any Morgans."
"...Well, that's strange; you're his spitting image." The cat can hear that. "...I don't suppose that you have," and here she somehow manages to heave a dejected sigh at the potential dime-novel dramatic-shenanigans of her question without stepping down from a level of alert that's approximately 'expecting ninja assassins in the next five minutes', "mysterious retrograde amnesia? Because - well, if not, then I'm sorry for troubling you; I'm looking for someone's lost friend, and you're the only person matching the description in the city, but if it's not you, it's not you. If so, though - maybe we should step inside; I don't know what I'm stumbling into at this point, but I find myself preferring to discuss - whatever it may be - in a secure area."