Su-Yeong waves down at Hali.
"Hey, come on in! How'd your investigating go?"
"Yes, absolutely. I like hugs. -- in the more general case try to be not meaningfully more muddy or something than I am but you can absolutely hug me whenever you feel like you want to."
(A twinge of oh no, is she calling me muddy? before she fully processes what Hali's saying.)
She hugs her and then scurries off to the room she's been using as a bedroom. Now with added weasel!
Peony gets a reassuringly sturdy and warm hug that is nonetheless easy to escape!
...Hali is actually pretty good at giving hugs, for all that she's normally rather physically awkward. She just has to think about what she'd want in this situation.
"Thank you for everything," Tobi says quietly once Peony's out of the room. "I… maybe it's a little much to assume, but I see Peony as basically a little sister. So - it feels like in two days, you've done so much to help my whole family."
"It's - the least I could do, really. I'm an adventurer, I'm contractually obligated to meddle." She quirks a small grin at Tobi, clearly intending to soften the serious mood. "And you opened your home to a stranger in need - have done that many times over, I do believe. You're overdue for some kindness in return; I'm just - carrying it out."
"Well, whatever your reason, we're a lot better off. So if there's anything we can do for you, one friend to another…"
His monkey pipes up: "We'd be happy to lend you a hand!"
"...Y'know, that's fair."
She sighs. "I don't really...think there's much that would solve my bigger problems around here, though."
When they eventually break away, Tobi sighs contentedly.
"I think I'm gonna start working on dinner soon. Hali, Lucy, you're both welcome to join us, if you want."
Lucy looks up - they'd been doodling idly at the kitchen table.
"Oh, uh - I should probably get back home, actually."
Somewhat awkward pause as they remember that they actually want to say:
"Thanks for the offer, though."
She'll whisper a Message into Tobi's ear - "Ask if they want to go back or just feel obligated. If you have room, I can run a message over. And camp out, actually."
Tobi tries to not react too visibly to the message, which mostly results in him looking like he might be trying a little too hard at being casual. But she's got a point. He nods, subtly.
"You sure? I don't mean to keep you, but… I'm sure Dr Malliet will understand, right?"
"It's Rothart, now… but maybe he'll wanna switch back since the secret's already out? Anyway, uh… I dunno, I usually do all the cooking."
"I can try to check with Ivy," chirps Piper, who suspects Shenanigans and mostly agrees with them. "But Thierry isn't a helpless baby, Lucy, and I'm sure he'd understand. The three of you used to be really good buddies, right?"
"I mean, we were, but…"
She can tell Lucy's feeling conflicted, and she noticed that someone prompted Tobi - it's not hard to guess who. But she obviously had her reasons for not wanting to say it openly herself, so Su-Yeong isn't about to blow that clean open. Instead, she gets up and goes over to sit next to Lucy.
"I don't want to pressure you any which way. I promise we won't be offended if you don't really wanna stay for dinner, and you shouldn't force yourself to because you think it would be rude not to. But - it goes both ways, right?"
Lucy nods.
"Right. I think…"
They look down at their knees.
"I kinda just want to be alone for a few minutes. Is that okay?"
Tobi fidgets with his hands, a little worried that he's coming across as pushy or overfamiliar.
"Of course! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pressure you!"
"It isn't that. I just think… I dunno what I want to do right now. I'm gonna - take a walk, and then come back, and I'll tell you what I've decided then?"