Su-Yeong waves down at Hali.
"Hey, come on in! How'd your investigating go?"
"Yeah, definitely."
Piper hops onto Lucy's shoulder. "I can come with, if you don't wanna be alone-alone?"
Su-Yeong looks thoughtfully out the window as Lucy heads off.
"I hope we didn't freak 'em out. And I hope that - if they do go back, it doesn't blow up."
She sits down next to Tobi again.
"Things got a little tense at Lucy's place earlier. Dr Malliet-slash-Rothart fell down on the job pretty hard with them - he didn't tell them anything, and they were basically convinced that he hated them and thought they were useless. I think he's just - caught up in everything. I can't say I'd be doing any better if I was a husk for five years, y'know? But that doesn't make it right."