Daily Report - Nov 21, 2021
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Hiatused New [L] [English] [July 7] Freshman Composition
Bella, Daria, Ghassan, Karen, Basira, Alyona, Malak, Sean, Val, Octavia
megacontinuity: scholomance 10 0 3:23 PM
Hiatused Has Warnings New the least ill-advised of all parties
celebrating nie huaisang's first moonshine
all the wise-gifted children 657 72 3:19 PM
Hiatused New [E] [English] Principles of Chemistry
Caio, Daria, Dennis, Shannon
megacontinuity: scholomance 9 9 3:18 PM
Hiatused New [K] [English] [July 7] Victor Hugo
Bella, Ghassan, Wil, Octavia, Adam, Kevin A.
megacontinuity: scholomance 22 0 3:16 PM
Hiatused New Tuesday A block Algebraic first principles
malak, Annisa, lissa, basira, pentecost
megacontinuity: scholomance 8 7 3:09 PM
Hiatused New [GH] [English] [July 7] Formal Logic for Spellcraft
Bella, Theun, Franklin, Basira
megacontinuity: scholomance 39 18 3:03 PM
Hiatused New [EF] [English] [July 7] Intro Lab
Bella, Della, Anastasia, Hannah, Masozi, Lysander, Nia, Orion, Ribo, Adam, Alexius, Ghassan
megacontinuity: scholomance 45 17 2:59 PM
Hiatused New close enough but not too far
Marcy and Ayako, Tuesday morning
megacontinuity: scholomance 17 17 12:11 PM
Hiatused You get a hit and your mind goes ping
Tomonori would like Mal to explain social cues
megacontinuity: scholomance 18 1 12:05 PM
Hiatused Has Warnings the malevolent shrine
Maybe he's less dead than he at first appeared
Aurora 533 6 11:53 AM
Hiatused where two or more are gathered in my name
catholic sunday prayer group in the library
megacontinuity: scholomance 42 17 11:51 AM
Hiatused some things are more foodlike than others [english, open]
Saturday morning snack run
megacontinuity: scholomance 57 8 8:30 AM
Complete Has Warnings down here on my knees
ultimate oblivion modpack: kemonomimi edition
Fulmination 1418 42 5:50 AM
Complete Has Warnings treat my body like a canvas
Fulmination 736 46 5:43 AM
Complete New Monday A block The English Romantic Poets, 1750-1850
personally I like people who aren't dead
megacontinuity: scholomance 2 2 4:00 AM
Hiatused she doesn't quite fit in
Lissa and Julia in the New York reading room
megacontinuity: scholomance 38 3 3:33 AM
Hiatused [AB][English][July 6] Doors And Corners (Intro to Shop)
New York, Orion, Wendy, Haozinne, Ribo, Karen, Masozi, Wilbur, Bobbie, Riley
megacontinuity: scholomance 153 7 2:30 AM
Hiatused now that we have it, how will we make use of it
Val and Sacramento
megacontinuity: scholomance 109 12 2:01 AM
Hiatused [10:45 AM] Modern Geography
Morty, Orion, Marie, Alexius, Virgil
megacontinuity: scholomance 3 1 1:32 AM
Hiatused [mandarin] Introduction to Shop
masozi and wei wuxian
megacontinuity: scholomance 49 4 1:25 AM
Complete Has Warnings snow white then I drifted
someone in this school likes sex right
all the wise-gifted children 157 61 12:23 AM
Hiatused [CD] [English] [July 6] Lab
El, Shannon, Ennis, Marie, Lissa, Alexius
megacontinuity: scholomance 28 12 12:18 AM
Hiatused life will heal and love will bind
masozi lands on queen carissa
Sandboxes 202 12 12:17 AM
Hiatused your stare was holdin'
Cam and Warrior Cats
Sandboxes 7063 33 12:05 AM
Hiatused Has Warnings truck-kun is making an exception here
a Cameron is the demon lord
Phantom Augen 1986 5 12:01 AM
Total: 50