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" - three!"

She rushes forward, trailing her fingers through the air and calling up a new blue ribbon.


Lianne lazily swings her sword one-handed - ready to stop it if Kaylee doesn't dodge - and summons her gold ribbon with her other hand. 


She ducks, sliding along the ground like a baseball player, and whips the ribbon toward Lianne's legs.


She jumps, drops her sword, and snaps the ribbon towards Kaylee.


She sort of spins around up onto her feet, under and around the ribbon, putting her even closer to where Lianne lands; then she conjures up two new ribbons and aims to whip them around Lianne's torso.


Lianne jumps back, then, focusing, creates a loop from both her hands that passes behind Kaylee and yanks it forward.


It catches her; she yelps and laughs as she's pulled forward.


"I have caught you, my pretty!" Lianne says in a fake-evil voice as she tries to make the ribbon loop and properly snare Kaylee (who'll probably have time to get herself free, Lianne's not exactly fast at this).


She does: she conjures a knife in each hand and slashes apart Lianne's ribbon, laughing all the while.  She tosses aside her knives and manages to send one ribbon flying toward Lianne to wrap around her, bursting forward from her hand like a net from an air cannon, then conjures another two, one in each hand, and whips them in her direction.


Lianne successfully dodges the first, but is caught by the second two.


"Aha!  Now I have captured you!"  She tugs on the ribbons, pulling Lianne towards her.


Laughing, Lianne stumbles along, though she twists her hands and gets them free enough to create spools of ribbon aiming to bind Kaylee.


She lets go of the ribbons and jumps backward, soaring up and away - 

 - and then realizes she's given no consideration to how to land, and falls on her back, skidding backward and giggling.


Lianne pounces, trying to catch Kaylee with her ribbons before she can recover.


She succeeds!


"Mwahaha! I have captured the fair damsel!" Lianne quickly conjures more ribbon, aiming to stop Kaylee from cutting through it again.


"Nooooo the knight was the evil witch all along!"


"My true nature is revealed! No one can save you now, my pretty!"


"Mercy, please!  We were best friends once!  Unless we were not in the premise of this joke!"


Through her giggles: "It was all a lie to lure the fairest damsel in the land into my trap!"


"Lianne I don't know if I'll ever recover from this betrayal."


She can't help it - she collapses into helpless laughter. After a few gasps she recovers herself then dismisses the ribbons and walks over to offer Kaylee a hand up. "It appears my evil plan is foiled by the true magic: friendship!"


"The greatest magic of all, second only to big gold swords."  She gets up.  "So, point Lianne!"


"You nearly got me! You're also better with the ribbons; I suspect I would've lost if you'd managed to keep your footing. I have a really good idea of what I need to work on now, though."


"Yeah, I didn't really think that jump through.  Wanna go again?"

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