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Nod nod.  "I'll focus on learning the physical enhancements.  What else can you guys do?"


"I can make ordinary weapons into something that can damage a familiar - not well, and it isn't an efficient use of magic, but it's better than a plain weapon - heal myself and others, create barriers, summon restraints, cancel others' magic, shut off pain - wouldn't recommend doing that, it slows your reaction times - I can also do a few niche things, like affect the rate something's decomposing at. There's a host of other abilities, as well."


"I can't do even half that, though I don't have a lot of spare time for just playing around. I mostly focus on combat stuff. I've gotten pretty good at summoning and using different spears and at healing myself. I'm trying to work on a barrier."


"Oh wow, that's a lot. I wouldn't even know how to begin trying to do any of that stuff."


"I can walk you through things some, though everyone has their own methods and specialties. I mostly focus on low effort, high impact - I can't do anything too draining, like summoning clones of myself - I once fought a girl who could do that."


"Yeah, I'd appreciate that, thanks.  Summoning clones sounds useful - I'd feel weird about it if they were all different people, though."


"I don't think they are from how they fought, just extensions of the original. It seems like a high-magic move, though. Is there anything in particular you want to work on?"


"Hmm... healing other people sounds like it could be useful even outside of fighting witches, if something mundane bad ever happened."


"That's a great thing to work on. I'd suggest studying anatomy and conventional medicine some, too, to make it take less magic. It's also easier to heal others after you've healed yourself a few times, which is pretty intuitive."


"I can do that - it'll be a head start on studying to become a doctor, too, if I decide to try to do both."


"Does anybody have other questions?"


"Yeah. Kaylee hasn't picked a superhero name yet!" She turns towards Kaylee. "Last time we decided we're basically a superhero team. Lianne's Glimmer, I'm Moon Dragon, Alex is Ace of Hearts, and Taylor's waiting until she wishes. You should pick a code name, too. And maybe suggest a team name? We haven't picked one properly yet."


Kaylee giggles.  "I think Bluejay - my costume's blue."


"That's cool! Mine has some small moon designs on it. So Moon Dragon."


"That works!  I don't know what our team name should be, though."


"Yeah, no one had any good ideas either."


"Excuse you, my idea was hilarious."


"It was horrible, is what it was."


"What was your idea?"


"Magical Task Force Five! Or six now, though Magical Task Force Six doesn't sound as catchy."


"It'd have to keep changing!  Magical Task Force f(x) where x is time."


"Magical Task Force Function is actually pretty catchy, if nonsensical. Like most super sentai team names, to be honest."


She giggles.  "If you put enough cool sounding words together it'll all work out."




Sophie groans. "We're not naming the team magical task force anything. It's silly, is what it is. Anybody have a better idea?"

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