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"Yeah, you're like a knight."


"Here to rescue lovely damsels from vile dragons!"


Kaylee laughs and blushes.


She giggles a bit. "Anyways, you said your weapon was daggers? We should probably get to practicing..."


"Yep!"  She plucks a pair of throwing knives from the air, one in each hand.


"Cool!" She then points out the targets they rigged up last time, in case Kaylee wants to work on getting a feel for aim. "I need to practice shaping my sword, but we can also try and practice coordinating attacks?" 


"Yeah, let's.  So, how does this usually work?"


"Last time we all showed off some, then fought each other a bit, and talked about strategies. I think I'd like to practice teaming up some, though - we didn't really have a super good feel for that last hunt."


She nods.  "So like, two on two, or all of us versus Mallory?"


"I'd like to do two-on-two. How about we do one ranged, one melee per team? With Lianne and me as melee, you and Mallory as ranged."


"Sounds good to me.  How do we pick teams?"


"Well, I'd prefer to team up with you, Kaylee. Is that fine with everyone?" 

Both Mallory and Sophie nod.


"Yeah, I'd like that."

"So, um.  Is it... live fire, I guess?  I don't think I can make practice knives."


"I'd recommend practicing against an inanimate target first, for that reason. We can also try to avoid injuring each other."


"Gotcha.  We each just pick a target?"  She eyes one of them, tossing and catching one of her knives.


"That's what I'd recommend, yes."


She nods, steps into line with one of the bullseyes, and throws.

The knife thunks into place near the edge.  "Ha!"


"Good shot! Once you've gotten your aim down, you can try imbuing your knives with more power, though be cautious of how much magic you use for that. Anbd, Sophie, you said you were working on a barrier - " She steps to the side and starts walking Sophie through making her own barriers (Sophie's current angle is a lattice of spears, which she thinks should be less costly than a barrier of pure energy).


Lianne grins at Kaylee. "You've got better aim than I would."

She then backs away from the others some and appears her sword with a twirl, then starts focusing on it to try and get it to lengthen.


Kaylee tries a few more throws.  The second lands a bit closer to the center, but the third goes wide, and blinks out of existence before it hits the ground.


"How'd you get it to vanish like that?"


"I'm not sure.  I didn't want it to fly off and hit something else - I guess there's not really anything to hit - " she laughs sheepishly.

She frowns at the other knives, and they spark out of existence.


"It's a good safety precaution. I suppose it's probably similar to how I vanish my sword, though I have some trouble doing that if I'm not holding it..."


"Maybe it's easier for me since these are supposed to be thrown.  Do you know if Alex can vanish her arrows like that?"


"No. Hey, Sophie, can you vanish your spears easily when they're a distance from you?"

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