smol avalor in early valinor
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When he has been gone for a while they start spreading out and tasting the water and setting up separate spaces for different families to live.


Okay. That doesn't sound like a situation that having powerful magic people doing powerful magic about will immediately improve. They are safe and have food and no need for shelter. And they have the internet which is very important to Amentans. (There is only one computer.) He continues leaving them alone though he does not go home because he'd have to shower.


There is a line for the computer.


He will suggest to his people that they acquire more computers. 


They endeavor to do that.


Computers can be purchased with money.


Money is so weird. 


They get more computers and bring them to the portal.


Reds freeze when more Elves appear.


Elves set down the computers and smile at them and leave.



The lines shrink.


Hopefully they are telling all the other reds that they are not dead and then the other reds won't be so scared.


They could check, if they want to read red websites.


They are alive and it's pretty here but they couldn't pack anything and they have to sleep outside and there's nothing to do.


...Elves would hardly have objected if they'd packed everything. Maybe next time Elves will explicitly say so. There are lots of things to do but maybe reds don't know how to do any of them? He asks his mother to come.


They have no changes of clothes and the plants are edible but they can't get anything familiar to eat and nothing hot or cold. There's no light at night. They don't know where they'll get medicine and some of them might need it. They don't know what to expect about the seasons or if there will be birth control available.


Can Maitimo comment on the forums. (Can his mother help him turn rocks into knives and make furniture.)


Yep she'd be delighted! They get to work on that.


He can!

They have no privacy and they're adjusting to the time zone and they're not sure how far they have to spread out and they want a safety rail around the lake in case kids fall in but they don't have a way to build one and they don't know how fast the food plants will grow back and they've been going to the bathroom over there away from the water but it's getting kind of unpleasant and they didn't have shovels to dig much of a latrine -


Valar can directly fix any of these problems if they want Valar! They should not get sick or need medicine, Valar fixed that. If they do not want Valar they could maybe learn how to build houses and shovels and safety rails and things?


Aaaaah Elf on the forums what do.


Sigh. He and his mother are in the forest making furniture if anyone wants to come watch and learn.


A handful of people go looking in the forest.


This kind of rock can turn into a handaxe just like so and then a handaxe can be used to fell trees of which these are a particularly useful type and then the trees can be sliced up into boards and then the boards can turn into a bed! Maitimo doesn't have the arm strength to help with all parts of this process but can carve the bed to make it pretty and can make some extra handaxes in case reds want them!


Then she can make walls for a house and Maitimo can pluck featherplants from where they're growing at the roots of willow trees and pack them down to make an adequate mattress and then she can start on a loom and Maitimo can collect cotton and beat and disentangle it and then they can have linens!


When they get tired they can start a fire and roast the tasty nuts that burst and are all savory roasted.


On the forums: the Elves seem to think that the reds are going to construct a civilization with stone fucking tools and superstrength. What the fuck.

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