smol avalor in early valinor
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Yeah so that is the part he would not be good at, ordering people killed. 


Well, some blues are ambassadors or legislators instead, or just invest money.


No, ruler is definitely the correct kind of blue to be. And he is an Elf prince rather than a real estate owner isn't he.


Yes, well. He's an Elf not an Amentan blue so it is okay if he is not cut out for all the things an Amentan blue prince would need to be up for, especially as a child.




He soaks up the history and politics lessons.


Amentans have been around for a long time and gotten real creative with politics! There's so much to learn!


Bounce bounce. 


He teaches Avalor faces. He takes notes in tengwar.


He thinks he could probably get good at ordering people killed to protect his people.


Avalor is not as good at faces as he is, although telepathy helps a lot and she does try.


He has the sense that it is very unusual to be as good at faces as he is. He is glad that he got an unusual talent because it makes him feel more qualified to be prince of his people.


"I wonder what the world would be like if everyone could do the thing," says Avalor.


"I think it would be nicer! The thing usually makes me nicer to people because I can see what they are feeling and I like it when they're proud and happy and admire me and like me. And no one would cheat or lie much because they couldn't get away with it."


"I don't think liking it when they're happy is the same thing as being able to do faces," says Avalor.


"They feel related. Or more it feels like it's because I needed to play everyone just right that I got so good at faces but lots of other people need that and don't get as good at faces so I'm not sure."


"Why did you need to do that?"


" - because otherwise there would be awkward interactions and it would be really bad - my father's not good at this kind of thing and so it'd keep happening that he ended up - hurt and sad - and other people ended up offended and upset - just because none of them knew how to do it the right way -"


"Over what?"


"All kinds of things. Small talk. Requests for favors that he'd be defensive or upset about. Criticism, people who were just testing him -"


"So what do you do about it -"


"Uh, I act cute and say innocent things that get the topic onto something better, or I rephrase things in a less hurtful way and then prompt them with my phrasing, or I'm snuggly and get my father to calm down - I'm going to enlist the baby for that, babies are better at it - or I just handle it all myself and then let people feel like it was Father by also interacting with him a lot during the conversation so they feel like he said a lot and also they got what they wanted and clearly he's good at what he does -"


"Why can't you just teach him faces."


"He's only sometimes mean out of incompetence sometimes it's - not caring about the interaction or the person, or insecurity. And he can't seem to pick it up, I do try explaining. Anyway he's not going to be King he'll give it to me."


"He's green smart not blue smart."


" - yeah that's it."




"My mom and my grandpa Mahtan are green smart too but I don't think I'm at all green smart."

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