smol avalor in early valinor
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"If they did it to everyone, then nobody would be careful any more."


Yeah. I guess what they should do is figure out how to make them actually clean and then do it so no one has the creepy crawly feeling any more but there's nothing bad getting spread around.


"Yeah. Or just put them on a planet and they can stay there."


That sounds easier. 


Nod nod.


He asks the Valar to do an extra-nice planet for the reds once they've found enough planets for everyone.


They are hard at work terraforming planets!


Amenta is SO EXCITED.


And not murdering? Elves are unapologetically reading the minds of various Empire staff as they get a chance.


They are setting up a pilot program of sending capital criminals to Lórien; they are assembling people whose victims weren't important or related to anyone important so they can get results without political interference and other aspects of the justice system are continuing as normal for now. They are not trying to annex anything other than their new planet.


Elves can live with that. Voan secession can be a battle for a different day.


Lórien finds it very straightforward to make criminals not want to commit crimes and be very sad that they ever did.


People study the criminals he has done this to! Are they otherwise affected?




Cool! They can send him more criminals.

Some of the criminals are really unhappy about this! Some of them say they are innocent!


Lórien can read minds!


Some of them are innocent! Some of them are guilty but it's complicated! Some of them would like to be able to jump train turnstiles even if they can't murder people any more! Some of them would not have committed their crimes if they expected to survive them because that seems really awkward! Some of them think the whole grafted-on remorse thing is in opposition with their philosophical beliefs and/or expect negative effects from it!


If they're actually innocent he tells the Empire so. He does not really understand 'complicated' and he does not want them to be able to jump train turnstiles. If they want to be executed instead that is a strange preference but after some discussion with Rúmil Lórien decides that's fine.


Most of them don't actually want that they just have complicated feelings. Some of them do. Some of them would want to live under different circumstances than what they expect if they go home.


...they could stay in Lórien?


Some of them are up for that at least for now! It's pleasant here.


It is! Very relaxing and everything is edible and the environment shifts to be whatever you'll find nice.


It doesn't have all the comforts of civilization but it's just so nice and relaxing if you have, say, been on the run from the cops for five years and they got you and roughed you up and then you spent a few weeks in a holding cell waiting for pilot program approval!


Lórien is really sorry their world sucks so much! The Valar are working on that.


If this place had internet and they could have kids in it it'd be just perfect!


Lórien doesn't mind if they have kids as long as they get married first to someone of the appropriate gender. Internet seems harder.

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