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The Malformed Twins in wotr
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Malenia, also cannot, but doesn't need to.


"Then we'll have to use torches - I brought a few. Anything inside will see us coming before we see it, though."

The torches he produces aren't bright enough to light the far end of a large room.


She'll go first, unless Wenduag wants to lead, and be ready for a fight.


Wenduag will be right behind her to give directions and look for danger, but she will fall back if fighting seems likely. The rest will follow a little farther behind with the torches.

(This means Wenduag and Malenia will still be silhouetted by the torchlight, but at least Wenduag won't lose her night-vision and might be able to shoot things outside of the light's range.)


The doors are stuck half-open, but they can squeeze inside.

The first room is small enough for it to be clear quickly that it's empty. There's a single door in the far wall, and a strip of the floor leading to it is painted red like a welcoming carpet; the whole floor is smooth and painted with intricate designs, and there are candle-stands and banners hanging on the walls, all with the same red-on-white symbol.

There are also two sculpted goat's heads hanging on the far wall, framing the door.


"Those are Baphomet's," Anevia says grimly. "And his cultists love secrecy, so if they're displaying them openly, it means either they're sure no-one else will ever come here, or it's someone else who wants us to think it's Baphomet's cult."


"If there's people here, will we have to kill them? I would prefer not to, but we are currently quite constrained in our options..."


"If they're hostile - and certainly if they're cultists of Baphomet, who are both hostile and lie about it - I don't see what else we can do. Cultists are executed in the city even when there isn't a demon invasion. We need them out of here so the tribes can go through, but more to the point, the tribes are going through to help us fight the demons, and Baphomet is on the enemy's side."


"It's wrong to kill someone who honestly repents, but I don't see how they could do that in the middle of a fight, or how we could tell. I want to give people the chance to repent and mend their ways, and I hate killing people who'll probably go to the Abyss and become demons themselves. But I don't see what else we can do! In a war it's us or them!"


"I don't think it's wrong to kill demon cultists. They've made themselves the enemies of all good and law-abiding people, and they can't be up to any good down here. Even if we didn't need to clear the Maze, I wouldn't want them anywhere near the tribe!"


Wenduag is mystified by this preference of not killing any people ever and can't offer any useful advice.


Anevia's assessment is reasonable, he isn't going to hold Seelah's warring ideology against her, and Lann's desire to have them away from the tribe is understandable, though he still wishes he didn't need to kill them to do it. He's not voicing any of that, though.

Also, apparently people here do go somewhere when killed, that's important to know.

"Alright then. Let's go clear the way." he says, with grim resolve.


The next room is a long hall, its far end lost in darkness. Advancing reveals a big pile of rubble that cuts it in two; someone collapsed the ceiling to form a barricade, or the recent earthquake might have done it.

There are also three men huddled on the near side of the barricade. They try to hide in the shadows, but Wenduag and Miquella can both spot them, and there aren't enough shadows to hide in anyway when the torch gets near.


One of them shoots a crossbow at Wenduag. Another shoots a glowing missile at Malenia, which hits no matter how well she dodges and bludgeons her a little.

The third charges her with a glaive, as Wenduag dodges the bolt and falls back.


She tries to dodge the missile, and is surprised when it hits her anyway, but it's not a significant impact. 

The one with the glave can be impaled on her sword, as she moves towards the one who shot the missile.


He fires a crossbow at her on pure instinct and then freezes in mortal fear as she moves towards him, nonchalantly holding up a struggling man in full armor impaled on her sword.

The other wizard goes down under the concentrated fire of three archers.


She dodges the crossbow bolt, and in the same motion, slashes at him.

As she pulls the blade back, the impaled man slides off it.


Wenduag has already seen Malenia dispatch centipedes, but that was a glimpse of - something else. She'll definitely want to stay on her good side until she's sure Savamelekh is stronger. (She's not holding out much hope for Hosilla anymore.)


As the person here who has seen the most by far of powerful people fighting, Anevia is very appreciative. She wishes Malenia hadn't fallen into the crevasse with them and was helping fight off the demons in the city.


"We'll have to go through other rooms to reach the far end of this one."


"Unless Malenia can jump over it while holding us," Anevia suggests, because it pays to check. Even if she can't, knowing whether it's entirely laughable or just a bit outside her abilities will be useful.




Oh well.

Wenduag leads them through a series of rooms. Most of them are empty, but one has several -


"Are those mongrels?"


Right on cue, the mongrels scream and attack the nearest party member.

With their hands and feet. They don't have any weapons, and they're not saying anything. Just crying out in anger, and trying to pummel anyone they can into submission.

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