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The Malformed Twins in wotr
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"Then we should probably wait. I have a few lay on hands but not enough for six, and the children might be wounded too. We don't have any wizards, so we can keep on fighting as long as we have healing."


"Let us find some place to rest, then."


They are welcome to rest in the tribe's huts and buy supplies from its trader and cleric-of-Abadar Dyra!


But first, they are accosted by an older human man in fine dress.

"Finally, someone else from the surface! I was beginning to lose hope!" His eyes dart to Camellia's face, and then stay firmly away.

"Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Horgus Gwerm - no doubt you have heard of me if you've spent any time in the city. And I have a proposition for you: if you lead me safely to the surface, I will pay you a thousand crowns."


Anevia smiles ruefully. "Of all the people to meet down here... I am glad you survived the fall!"


"A miracle of Abadar, to be sure. And I am sorry to see you wounded; that makes two of us who need safeguarding."


"Miquella's going to heal her! We're waiting for him to, uh... figure it out, but he says it'll only take an hour. But we're going into a dangerous situation; we can't in good faith take civilians with us."


"My offer stands. If it is too dangerous now, then come back for me after you've cleared the way."


"Of course. We'll set off for the Shield Maze once I can get Anevia healed, it's supposed to lead to the surface. Once we have a safe route, you're welcome to come."


"I will wait here, then." Anevia is welcome to sit and chat with him to take her mind off her leg while she waits for healing.


...they are welcome to rest in the tribe's huts, etc!

(Seelah gently intercepts Dyra, who is very eager to trade with surfacers, so that Miquella can have some quiet to concentrate in.)


He'll sit down, and focus on rederiving healing magic from fundamentals, which to outside observer looks like tracing golden shapes in the air with his finger.


Malenia sits next to him, unclasps her arm, and removes her helmet, revealing her face to be also consumed by disease, including both her eyes. 

She looks tired, but is still ready to fight, should anyone threaten them.


Noone here has any reason to threaten them! Some people are obviously very curious about Malenia's condition, but it would be rude to ask even if she wasn't guarding her brother's concentration.

(Some people give their hut a wide berth; what if the disease spreads?)


Eventually, he does have a fundamentalist version of healing. It's much harder to do without relying on the Erdtree, and he derives it in a rush, so it ends almost directly applying Regression, which makes it much more exhausting than it needs to be, but it should work.

He calls Anevia, and anyone else who might need healing, because it's actually simpler to do it in an area, than tightly focused on the target.


This village is actually much better off than most neather tribes, because Dyra channels twice a gong, so there's just their party with its assortment of scratches and bruises - and Horgus Gwerm, who it transpires was badly wounded by his fall and only mostly cured by the one channel since.


It's not entirely unlike a Channel, though more powerful and slightly less gentle. Being a hastily-constructed incantation, it 'snaps' everyone back to health. 

It does nothing for Malenia, of course. Her problem is much harder to fix. But Anevia's leg should be fine now.


"Thank you!" Anevia puts weight on her leg experimentally, then does a little jig. "Good as new!"


It felt somehow different from normal divine healing.

A channel or a cure spell closes wounds over several seconds, the body's natural healing driven in fast forward motion. Camellia has a lot of experience watching people be healed of various wounds, and this - wasn't normal.

Some powerful spell like Heal might be truly instantaneous, but who would cast a Mass Heal to fix one broken leg?

Miquella has some rare kind of magic, then, and those often end up - important. Something to ponder.


Wenduag is oblivious to any potential difference between this unassuming little man in white robes and Dyra, in power or in kind.

"Ready to leave?"


"Yes. Let us waste no more time."


Then they can take a boat to the opposite shore from the one they came from, and after a last short tunnel, arrive at a wall made of worked stone with a door standing slightly ajar.


"This is the way into the Maze. I don't know who built it or why, but it's not whoever lives in it now. There are monsters, vermin and elementals like the ones we get in the tunnels but worse. There are humans sometimes, down from the surface; I tried talking to them once but they attacked me. And there are some - things, in the dark, that killed most of us one by one when I first came here with my friends." She shivers. "I still don't know what that was."

"I haven't been in for months. It could be better now, or worse. I can lead us to what I think is the way up, because it keeps going up stairs, but I never made it to the surface. And there are other doors I never opened."

"Can you see in the dark? I can, a little, but Lann can't."


Seelah and Anevia are boring humans who can't see in the dark at all.


Miquella also cannot.

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