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The Malformed Twins in wotr
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Anevia squints. "There's the Prelate leading the fight on the other side. All is not lost!"

Except for Terendelev's corpse, that seems pretty lost. "I really hope whoever took Terendelev's body is an ally... The Prelate would have raised her by now, but Deskari cut off her head; maybe it's still missing." Her head is small enough for a Large demon to steal (not to mention Deskari himself), or even just to throw down into the chasm, and it's an obvious move to stop the crusaders from raising her.


"Who even could take her body? She's huge..." Seelah is really hoping to hear an answer besides the obvious one.


"Maybe someone Called a really strong outsider?" Yeah, she wouldn't bet on it, but she'd like to keep hoping while she can.


"Who is the Prelate?"


"Lord Prelate Hulrun Shappok. Governor of the city in Her Majesty Queen Galfrey's name, head of the Mendevian Inquisition - which is Iomedae's - and incidentally the strongest anti-demon fighter in the city after Terendelev, and one of the strongest in the country, at least out of those who actually work for the country. He's an inquisitor, not a paladin, but a really strong one."


"I think you know better where we should go next. Lead on."


"I think we should go over to the Prelate - around the chasm - but let's ask the people at Desna's really quickly if there's a reason we shouldn't."

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