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The Malformed Twins in wotr
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Anevia tries to retreat back up the stairs; she didn't do this earlier because she was afraid of other reinforcements hitting them from the rear.


He backs up with them, and raises his hand to throw a disc of holy light at one of the demons.


It's easy to hit one of them with it, because they're in melee for the express purpose of hitting him back!


Cambions are immune to electricity and poison and resistant to fire, acid, and weak spells. In other words, they're the weakest demons on the ladder, barely above dretches. 

They have no idea what makes some light holy, but Miquella's spells are not weak and and one of their number has just been burned to death.

The remaining two swing their scimitars at him in a frenzy.


Seelah throws herself at one of them and the three archers pepper the other, but it will take them some turns to put both of them down!


He is much tougher than he looks, and though the scimitars do wound him, golden blood showing, it's not a significant damage. He can get out of their range, but he can't really throw another disc with Seelah there.


She has, by now, dealt with the cultists, and can carefully stab one of the demons.


With Seelah and Malenia working together, Miquella and the archers can escape the melee, and then the result is not in doubt.


Seelah grimaces. "We should be more careful. Someone could have died just now, if we had been unlucky!"


"I didn't stay at a distance because I didn't know if they had more reinforcements behind us. In retrospect, Miquella was enough to hold this door and you should have been guarding the one they came from. It's easy to see the right plan in retrospect, though."


Lann has a shallow gash across his chest. "I'm in favor of being more careful - we weren't even helping much, because we couldn't shoot past Malenia into the room!"


Seelah lays her hand on him, and the gash shrinks and disappears.

"We have more archers than fighters, normally we'd let them fight from a distance. But Malenia is so much stronger than everyone else, I think we - didn't want to risk anyone else actually fighting? That's good if it works, we don't want to risk people needlessly, but then the archers shouldn't be right next to the melee... I don't know what to do, then."


"We have to be more careful with angles we can be attacked from. I can deal with the main threat, and Seelah and Camellia should watch the doors and other openings for potential attacks."


Camellia actually enjoyed the crazy melee! She got to stab the demons in the back while they kept trying to attack other people!

"I'll watch out for more attackers," she promises.


The small room the cultists were in looks weirdly unfinished; the near wall is made of the same regular stone as the rest of the Maze, but the far side looks like it's still being excavated. There's another (closed) door in the side wall.

The door the cambions came through (and left open) leads to a different, much bigger room. There's a pit with decomposing bodies, and the far end has prison cells and what looks like implements of torture. The whole place stinks horribly.

There is also yet another open door - or at least, an open doorframe, the door itself seems to be missing - and four sigils on the wall next to it, glowing in different colors.


"Ugh, this place really is a maze. Maybe we should check the bodies for clues, or a map." They've been moving too quickly for proper looting.


Wenduag is having serious second thoughts about her role in all this.

She planned to take them straight to Hosilla, and the side with the victor. This will be harder if the victor is Hosilla, who then demands to know why all her men have been killed.

On the other hand, she's pretty sure Malenia can kill Hosilla. And if Savamelekh happens to be here and kills Malenia, he probably won't care too much about Hosilla's men... if they can take out Hosilla herself first, Wenduag might even become Savamelekh's new chief minion.

Anyway, she doesn't have much choice anymore; if she vanishes into the shadows and disclaims all responsibility, Lann will insist on making the party search for her to make sure she's alright.

"I warned you. If those were all of them, we should go back."


He'll quickly search thorugh the cultsits' possesions. Though it's obvious that he doesn't have experience in looting, he's reasonably efficent.


Anevia joins him in the search.

"It seems they have a leader called Hosilla, and this was one of her two lieutenants," she reports. "He had orders to do - a bunch of things we probably don't care about - earth elementals for excavating this place, raising lizards for meat... No mention of the missing neather children."

She turns another page. "Apparently there's a 'paladin sword' here somewhere and he was told to rearrange some pictures to hint at the key to the room it's stored in? 'Yellow, blue, red, yellow.'" 


There are also four potions of cure light wounds, several scrolls of bane, and of course their weapons and armor and spare arrows if they need those.

(Lann and Wenduag pick up two of the cambions' longbows; they seem well made even if the style is a big offputting.)


A 'paladin sword' sounds intriguing (and makes her worry about the paladin whose sword it was), but they don't know where it might be and they need to look for the missing children -


"It might be that door with all the colored sigils?"


Huh. Anevia looks past door, which opens into a small storage door.

"That's definitely a sword," she agrees. Looks untrapped, too. 


"Is that Radiance?!"


"Radiance? Is that like Heaven's Light?"

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