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The Malformed Twins in wotr
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Seelah lets Malenia past her, because she really doesn't think she can defeat the cultist in time before someone dies!

She does have one last lay on hands left; maybe she can take on a couple of quasits before dying.

"For the Inheritor!" she bellows, because her lungs are the one part of her that doesn't feel like it's been glaived half to death. And charges.


Malenia sees the opening, and leaps at Hosilla.


Oh for - can she do the thing again where she pushes past the next enemy?


That depends, can Camellia push someone in front of herself first?


The next person in line behind Camellia is Miquella, who has been pushing forward, so this works out for both of them!


How about Hosilla takes a disc of holy light? 

Also, if she tries to strike him with the glaive, he isn't either human or half-elf, and she's unlikely to have any idea what the correct specification to hurt him is.


She can't dodge it in the tight quarters of the stairwell, and it burns at her. The golden warrior is hacking at her back again. Hosilla realizes she's about to die in this miserable dungeon, and this makes her very angry.

This is unfair. Everything is unfair. She should have had more, more of everything.

She can't avoid dying by an act of pure will, but she's double-damned if she's going to die alone.

Hosilla ignores Malenia and puts all she has into a cleaving blow aimed for Miquella's neck.


He can't dodge it in the middle of casting the spell, but it's not a fatal hit for him, though now there's quite a bit of golden blood spilled around.


If Hosilla ignores her, she will get stabbed, in addition to Miquella's disk.


With Hosilla fallen, the archers can finally come up to help Seelah get rid of the quasits.


"I still don't know what we should have done, but probably not that! Going up the stairs in single file and then letting the enemy get in between us!" Despite her words, Seelah is grinning; they took down a powerful cultist with no casualties, just a lot of bruises.


Anevia is kneeling down over Hosilla's body. "She had a lot of nice gear," she reports, "some of it probably magic. Miquella, can you identify this stuff? There's a pendant and two rings, besides her armor and glaive. Ooh, and she was carrying correspondence, that could be useful!" She carefully smoothes out several letters, stained in shades of red and gold, and quickly skims the contents.


He's better with crafted items than naturally magic ones, he'll take a look at her gear.


These magic items have been crafted in a tradition over ten millenia old and informed by civilizations from other planes!

The pendant and one of the rings are for protection. The other ring is linked to some other magic item far away and doesn't do anything actively if you put it on. The glaive can hit with extra oomph and frightens nearby people when it does. The armor isn't magical.


"The pendant and this ring do protection, the glavie seems to induce fear, and this ring is tied to something that isn't here, I can't quite tell what's it  supposed to do."


If he can't identify them precisely than she'd rather not put any of them on, but if someone else wants to put on a dead cultist's ring of protection, Anevia won't - no actually she will try to argue them out of it, that stuff came from an empowered of Baphomet! Don't put it on without a proper Identify spell, that's how you get cursed!


That is very sensible and also Wenduag will claim this ring of protection as her prize if Anevia doesn't want it. (To keep, not to wear right away; she's not stupid.)


Division of unidentified loot is really far down her list of priorities at the moment, and will remain there until she sees Irabeth alive and well. What worries her more is possible infighting over loot, and if she abstains and Miquella and Malenia are too strong to bother with it and the two neathers can agree between themselves, things should more or less work out.

She glances at the others to see how they're taking it.


Wenduag is also looking at Malenia for permission and/or approval.


Camellia doesn't want a pendant or a new ring and has no use for a glaive.


Lann doesn't mind getting a pendant instead of a ring, or honestly nothing at all as long as they find the younglings they came here to find! Is this really the time to be splitting the loot? They haven't won yet.


Malenia isn't interested in picking up trinkets from the cultists, at least for now.


Strong and lets her have stuff she didn't really fight for: best boss.

This is even better than Savamelekh happening to be here and squishing everyone except her! He'll never learn she helped them and she'll never have to grovel to that bitch Hosilla again.




It's the day of the big invasion and he's unrelatedly busy killing some annoying demons when a little light in his mind, connected to a ring he's wearing, turns off.


Of all the bloody days, she had to choose this one to bite it. He's annoyed and angry and can't even take it out on her without getting someone to raise her first, and then getting them to do it again afterwards. (Being a demon of death can be so inconvenient.)

He could go make his pet wizard scry her body, but it would take an hour and he doesn't want to wait an hour because he is angry.

What the Abyss, he'll go handle it himself. He was going to go there tomorrow anyway. Terendelev's dead and no-one else in the city can threaten him and anyone coming in at the last moment to fight crusaders wouldn't be dungeon-crawling anywhere near his pet project.

Deeper darkness. Greater teleport, to one of several disguised side-chambers in the dungeon ("maze", if you insist, but he'd seen better mazes from Deskarites) reserved for that purpose.

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