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The Malformed Twins in wotr
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"I should be able to heal the damage, but there's a small problem with incantations here, so I'll need a while to think how to do it." He'll have to derive healing incantations from fundamentals, without relying on the Order being present here.

"We only recently arrived here... where are we, actually? We just sort of... appeared outside the city."


"You had a teleport accident? This is Kenabres."

"In Mendev, on the eastern border of the Worldwound," she tacks on when their faces look like they might have had a greater teleport accident. "It houses one of the Wardstones, and most of the crusaders and crusades pass through this city on their way to fight the demons."

"I'm Anevia Tirabade, by the way, and this is Seelah, a paladin of Iomedae."


Asking more questions now is likely to make them appear too weird and probably complicate the near future, so he doesn't.

"Pleasure to meet you, though I would prefer the circumstances to be better."


"Likewise! Do you have a way to get out of here? I really want to go back and help defend the city but, uh, those walls don't look climbable, and Anevia has a broken leg and I'd need to get her somewhere safe first."

"I guess we can go along the fissure and see if there's somewhere we can just walk out?" Presumably someone will eventually get around to, like, lowering a rope ladder, but only after the fighting's done.


"I think the two of us could climb out, but I don't have a way to get you too. We can go along."

Can Anevia walk?


By leaning on Seelah and taking it easy, yes.

After a few more zigzags of the fissure, they come on two more people. This time one of them is already dead; he looks as if one of the demons savaged him before he fell down. The woman standing over him turns her rapier warily in their direction.

"Who are you?"


"We're friends! I'm Seelah, a paladin of Iomedae." She introduces the other three.


The young woman relaxes. "I'm Camellia. Like you, I fell down. I tried to help this man, but he was already dead..."


"Do you want to come with us? We're looking for a way back into the city, hopefully without a fight since Anevia is already wounded."


"I would appreciate that. I have a few spells, but I would feel much safer in a paladin's company."


That is an entirely appropriate thing for someone to feel! Seelah feels an inner glow of Validation.


Anevia checks the dead body briefly, but it is so mangled that she cannot tell who it was, and there are no identifying papers in its pockets.


After the next corner, they come upon an... object on the floor. It looks like a hand-sized scale, shed by a huge lizard (or perhaps a dragon), except that it is glowing with silver light.

"What's that?"


"It looks like one of Terendelev's scales, except for glowing. Can any of you see magic?"


He never learned proper Sorcery, it didn’t seem a promising avenue for healing his sister, or any other major problems with the world, but his father did teach him the basics. He'll try sorcerous methods for feeling magic flow.  


The scale's is clearly magic and the magic is good and it wants him to know what it does so he can use it: to resurrect someone whose dead body he has. 

Admittedly it would be nice if he could use it to resurrect Terendelev, but it's willing to be used on anyone, really, raising people is Good.


"It is indeed magic, apparently it can resurrect people?"

He feels guilt for everyone he failed to save. He also feels guilty for not saving everyone yet, but seeing Terendelev die, right after she healed him from affliction unknown, without even knowing who he is, that pains him much more sharply. 


"Do you think it could restore Terendelev herself?" he asks Anevia/Seelah/Camellia. 


She puts her left hand on his shoulder, in a gesture of wordless reassurance. 


Anyone who looks at it, can see it covered in orange scales, which definitely aren’t a sign of health. 


"Raise dead works the same on every mortal creature, as far as I know, including dragons, but I'm no expert. Terendelev died at least one during the Fourth Crusade, so it's clearly possible even if it requires a more powerful spell."

She is curious about the orange scales but it doesn't seem relevant or urgent, and she can't just ask when she doesn't even know their background yet. The golden prosthetics (?) are exotic enough already.


"We should take it, then. And use it to raise Terendelev if we can, or give it back to her if someone else does it first."


"We should." he agrees. There’s still a way to heal it all. He'll hold on to that hope. 


The chasm opened by Deskari's strike eventually connects to a series of more natural-seeming caverns.


"I've never heard of natural caverns below Kenabres. And I really ought to have, if there's a way from them back up into the city."


The caverns also contain some giant centipedes, which implies they are large enough to contain enough of whatever the centipedes eat, and a breeding population.


When centipedes prove aggressive, it actually takes longer for her to confirm that Miquella won’t be too upset about them killing insects in this situation, than to actually dispatch them. 

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