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another monstergirl powers thread
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“I dunno… I mean context matters to all touches no matter where they are. But they feel pretty sensitive in… that kind of way. It is relaxing, just relaxing and also tingles.” Gosh he feels cuddly right now after that petting. Stupid friend zone. Sammy is kinda cute and the new part of him realllly wants at least to cuddle. 

“Guess we go back to the con?…” He can’t help but sound at least a little dissapointed.


"I can at least hug you. Friends hug. I just..." Pause. "I can talk about if if you give me a minute to gather my thoughts."


“I don’t wanna pressure you into anything! Just was nice and had me feeling cuddly. New sensations are fun. And It’s probably powers related. So like, does that count as impaired? Anyway being friends is cool! Totally don’t have to do anything for my sake.”

He really is surprised he managed to say all that, it’s still embarrassing to talk about but not cripplingly so like he would expect it to be.


"Well, come have a hug at least. Put those arms to use, even if wing-hugs are nice as well."


Awkward scoot closer, and then fluffy hug. Andrea’s tail can’t help but wag a little.


Sammy is good at hugs. Very steady despite his shortness.

"It's perfectly valid to want to be touched. We humans do like to make things complicated though, don't we?"


“Heh, now I can make fun of silly humans now I am a obviously superior doggirl. Y’all aren't even fluffy. Even my bird form is fluffy with soft feathers.” Hugs are niiiicee. Do resist the urge to nuzzle his neck, that would be weird. Andrea bets a pack of these wolf girls would be very very cuddly with each other just going by the urges he has in this body. Like those cute TikToks of a pile of puppies cuddling.


"Are you a human when you're at home?"


Uncomfortable slight flinch. “I can be my old self if I want to… Just… doesn’t happen that often, if I can get away with it… now that I can stay transformed and have hands… It’ll probably be almost never.” Now he’s talking about it, he’s realised he only really stays in Andrea classic flavour for going to class or to post things using fingers. He spends as much time as he can as Garuda… it’s just… easier to not be himself.

“I mean if you could be cute and strong and popular and fluffy, why wouldn't you?”


It is time to un-hug.

"Well, I am me and not you, but... I would, I think. At least sometimes. It'd be thrilling to have powers like yours, but I would find it to be a performance, and grow tired of the publicity and the act. People are different, though! It sounds like you might not be very comfortable with who you were, and found someone new to be. A cheerful bird girl, or a cute dog girl. Which is entirely valid. Some things just... Suck, with no real redeeming qualities, and can be discarded. I only ask because this kind of thing touches on my own reluctance to get involved. I try to keep my life as simple and relaxed as possible, so that I stay comfortable within it. So I avoid... Fraught things. Perhaps that's cowardice of a sort..."


”I just… feel less trapped in my own head when I’m a bubbly fun bird. And the wolf girl form feels much braver than I am… Doubt I’d be able to talk about anything serious like this as myself without panicking.” Man… being his human self does suck the more he looks at it.

”And the publicity is kinda nice… Got cool people who liked my stuff like you. It’s not like I can’t just ignore twitter if I just wanna chill. I dunno, I still have to human mode to get groceries and stuff. Probably still will just because as the wolf person I’d get attention to where I lived. Being able to transform is really great for having a secret identity, heh.”

Platonic side hug to Sammy. “If being myself was chill, I’d just keep everything the same too. I understand that impulse.”


"I almost do want to kiss you. And maybe I'm a bit unfair by asking for slightly edgy photos. It's just... Almost impossible to do something like that and not generate drama some how, some way. I'm not sure if I would regret it, you know?"


“It’s not like I was expecting anything but sketches when I sent you the Garuda pics! Didn’t know we’d ever meet up or anything. You’re allowed to find a girl cute without committing to taking their hand in holy matrimony you know.” Andrea totally does not regret sending those pics, the sketches were amazing and if someone cool like Sammy thought they were hot then thats fine! Sammy is cute, but Andrea has no idea if he likes him in the romantic way that Sammy seems to worry about this turning into a thing if they do stuff.

”Part of me likes the idea of a no drama friend kiss… the urge to lick your cheek is there too heh. But also it’d be my first kiss with a boy so the human part of me would like it to be a liiiitle more special than that. You know, the whole romantic movie moment expectation… which I know is a little silly.” Andrea pats Sammy on the knee. “So it’s fine! Just hanging out is cool. And if I get over needing a movie magic moment. I’d be fine with no drama friend smooches if you would be.”


"Hmm... Agreed. I think that's good enough for now."

One more brief hug.

"Back to the con?"


“Sure! But as Garuda or yet to be named wolf… Guess I should stick to Garuda until I reveal my new form publicly…” Well, they’ve hung out as wolf girl long enough that they can turn back into birb again. Whatever timer thing that limits rapid shifting has run out. “Just turn around when I do so you don’t see my secret identity.”


Sammy will duck into the hotel bathroom.

"You know, I think more supers should just sort of live their life, with powers, than try to do the whole crime fighting thing... There's a lot of toxic ideas bundled up in there, and amateurs make mistakes, you know?"


And now Andrea is birb again! Gosh now with being the bubbly Garuda, the leftover nice feelings from ear pats and hugs sure make him want to cling to Sammy and smooch him. Bad birdbrain! He doesn’t want that.

”Feels kinda a waste though… Like I can fly. I should use that? And I’m sure Wolf form can do something cool too. I mean being super pretty is great too but I should probably use this power for more than twitter likes.” Not that twitter likes aren't great! Basing your feelings of happy on validation from strangers is definitely not at all unhealthy, or it wouldn't feel so nice.


"I bet you can sell flight rides. It's a lot of fun! Or maybe you can be a crane. Those are expensive, I think."

Back towards the elevator.

...Someone in Goku cosplay waiting by the hotel elevator double-takes at them and gasps. "It's Garuda!"


“Uhmmm hi! Yep it’s me.” Someone recognised him from the internet! Eeeee! Micro fame!


"Nice! I had a question I don't think you saw on Twitter. Would you mind if someone wanted to cosplay as you? My little sister likes 'the pretty birdie' and a little wing-arms coat would be a nice way to introduce her to it, I think!"


“Oh uhm sure! I don’t mind at all. Thats adorable.” Awwww a little girl wants to be like Andrea. That makes him feel weirdly fluttery.


"Awesome! Okay! Getting giant feathers is the hard part, I think I'm going to cut them out of felt patterns and sew the tops to the coat..."

Ding! Elevator. Goku Cosplayer will ramble about Garuda costume plans the entire way out to the parking lot if you let him.


Andrea is not good at interrupting people! He’s always scared It’ll be seen as rude. And cosplay is kinda cool to learn about. There will just be polite nodding and appreciative noises as they get rambled to.


"Mr. Son Goku, you should get your phone out if you want to record something interesting. Garuda, back to the con?"

Sammy smirks and holds his arms out as the cosplay guy scrambles for said phone, grinning.


“Tag me if you post it!” And Andrea takes off and grabs Sammy’s shoulders with their claws. Flying back to the con with them.

Flying is very convenient.

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