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another monstergirl powers thread
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"I'm about done with your legs but I kind of want to keep massaging you. And also kiss you. Because you're being really cute. And it's the first time I met a super and passing up the chance would suck. And I think I noticed you checking me out earlier."


“Eeeep!” Andrea outright squeaks. “I-I uhhmm... I’ve never actually… with a girl… not that I don’t want to? You are so hot ohymgosh, but ahhhhhh what do I do? And keep massaging where? And what if I kiss bad? What do I even say in response to that?” They have devolved into a flustered chattering mess.



"Oh. Well, you say 'yes' if you want to. And 'no' if it's too weird. And if you kiss bad, you... Practice." 

There's a smug tone in her voice.

"I'm always up for practicing physical activities with a buddy."


Her cheeks are pink. “Y-yes then… just uhhmm… don’t know what I’m doing here so…” Lip biting is going on while she waits for her to take the lead.


"Let's just..."

Victoria turns Garuda over, ducking a wing, and scoops her up into her lap.

Then she leans down, one arm cupping her chin, lips slightly parted, and plants a gentle peck on the corner of her lips.

"As I predicted. Cute!"


Oh gosh being in a hot girls lap is… ahhhhh wow yes can she live here now? The kiss and possibly even more the face grabbing makes her blush even deeper and makes her feathers flutter. “I’m having so many feelings right now…”


"Good ones, right?"

The hand supporting her back squeezes a bit. A finger trails down her neck.


If she was still human there was no way she could handle all this without just shutting down from being overwhelmed. But Garuda just feels bubbly about it. Nodding up at her. “You are overwhelming me with nice feelings. Slightly scary in intensity, but nice.” She outright squeezes her thighs together at that finger trailing across her skin. “Nobody has ever like… it’s giving me a lot of tingles.”


"I'm glad. I was scared this would be awkward and was ready to beat feet..."

Mwah. She lingers a bit more this time.

"I like you. You're cheerful and have good sense. And cute, wiggling like that. Let me know if you want me to stop."


Tentative lean into the kiss to kiss back? Gosh girls are great, and soft, and lips. “Well… we are in a public park… he have to stop eventually no matter what. I’m braver like this but not that brave.” Being called cute is… deeply fulfilling. Is that a bird thing? Or just a nobody did it to them as a boy so it’s extra nice now it’s happening to them thing?


"We could go to my place~ It's like five minutes away~ Well, there's something else I'd want to mention first and I have to work up my courage for that..."

Victoria hugs her tight and lets the kissing continue.

"I wonder if it'd feel good to you, for me to run my hands through your feathers. Kinda like hair scritches. Fiction has led me to think good things about wing hugs. Hint hint."


She grins and giggles. “Try it! Having fur petted in my other form was… very much a lot like fiction too. It might be similar!”

Oof yes tight hug, boobs, booooobs against her. Yes. Soft. Soft girl nice yes. So gay for girls. Andrea gets so few hugs and this one is extra nice.


Victoria starts tracing her hands through the feathers. It feels tingly and nice.

"They're so soft..."


They absolutely fluff up as they are touched. Andrea shivers in her lap. “It’s very good… not massage good, but good.” Which is admitting the massage was hot but it’s fine for her to know that now.


Victoria keeps rubbing gently through Andrea's feathers, fascinated by the softness.


.....Andrea might notice something bulging where she's sitting in Victoria's lap.


Is she… really? But Andrea couldn’t tell at all! Like at all! Shes so hot! Not that it precludes her from hotness, but like… he sorta expected to be able to tell? After quick consideration his mind returns with a ‘Girl still is super hot, and you’d be into it if she was a guy.’

”Is that a banana in your pocket or….” They have to do the joke, they have to, there’s no possible way she could hold back from making that joke.



"Aw, hell."

Victoria budges Andrea out of her lap, shifting uncomfortably.

"Gimmie a sec to think?"


“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to upset you!” Nooooo, denied lap! Lap was nice! She wanted to live there from now on! “I’m sorry I just… the joke was right there. I’m sorry if it made you feel bad.” Sad sad guilty looking birb.


"...I was thinking about telling you if we were gonna do much more kissing anyway... It's just, would have preferred to tell you instead of you finding out. It can go badly when people find out. Plenty are nice, but sometimes. Not. But yeah, I used to be a man. It's part of why I'm so buff still. Put a lot of effort into shaving and makeup and mannerisms, to balance how muscley working out and sports make me. And I take hormones."

Sigh. Headpat. "But I haven't had surgery. So I do still have a penis. And it's best if you hear that before we start taking off any clothes or going to any bases."


Ohhh headpat. She will appreciatively nuzzle against headpat to show she is still very much into her and doesn’t mind. “I could not tell from looking at you. You are girlbuff. Caused many impure thoughts when I met you~ It was honestly… kinda of a nice surprise? Not that uhh… the other parts aren’t also fun. I don’t know, my sexuality is weird, but I definitely didn’t want this to stop….” Pleading eyes up at her. Hopefully she doesn’t feel too bad?


"Well, if you're not making faces and calling me a crossdresser that's an improvement over some incidents... Okay, Jesus. I try to be chill about this. What do I care what Karens think, right? If you like it, well, that actually feels kind of nice. Warm. So we can kiss more at least. I haven't had a girlfriend since before I started all this, though."


Squirming happens. Now that the girlfriend word is brought up. “Girlfriend? I uhhh… is this that serious? I-I don’t know if I uhh… and secret identity…” RELATIONSHIP PRESSURE NOW? Did Andrea misread this so hard?


"What? Oh, I'm not saying you're my girlfriend now. Not unless you want to be! But, uh... If any clothes start coming off, I'd probably want you to be? Is. More what I meant."

Victoria is blushing and looking away now.

"I mean, we can kiss and massage and my brain can consider it just a date, or even just hanging out with friends, but... Anything more and... Aaaaugh. I'm scaring you off."


“Kiss and massage is good and fun! I just… never done relationship and don’t know you that well, though you are super nice! Just…” Pouts at her. “Can I please just get back in your lap before I ruin things with my dumb mouth?”


She facepalms and takes a deep breath. "Yeah, okay, sorry. The kissin's fun even if it doesn't lead to anything else, right? C'mere then."

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