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another monstergirl powers thread
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As the event is winding down for the day Andrea spots the same cosplayer from earlier. She's wearing much less of her costume- The wings are set to the side, and the large costume-legs too, showing tan skin and running shorts. She is sipping a Boba tea, and waves. "Heya, Garuda and friend! This is a good con, isn't it?"


Andrea definitely notices the tanned skin, respectfully appreciating her legs. “It’s fun so far! Sad I didn’t bring much money. The gundams… they call to me.. begging for a new home. And I wouldn’t be able to afford the pokemon swag even if I sold a kidney.”


"Haha. You should see cosplay expenses. Not to mention the labor costs if you need help."


“Yeah I can like… afford rent and food and that’s it. Do you make any money doing it? Like I don't know… fan donations? Patreon? Otherwise how do you afford these things! Movie quality props!” Andrea has seen enough adam savage on youtube to know movie quality props are expensive and labour intensive.


"I do have a Patreon actually. Before I got it, my work was a lot more amateurish."


“Gosh having people pay you to do cool stuff… I don’t have any cool skills, I’m just a bird. It requires almost no effort from me. Except for managing things without hands.” I mean sure Garuda is a cute girl, but just being cute isn’t enough for people to give you money, its money!


"I bet you totally could. You won the metaphorical lottery, powers are powers, yeah? I'm surprised nobody's shown up at the con or on the internet to try and recruit you!"


“I’ve like… flown around a park, and posted some cute pictures online. And the one crime I’ve ever stopped was today and all I did was yell at them for taking a bag. Could have done that as a normal person. Guess I need more exposure? People seem to like me more because I’m a cute girl than because I have wings.” Not that Andrea minds that much, it feels like a bit of a waste of their powers not to use them heroing, but getting attention from being cute is still fun.


Oh, she can't resist a smirk.

"Well, of course. Beauty is a weapon, dearie. Best keep yours sharp. Though I can't speak to real heroics, I suppose. It does seem a bit mad to me."


Slight blush. The pretty cosplayer thinks shehe is beautiful as Garuda? Eeeeee. Getting a compliment like that from someone who was legitimately stunning was so nice. “You’re sharp too, I mean pretty! I mean….” Gosh… suddenly its so hard to talk to girls without stumbling over himself.


"Oh? Do compliment me more. As for yourself, I think some accessories would do you well. Anklets and shoulder decorations, or a hairpin? You've definitely got summer going on. Warm colors, gold, maybe rhinestones."


”I don’t really know much about… any of that. I’ve kinda just been buying random stuff off amazon and hoping it fits.”

Well… if she asked for compliments it’s not creepy right? “I really like your abs… you look really strong.” Not that Garuda isn’t also fit, it’s just more subtle and wiry than obviously muscled, except for her very muscled shoulders.


"Why thank you. Though I must admit... Some of that is elaborate makeup."


“You’re still uhmm… very fit… and it looks nice… and I’ll shut up now…” Becoming a bird girl does not make talking to girls any easier! Ahhhh he feels like such a weiiirddooo.


"I take it you are into women? Tragically, I do not personally share this experience. But I wish you all the best luck. I'm sure there's a cutie out there for you."


AHHHH HE WANTS THE EARTH TO SWALLOW HIM UP. “I’ll just… die of embarrassment now.” He squeaks out.

Sammy please save him from this social death! please! 


"Ah... Let's go find a quiet spot to divvy up our purchases. I'll mail yours to you as we arranged later."

After leading Andrea away: "You alright?"


“Why is talking to girls so harrrrddddd. Ahhhhh. I feel like such a weiiirdoooo.” Sammy is a guy, he gets it, right? Or is Andrea just that much of a loser. “Talking to guys is way easier.” 


"That was a little awkward, yes. My experience was that it was something you have to get used to... And that small mistakes don't really matter. She likes you, just not physically, and that is fine, I suppose?"

Sammy is blushing a bit and looking away.


“I don’t need every pretty girl to be into me. That would be crazy. Just want to not feel like stumbling idiot moron around them.” Awww Sammy is so sweet to try and cheer him up though. The bird urge to pick him up and bring him back to a nest should be ignored. “Guys are easier to talk to. Like you! We only just met today but I’m not putting my foot… errr.. talons in my mouth when I talk to you!”


"...Other girls are just people. I can offer no further advice than that, however." Sammy sighs. "Well, today was fun. If exhausting. Let's get everything sorted so we can both head home and get a good night's rest, yes?"


“Thanks for today!” Winghug! Sammy is great. He hopes they can keep being friends after this. Probably the best person to have sent those less wholesome picture references on a whim.


They separate out the day's purchases and go their separate ways.


...The next morning, Andrea has the oddest feeling. Instead of one figurine on the metaphorical shelf of her power, or one silhouette in the metaphorical closet, there are two. The new one feels just as bouncy as the first, but in a different way. Somehow more tireless athletic and less bubbly cheerful.


Well, Andrea will obviously try the new one. And he shifts.

The first thing he notices are the fangs in his mouth. And then the HANDS! SWEET BABY RAYS HE HAS HANDS AGAIN! Also the fluffy feathers are now fluffy fur. But more importantly hands! Fingers! Opposable thumbs! He can just use his working hands to go get a hand mirror and look himself over!

Oh gosh, he’s some kind of dog girl. The furries will go nuts over this (Not that he didn’t get some attention from furries on twitter as Garuda.). Fluffy animal ears, fluffy legs from the thigh down, fluffy arms from the elbow down, claws, fangs, a fluffy tail. Wolf girl maybe?… the claws and fangs seem a little more… wild, than you'd expect on a dog. The new form is just as cute as the last though. If a bit more sporty tomboy in vibes than the cute pink anime girl that was the bird girl. The dark blue fur and hair sorta work well together though. Hmm wolf girl seems to be similarly sized as bird girl, if a bit taller. His existing girl clothes should fit her?

Andrea experimentally gives his new fluffy wolf ears a touch…ohhh thats kinda sensitive. Wait…. He has hands now… and… all the girl parts… how could he not? Like seriously it’d be crazy not to be curious.

His paw hand things roam lower… cupping the breasts this body has… so this is what they felt like… it’s a little bit sad the first boobs he ever touches had to be his own in another body, instead of another girls, but this was still nice!

And now…the… other parts…Andrea is pretty nervous about this but he isn’t going to just… ignore that he can now know what a vagina feels like. Both to touch one and to have one.

He almost chickens out, but he experimentally feels around with his paw hand things. The fur kinda tickles as it touches somewhere sensitive like that… ohhhh wow… woooooowwwwww. Thats like… the head of his cock levels of sensitive, just by rubbing around there. That can’t be normal right? That has to be a wolf girl thing. No way do girls feel this good or they would never stop touching. He hasn’t even dared to try the clit yet. 

Oh… his paw is getting wet… wow… girl juices… he feels like such a creepy perv right now but its his own body! He’s allowed to do this! He brings his paw up and… damn… that smells good. He’s pretty sure thats not normal, thats probably a wolf thing. But gosh yes his juices smell sooooooo good. Before he realises it he has his fingers in his mouth. God he’s acting like such a freak right now, but this is so hot to be able to touch a girl and taste her even if it was himself.

He goes back to rubbing after he tastes himself, Eventually working up the courage to run a thumb across the clit. OHNONONO wayyyyyy too sensitive. Jesus christ! Thats insane! How can it even be that intense! He doesn’t know whats a girl thing and whats a wolf girl thing, but he is being CAREFUL around this clit in the future.

He’s not brave enough to bring himself to orgasm, and he planned to do day two of the con with Sammy… so sadly he gets ready for the day and flies to the con in spokane.


He finds Sammy and lands near him. “Oh my god you will NEVER GUESS.”

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