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another monstergirl powers thread
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Sammy makes a chinhands pose and seriously considers this.


"...You have defeated a villain or criminal. You have a girlfriend. You won the lottery? Discovered something new about your power. A friend is getting married?"


He pouts. How did he guess! That’s no fun. “The second to last one! Let’s find somewhere quiet so I can show you!”


Sammy laughs. "Well I did make five guesses. That's kind of cheating. Uh..." Sammy looks around. "Hotel room? Mine is a ten minute walk away. Or is this more of a firing range kind of discovery?"


“Like a empty hallway kind of discovery. Twitter will probably find out soon enough. Just thought it would be fun to show you first!” Unless he wanted to go to his hotel room… together… oh my god shut up birdbrain I am not bringing him back to my nest! 


"I don't think there are a lot of empty hallways around here, and badgering event staff into getting in early seems a bit, enh... I promise I have no, ah, lascivious intentions with the hotel room offer? It's just legitimately the most convenient private place I can think of."


Would he even mind it if Sammy did have lascivious intentions. Not cumming that morning was a bad move. Bad hornybrain, go to horny jail. “Okay! Lets go!” Excited bird bouncing. “I could fly us there faster?”


"That sounds fun! I might have a slight ulterior motive, wanting to fly. Aheh. It's the tall Hilton, like five blocks that way." He points. "Let me just check that I have the room key... Yep!"


“Okay, keep your arms and legs inside the ride at all times. Keep your mouth closed while flying because bugs are gross, trust me, also it makes your mouth super dry. Please put up your seat tray tables and this will be a non smoking flight.” Sure he stole this bit from Aladdin, but its a good bit!

The talons gently grip Sammy and off they go! Barely takes any time at all to land in front of the hotel.


"That was fun! You should wear a GoPro and post the videos."

He beeps into the side entrance, then takes the elevator to the sixth floor. there are other people checking in and out at this time of day, and some gawk. A few take pictures of the two of them.

Sammy's hotel room has one double bed and a Huge Mess of clothes and stuff.

"...Sorry for the mess."


And now Andrea is enfloofed. “Look! Hands! I’m dog instead of bird!” Does a little twirl as the new wolf form.


"Wow! You're not a bird super- You're a transforming super! Oh stars can I take pictures."


“Sure! It’ll be way better than setting my phone down and turning on a timer” Andrea does the classic catgirl paw pose for cuteness effect. “Awoo?” 


Pictures! Several of them!

"I wouldn't mind drawing this either. I really like when there's a realism of form, so to speak..."


“Absolutely make me more sketches. They are so good.” Sammy is good friend friendfriendfriend, cuddle friend?

Oh wow… that urge was pretty strong. At least its not to carry him away to a nest, but dog girl form wants to be all over people Andrea is friendly with.


"I will! At some point. There are so many more things that I want to sketch than I have time for."


“I totally don’t mind posing. The attention is nice. Gosh I feel confident like this. If being a bird was some serious adhd brain, then like this I feel like a champion.” Flexes and enjoys the way muscles ripple. Fuck the wolf girl form is hot. Andrea would do anything to be able to fuck this form. Strong lady hot and he feels stroooonnng like this.


"Your alternate forms come with - instincts? Impressions? Variant powers, probably. I don't think carrying things in your claws would work well like this... You could become quite the media darling. What form will she reveal next?"


“I mean, bird girl could fly even though theres no way wings that small can carry a whole ass person, much less two! Im sure wolf girl has something weird going on with it too.

Being bird girl was suuuuuuper bubbly, the most bubbly, like natural extrovert filled with caffiene. Wolf girl seems… confident, and protective, and I feel like I’m enjoying the attention you are giving me but because I deserve it, not because I really really want people to like me.” Having a cute boy pay such attention to his body was nice though. He does a biiig stretch to see if he notices.

”Fuck…. I’ll need a new super name…”


Does glancing at her belly then averting his eyes count as noticing?

"Something that references the multiple forms, yes? My first instinct is 'Varia' but that's on literally two seconds of thought... Menagerie?"


He grins when he sees Sammy avert his gaze. Normally that would make him blush being noticed like that. Being bubbly was one kind of intoxicating, but this is really nice too. “Don’t know if I’ll get more forms or what I’ll get, might end up weirder than just animal girls.”


Wait a second. Idea. “Hmmm… I wanna try something… if that’s okay with you. You’d get to live the dream of all terminally online people. Wanna pet some animal girl ears? I wanna know what it’s like.”



"Hah. If that's okay with you, I'd be alright to try it. Certainly a unique experience. I will be gentle."


Andrea sits next to Sammy. His tail miiiiiiight be wagging. Come on! He gets headpats! But like, for real legit ones because he’s in a dog girl body. His inner weeb is ecstatic. He’s also a little jelous of Sammy. He also want’s to pat a cute dog girl. Patting yourself doesn’t count. “This is almost more lewd than handholding” Andrea teases.


"...Please don't joke like that too much. I don't want to make things awkward between us, more than internet friends."

Sammy scritches behind the ears and the back of Andrea's head, using well-developed dog petting practice.


Ohhhh thats nice… that’s almost… too nice. Each pet of the fluffy ears is making him want to shudder. Oh yep that’s causing some arousal. Andra has to stop this since Sammy just wants to be friends. “W-well in the interest of things not being awkward, you should stop. It seems this body has anime logic to it. Very sensitive ears.” He’s only a little pink when he asks Sammy to stop.

Gosh he’s glad he’s not his normal self, he would just be a shy embarrassed mess and probably would have just run out of the room if this happened to him normally. It’s so much easier to be brave and honest like this.


"Oh. Good to know... A bit of a shame, but hair petting is fairly, ah, intimate normally anyway..."

He will stop after a moment more. "Perhaps it would depend on context? If you use a back-scratcher or a comb maybe it's just relaxing instead."

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