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another monstergirl powers thread
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Happy scootch into her lap. Fluttering her feathers as she leans up for another kiss. “I bet we can get pretty far with our clothes still on… I-if thats okay!” The attempt at flirting transitioning into nervousness she’s gonna ruin things again.


She smiles.

"I can massage your back and shoulders? And... Wings?"


“When you did my legs it felt really nice for… obvious reasons. So sure!” Andrea wiggles in her lap and leans forward. Her ridiculously muscular shoulders for her body type on full view.


Victoria laughs and rubs her hands over Andrea's shoulders, getting a feel for the musculature.

"You really ought to lie on your front again if I'm going to massage you seriously!"


“But then it’s harder to turn around and kiss…” And she sounds terribly disappointed by that prospect. Kissing is very good. “Plus maybe it’s more about being touched by a hot girl than actually getting massaged~.” 


"Oh really. Such impure motives. That deserves a tickle attack."

Her hands dance over Andrea's sides.


“Eeep nooooo-ooo?” That’s way less unpleasant than it usually is? “Sorry I’m just… differently ticklish as Garuda?” The tickles feel more nice than tickley and irritating. Is it because she has feathers? “It’s doing something but what it’s doing isn't making me feel ticklish.”

Evil grins. “Haha, now I can have all the impure motives I want with no conseuqence! Oogle your sexy muscles much as I want mwahahaha.”


"Huh! Mission failed... I guess my massage will have to do after all. That or combing through your feathers. It's nice to just touch someone oleasantly sometimes you know?"

Back to a gentle shoulder massage, then. Kneading around the worst knots. 


“The tickles were kinda nice though? If not ticklish. Fingers running across my skin is pleasant and good no matter which way it happens. Feathers was also very relaxing… like having my hair touched.” More massage results in a happy and slightly wiggly bird girl in her lap


Victoria kisses the back of her neck, pressing against her back and putting her hands around Andrea's belly, then whispers in her ear, "Any other kind of touch you would enjoy~?"


Oh wow her ears are so sensitive to hot breath and sexy voice and wow gosh she is lucky shes not human because she would be instantly hard and it would be super obvious in these clothes. Also being held like that, new favourite thing. “Hnnhh. Y-yes there would be… right now I think literally anything you do to me will make me horny…”


"Heee. I love it. I'm getting horny too."

She does her best cute moan into Andrea's ear.

"I could maybe be convinced to take back the girlfriend thing. Because you really are unfairly hot."


The moan in her ear causes outright whimpering as well as all her feathers to fluff up. “Oh fuck your voice is… I think I maybe have a new kink?” Wiggle wiggle wiggle, possibly against any things that might be felt underneath Andrea. “It’s not like we couldn’t try dates afterwards…”


Oh, she's definitely wiggling against something.

"Good." She swaps and whispers into the other ear. "Ahn... Mwah. What if I said right now counts as the first date? And we can touch each other in all the nice ways we want. I'll make you moan. All I need is a yes."


“Yes~” She lets out the most breathy submissive yes. God yes she want’s to be touched by this gorgeous muscular woman who drives all the hesitancy she would normally have over something like this out of her with the pure power of making Andrea desperately down bad for her. She outright grinds against the bulge against her butt. This is so bad to do in a public park bit it’s VERY hard to care right now.


Victoria stands up, carrying Andrea with her.

"Let's get to my apartment, then~?"


She pats herself down and smoothens out her feathers a little, face still very flushed. “Wanna fly there? If you show me google maps I can get us there fast.” Also the bird part of her desperately wants to carry this gorgeous woman away and have her fertilise her eggs.


"Ooh, I get to fly too! Here... There we go."

"Trun right. Then turn left in three quarters of a mile." Instructs her phone. 


Andrea takes off and picks her up and zooms her to her place, going MUCH faster than the speeds she showed in the park. Desperate to get there with her. Flying with someone she plans to do stuff with is so weirdly fulfilling and feels a little possessive. My mate, mine, pretty mate all mine.

Andrea drops her off and lands and practically vibrates with excitement to get inside.


It's a low-rise apartment block. Someone on a balcony is staring at them with a hard-to-read expression. Victoria waves at them and whispers, "Ignore her. Just a Karen," Even as she works with a door badge to get past the front door.

"I'm in 201. So right upstairs."

A quick jog up said stairs, and she unlocks that door too, to reveal a modest low-end studio apartment. Kitchenette, bed, desk with a laptop on it. Kinda small. Looks lived-in, but at least not a total sty.

"Home, sweet, home..."


Andrea flomps on the bed and wiggles her hips. “Oh dear a bird has flown in from outside and landed on your bed, whatever shall you do?~” Was that too silly? Maybe. She feels silly and giddy though.


"Well this chick looks an awful lot like a cute, kissable girl to me..."

Victora follows her to the bed and slaps her butt lightly. Then flomps next to her and kisses her on the lips again.

"So obviously I'm gonna kiss her. Everywhere."


The butt slap absolutely gets a noise out of her. Well she is discovering she likes ALL sorts of things today. Kiss~ kiss so nice~ pretty girl lips soft so nice~ happy~

 “Everywhere?” Hopeful squeak?


The answer to that is a pair of hands working to get her shirt off, and lips and hands trailing down her neck, upper chest, and then to her breasts, where they lovingly linger and tease.


“Fuck fuck fuck” She whimpers as her skin tingles soooo fucking much. Her nipples are rock hard before they are even reached. “I feel so sensitive… and helpless without hands… its hot.”

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