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another monstergirl powers thread
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“Chicken fried steak” “I normally don’t like birds much?” “Uhh sure”

He holds out a wing for people to touch if they want.

The normal side of him does think it makes sense to not pick someone up without safety equipment… but he kinda wants to. The new bubbly part of them really wants to.


"Wow, you're so soft!"

The woman holds onto her for a moment, but then steps back with a smile. Several other people look like they also want to try, but are holding back, feeling awkward about it under the foreman-guy's stare.

"Feel free to take off if you have places to be," foreman-guy stage-whispers. "Crowds can be a lot."


Foreman guy is SO NICE… and kinda hot? Wow that is definitely not his usual type but part of his brain wants to pick this guy up and fly off with him and… WHERE DID THOSE THOUGHTS COME FROM. Bad! No! You do not even know his name!

Maybe trying to fly someone is a good idea just so he won’t be thinking about hunky foreman guy.

”Uhhh i could try picking someone up? Very slightly off the ground? At like… a hover? That should be safeish right?”


Well, alright then. The original volunteer presses forward, grinning; He's a boy around her age.

"So, just hold my arms out, or...?" He spreads his arms wide and turns his back to Andrea. "Ready!"


Hovering is… harder than Andrea thought. Whatever bullshit physics allows them to fly still makes them work for it physically. But eventually he hovers over to the guy and tries to grab his arms with the foot talons. Hopefully not too hard. And lift them off the ground.

If this is going to become a regular thing they should buy like… a climbing harness for people to wear, That’d be much easier to carry them from than worrying about how sharp the foot talons are.

… Why is carrying someone more satisfying than flying alone. Weird.


Now that her talons are carrying something, there's a sense of - total security? That she definitely won't drop him without actively intending to. And it's like he weighs almost nothing.

He's laughing his head off, too, even just a couple of feet off the ground. Apparently being carried around by his arms isn't hurting him. Probably powers weirdness.


Awww, he’s cute. What if they swooped them away for..

Oh my god stop being randomly thirsty for guys you’ve just met what is wrong with you, this is not normally you.

Andrea puts him down. “That was weirdly easy! Like there’s no way with with normal physics these wings would carry two people, but it wasn’t even harder than flying by myself!”


"It was like I was just floating! I barely felt you. Powers are amazing!"



Okay, Andrea is done with people, as much as in this form a bubbly side of him is enjoying this, the regular side of him is so done with this and just wants to go home.

”Okay everyone, I think I’m done for today, bye.” He can’t help but smile at foreman guy before taking off. No need for a bus to go home this time, he lands at somewhere relatively empty with public bathrooms near his apartment and changes back (and changes clothes back too).


How much of the new feelings was a new situation, and how much was being a bird person? Does transforming affect his personality? Those two guys don’t even seem that hot now… and the idea of that crowd makes Andrea feel sick just thinking about it.

He would be more worried if being bird girl wasn’t more fun than being his normal self, the lack of anxiety was… really nice.


… now he is home alone… and has girl clothes ready… he shifts back to bird girl and takes some more videos and pics with his ipod looking cute. Gosh he is so cute like this. He would totally simp for her…him.. however hes supposed to refer to his new body.

He’s feeling bubbly again and on a whim makes a twitter (he will never call it X in his life) profile for his bird person form.



new super, is part bird, smash the fash.

And he posts some of the cute pics he took.


Among more generic/positive comments, there's always a few of these guys:

Wow, that would be the footjob of a lifetime

But how to make sandwich without hands?

Would smash

Small tits are justice!

Naked is the most aerodynamic right?


Gosh people think shehe is cute! Eeeeeee! he’s never had positive attention like this. Even the creepy comments aren't that bad by twitter standards. 

Of course theres a foot guy, theres ALWAYS a foot guy. He looks at his own taloned feet and nope, that seems like a horrifying thing to have around his guy junk. He has a feeling he could rip open a car door with those things. Way too dangerous to put near anything delicate like that.

Sandwich guy is valid. He would be screwed if he wouldn't turn back into someone with hands.

Small tits are justice nodnod.

He would also smash his bird girl form, also valid.

and the guy fishing for naked pics is so obvious it makes him giggle more than groan.


Wow this is fun do cute girls always have this much fun? 

He spends a lot of the rest of the day on twitter soaking in the dopamine and social validation.


The Algorithm wins again!

'New super' gets a LOT of followers compared to random other new accounts. Especially if she keeps adding more pics. Even the people who call it fake (despite the videos from people in the park) admit the production value of the fakery is pretty good. People are doing Fascism Discourse in replies to her. Twitter has apparently also decided to name her bird form 'greyhawk' for some reason.


But but but… he gave them a name! Valkyrie! You know like the bird coded norse myth (And the digimon)! They even fly in most games! His name is way cooler than greyhawk. His feathers aren't even grey! 

Terrible name, must comment negatively on every tweet that calls him that.


You are trying to control the language used by ten thousand stubborn anonymous idiots.

Good luck.

(She does seem to make some progress, but also invites arguments that Valkyrie is kind of taken? You know, by that girl from Canada who has ice powers and a spear?)


Canada! But thats canada! Its a different country! 

Well he can’t be Isis, because you know, terrorists. 

Tengu? Seems too weeb, and guy coded for such a cute girl.

Garuda is nice and impressive (and another bird digimon), maybe that.

He flies Garuda past people making the “Valkyrie is taken” point.


It doesn't seem to be taken.

Now the internet is using three different names for her: Garuda, Greyhawk, and Valkyrie.


He changes his twitter name to Garuda. Makes a post about it. And then makes a post that greyhawk sucks as a name because she is not grey or a hawk! (They don’t know its a shapeshift form, so he posts as a girl, totally normal)

To make it sink in the next picture he sends has a Garuda bottom text.


Isn't Garuda, like, Indian? Is that cultural appropriation?


I wasn’t norwegian either when I used Valkyrie. But nobody cared about that because I’m white, so Isn’t that the real racism.

haha gottem, take that twitter police.

(The author of this fic does not endorse the teenage urge to be edgy online)


An account with a lot of moderately spicy female portraits and sketches in their posts comments:

omfg I would absolutely love to sketch you some time. I bet you'd look super cute if you were covering yourself with your wings and not much else.


Eeeeee the art is so goooooood. Gosh yes shehe wants people to look at her the way people look at those sketches.

Andrea decides to go for it. Though this is some logistical trouble. All his camera devices are touch screens, and they do not respond to talon taps.

So he has to put on girl underwear as human boy, set up the camera to record, shift to bird girl, pose properly, and shift back. Just to grab a single frame from the video to send them. He doesn’t post the image publicly though, thats too much. But it’s kind of heart racing that people will see a sketch of them almost naked.

He’s too lazy to change out of girl underwear when hes back in human form and messing with the video looking for the right frame to send, and by the time he’s sent the picture he’s too emotionally tired to care. And falls asleep that way.

He’s alone, its not a big deal if he falls asleep in girls undies. Definitely not a big deal. 


In the morning he excitedly checks all his messages and social media responses.

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