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we'll build a Lucy and we'll make Lamashtu pay for it
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The cambion DOES NOT LIKE and WAS NOT EXPECTING this. 


Operation: Ram The Fucker appears to have been a success!

Now to try it on the other one. 


Turns out that even two-on-one it is extremely difficult to fight a paladin while someone shoots arrows at you and an ?aberration? plays Nonconsensual Reverse Badminton with you. The cambions go down. 


Once the demon-guys are dealt with, Lusilla has the attention to observe things about the room other than how Horrible it is. 

Like those glowing gemstones in the wall over there. Why are there glowing gemstones in the wall over there?

They're magic, obviously. That would probably be apparent even to human senses, just from the glow. But human senses wouldn't be able to see that the magic in the gems is connected to each other, and also to this piece of wall. 

"I think there's a hidden door here, and the gems are how you open it." 


"That would make sense. How d'you figure it works?" 


"No idea!" 

Bop! Now she is on the other side of the piece of wall. 

...Her attention is immediately drawn to a magic sword. 

The magic shines dully, like it's been suppressed or tamped down somehow, but it's clearly still there, to her senses. She picks it up carefully. It clearly hasn't been respectfully treated, despite the fact that it was sitting on some kind of makeshift altar; she doesn't even want to know what some of these substances smeared on it are. She wipes it off as carefully as she can and then bops out of the hidden chamber again. 

"I found this!" she reports. 


"What is th--" Seelah starts, then cuts herself off. "--Can I see that more closely?"


"Sure!" She hands over the blade. 


Seelah takes it carefully, almost reverently. 

"--This is Radiance," she says, voice hushed. "Yaniel's sword!" 


"...Some context, please, who didn't wake up today knowing what the Worldwound was?" It's going to be a shame when tomorrow happens and she can't use that line anymore. 


"Wow, yeah, you wouldn't have heard of her... Yaniel was a great hero, a paladin who performed great feats like walking into the Wound alone and bringing back captives the demons had taken. She was one of the last people fighting at Drezen--an old crusader fort that fell a long time ago--to give non-combatants time to escape." 


"I guess this is the paladin sword from Hosilla's orders, then." 


“I mean, it fits, but—it seems like such an underwhelming way of referring to Yaniel’s sword. She wasn’t just some paladin!”


“Possibly that was on purpose so some under-committed mook wouldn’t steal it.”


“I guess so. Still. Wow.”


It does seem pretty wow! But in, like, a storybook-typical way, so while Lusilla is impressed, she isn’t really shocked.



There don't seem to be any more doors in the wing of the Maze accessed by the door from the blood hall. There might be secret doors, but looking for secret doors would A) take time none of them want to spend, and B) suggest going back into the rooms containing the lizards and the elemental, in order to be thorough, which would take even more time and maybe involve killing an elemental who really has nothing to do with this business, which Lusilla strongly doesn't want. 

"Maybe we missed a door, earlier. I don't think we were looking very hard. The blood hall was the first place we looked after we found the keyholes, there might have been a door we didn't go through in the area connecting the two halves of the hall." 


"Maze-like enough for you yet?"


She can't legibly pout as a giant starfish, so she just sighs. "Yeah, okay." 


There turns out to be a door that they carelessly overlooked earlier that leads to what is probably another wing of the Shield Maze. It is located in what seems to be the cultist dormitory. Lusilla will concede that this is, in fact, significantly maze-like, in the sense that mazes are supposed to be confusing and it is definitely confusing why anyone would build this facility such that people have to walk through the living quarters to get from points A to B such that neither A nor B are a part of those quarters. 

The immediate area the door from the dormitory lets out into appears to be some kind of storage space, containing two cultists. One of them is teaching the other something to do with a deck of cards; a trick or a game or something, it isn't immediately apparent. The two were apparently sufficiently engrossed in their cards that they either failed to notice or actively declined to respond to the sounds of conflict elsewhere in the facility. 

"Hello," Lusilla says, when they look up to gawp at her, waving one arm all friendly-like. "I don't have any business with you, but do you know where the Hand of Hosilla is?" 

With Lusilla's bulk blocking the doorway enough that the two cultists can't see Seelah in all her definitely-a-paladin regalia, or Lann with his recognizably Neather features, it's possible that she can convince these cultists that she's some wicked beastie that they don't have to fight. Not that she expects to be able to save them in the long run, but everyone they don't fight now is someone they can potentially deal with with more healing available to them. 


"Which one?" asks the erstwhile tutee. The apparently-older cultist cuts him off with a firm cutting hand gesture. 

"Who are you?" he asks coldly. 


"I'm Lusilla!" 


"...And...why...are you here?" 


"Oh, Deskari cut a chasm from the surface to some tunnels near here. I more or less wandered in." Less, specifically. 


...She doesn't look like any kind of demon he's ever seen...but he can't immediately think what else she could be. (He's unconsciously assigned her a gender based on her voice.) Certainly he would be more surprised to find something that looked like that fighting for the crusaders than for his own side. 

Of course, "his own side" is relative; he's seen plenty of skirmishes between Baphomet cultists and Deskari cultists, in his line of work, and even when everyone serves the same demon lord, that doesn't make them all one big happy Evil family; the number of minions he's seen Hosilla casually murder for annoying her has been...educational. 

So the question is, really, what risks he's running and what benefits, by cooperating with and/or pissing off this giant starfish creature. 

If he pisses her off, the obvious consequence is that she murders him. He doesn't know for a fact that she can do that; it wouldn't be maximally wise to assume she can't, given that she is a giant unidentified talking starfish monster, but on the other hand if you never take risks you never get stronger. Back on the first hand, it can be smarter to take on risks you have a better chance of evaluating. 

If he cooperates with her, the worst-case scenario is that Baphomet personally gets pissed off about it and tortures his soul in the Abyss for a long time. More probable and immediate potential consequences involve Hosilla or her Hand personally murdering him and making whether Baphomet notices him to torture or not immediately relevant. On the other hand, while he does know that either of the Hands of Hosilla is definitely stronger than him, that's more the kind of known risk that it makes sense to take in pursuit of strength, and also even if the starfish critter isn't relevantly on their side, if she's really strong she could eat the Hand of Hosilla instead of him, or if she's not really strong the Hand of Hosilla could look favorably on him for giving him a weird thing to murder and exaggerate about. 

Well. That's that decided. 

"Wait here. I'll go get him." 

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