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we'll build a Lucy and we'll make Lamashtu pay for it
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"--I did not. Let me go check." 

She bops back to the other side of the door, at the bottom of the spiral staircase. She...doesn't see any mechanism for opening the door...she shoves at it, in case it's that simple. It's not. There isn't even a little bit of give, to make her think it would be worth trying again in her stronger form. 

She returns to Lann and Seelah and shakes her head. 

"Do you have any idea how to open the door from the other side?" she asks their captive cultist.


He shakes his head frantically. "I've never even been allowed in there!" 


"Pity. Oh well. Is there anyone besides the other Hand of Hosilla who might?" 



"I...not that I know of, but...if someone did know, I wouldn't expect to know about it." 


SIGH. "Pity. Alright." 

She picks up their captive cultist and hides him under one of the benches further back towards the pile of rubble. She doesn't necessarily expect him to keep quiet and cooperate with hiding if any other cultists come through here, but if the other Hand, or Hosilla herself, or whoever, is liable to just kill him for having been defeated or anything, he at least has the option. 

She hasn't determined for sure that it's safe to leave him alive, under any conditions, but they might have more questions for him, later, so at least they don't have to kill him right now. 

Arbitrarily, Lusilla picks the door opposite the one that had been locked to investigate next. There are a couple of corpses lying on the floor--not obviously drained for ritual purposes, just lying there dead. There isn't much else of interest in the room, except another door. 


That door has angry lizards behind it! 


...Okay, Lusilla would like to kill them for their hides and meat and so on, but actually they are on an unknown deadline so she will just. Close the door again. This takes a little bit of doing since one of the lizards gets to the door before she is quite done getting it closed but she succeeds at the opposed strength check, so it's fine. 

"Dead end," she reports. 


"What was that noise?" asks Lann, who as the party's designated ranged combatant was standing far enough back not to have gotten a good look. 


"There were a couple of lizards in that room that seemed to want to instead be not in the room. And probably also attempt to eat us or whatever. Either way, we don't really have time, and there wasn't another door in there that I could see, so, uh, no." 


Seems reasonable. 


The other door opens out into a large room, albeit significantly smaller than the blood-circle room. 

"...Is that what Baphomet looks like?" Lusilla asks, studying the statue in the center of the room. 


"Huh. He looks kind of...basic...compared to Deskari." 




"Well, like--Deskari looked really weird! This guy looks like a human being with a costume goat head. I guess you can surmise that the wings are real, since he doesn't have a shirt, but, like, 'guy with wings, in a funky hat' just isn't that weird! He's a demon! Those are supposed to be, like, the wild and diverse spawn of Lamashtu, right? He should look less like just a guy." 


"I don't think that really rates, as far as complaints about Baphomet go," Seelah says, but she can't keep the edge of laughter out of her voice or the upward twitch away from her lips. 


"No, you're right. But maybe sometime I'll be able to use it to start a fight between Deskari cultists and Baphomet cultists, or something." 


"Get them to do our job for us, huh? Not a bad idea." 


The door opposite the one they came in through leads to an unfinished room that appears to be currently being built by some kind of rock creature. Lusilla doesn't see any other doors, and the creature doesn't seem to have noticed her, so she shuts the door quietly. 

"Are there such things as rock demons?" 


"There are enough kinds of demons that it wouldn't surprise me, but that looked more like a regular earth elemental. Good call avoiding a fight with it if we can help it; the cultists probably just summoned it to build or repair this place; I wouldn't expect it to have any direct connection to the demons." 


Lusilla nods. 

The other door out of the room with the Baphomet statue opens into another corridor; Lusilla has to admit that even if she, personally, doesn't feel especially at risk of getting lost, this place is starting to feel more maze-like than when she first made disparaging comments about it. 


Seelah halts, holding out an arm to stop Lusilla and Lann from advancing. "Trap," she says quietly, nodding towards a square in the middle of a bend in the hallway. 


Lusilla studies it and nods. "I can get us over it." 


So Lusilla re-assumes her true form and carries them around the corner. 

The smell hits them before anything else, charnel and old, fresh death layered on top of old death. The only saving grace that Lusilla can identify is that there is no trace of the smell of the children they're seeking, anywhere in this wing of the maze. 

The room, when they burst in, contains two more of the demon-looking guys that there were two of with the Hand of Hosilla and the cultist that they took prisoner. It also becomes apparent where the smell is coming from; in the center of the room is a pit full of corpses of varying ages, although if there are any old enough to have been completely skeletonized, this fact is obscured by some combination of older corpses on top of them and corpses whose flesh is sufficiently putrefied that it isn't entirely clear which set of bones it all belongs to. The room also contains a prison cell and some rudimentary instruments of torture, though it really isn't equipped to be a proper evil dungeon. 

This is REALLY UPSETTING to Lusilla actually and so she is going to experiment with combining her natural Slam attack with the Universal Ability charge. 

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