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we'll build a Lucy and we'll make Lamashtu pay for it
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That'll do it. 

Lusilla wakes up to a terrified-looking probably-a-cleric kneeling over one of her arms, the last dregs of their most recent healing spell still fizzling into Lusilla's system, and, more importantly, Seelah having just gone down to a blow from presumably-Hosilla. 


Absolutely the fuck not. 

Ignoring the fact that last time she charged in to be a hero it fucked her up but good, Lusilla uses Combat Maneuver: Bull Rush before Hosilla can execute a coup de grace. 



The starfish-thing choosing to attack her upon regaining consciousness, Hosilla can see. But actively tackling her away from the paladin? No, they're definitely working together. 

"What in the hells are you," she snarls, slashing at the creature with her glaive. 


Whoops yeah sorry Lusilla was not that many hit points over zero. 


...The cleric is going to take the opportunity provided by Hosilla not being Right There to crawl over to Seelah and try a Cure Light Wounds on her. 


That'll work, yep. 

Seelah charges at Hosilla while Hosilla is still trying to puzzle out where the hell Lusilla's vital organs are located so she can perform a coup de grace. 



Hosilla is briefly distracted from how annoying it is when enemies you've already put down get back up again when an arrow buries itself in her shoulder from a direction that isn't where the paladin's pet mongrel is. She turns in shock to see Wenduag nocking and loosing another arrow. 


"I no longer serve you, you bitch. I always fight for the strongest side." 



Okay. This is--probably not that bad, tactically. She can sort of see how Wenduag would decide that the starfish-thing was stronger than Savamelekh, under the circumstances, but it's hurt, and Hosilla was able to put it down once already. And Wenduag is useful but Hosilla already knows she can beat the stripling's ass with one arm tied behind her back. 

Personally, however, it is infuriating. Treachery and the interruption of the ritual and the disappearance of her patron and enemies getting back up when you put them down, NONE of these things have a RIGHT to happen, everybody here is required to die painfully right now and every act of further defiance from that state of affairs is badwrong and must be punished as viciously as possible. 


The cleric is going to channel positive energy, now, and get both Seelah and the starfish monster. This is more efficient than just healing them one at a time and also he only has so many spells left to burn for Cures. 


The death Savamelekh intended is too good for that little worm. 


So, hey, the giant four-armed demon was able to break out of Lusilla's Grapple. 

Can Hosilla?




Apparently, this round, what she can do is snarl some curse words in Abyssal that none of the others have heard before. 


Huh, impressive, Wenduag thought she had heard all of Hosilla's Abyssal swears already. 


Next turn Hosilla is going to be Pinned. 


"Fuck your mother," Hosilla hisses. 

The problem, fundamentally, is that while Hosilla has excellent Wisdom (in theory; how applicable this is to matters other than spellcasting is debatable given her life choices), her Strength is decidedly mediocre for someone without any Weapon Finesse feats, and her Dexterity isn't, really, high enough to make up for it, not when the entity she's trying to engage in Combat Maneuvers with is not in the form that has a Strength no higher than that of a bear. 

Unfortunately for that entity, Hosilla's Wisdom is high enough for her to figure this out, and that she's going to have to change the situation in some way if she doesn't want to die in the next couple of rounds. 

Touch of Evil.*

*(The domain ability, not the feat. They're different!)


...Oogh, Lusilla does NOT feel good. 


So can Hosilla FINALLY make her check to get OUT of this GRAPPLE?



On the other hand, Seelah hasn't been sitting still while Hosilla was grappled; she's been making an attack on her every turn. And with the smite, plus the fact that Lusilla absolutely counts as flanking Hosilla, the hits have been landing. 

And Hosilla is still subject to the smite, and Lusilla may not be grappling Hosilla anymore, and she may be sickened, but she's still threatening the square Hosilla is in, which means she's still flanking. 

How many hitpoints does Hosilla have left, at this point?


That's what she thought. 


As soon as Hosilla is finished off and no longer a thread, Lann rounds on Wenduag. "What the hell!" he snaps. 


Wenduag rolls her eyes. "You're going to need to be more specific than that, Lann." 


"How long have you been working for the demons?" 


Wenduag folds her arms and smirks. "Since I was as young as these children here. Why? Want to know if I was demonically enhanced when we--"

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