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this starfish throws herself
we'll build a Lucy and we'll make Lamashtu pay for it
Permalink Mark Unread

It hurts. 

It's not that Lusilla's never felt pain before. Stuff happens. Sometimes whatever animal she's hunting will get in a hit, or she'll slip with her knife, or any of a thousand other ways to pick up a minor injury that come up in the day to day. 

But usually when she gets hurt it goes away. Slowly, for the bigger hurts, but it's generally over in less than a minute, and she can feel it getting better. 

She can't feel this getting better. It hurts and it's not going away. 

She wants to cry out, but her chest hurts more when it moves, so, that's maybe a bad plan. 

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...There are other things going on, besides the pain. She's on--a surface--that's moving, jostling her injury slightly, ow--and there are unfamiliar voices all around her. 

"Make way! Coming through! Fetch a healer, quick!" 

It takes a moment for meaning to filter through, her initial attention all on the voice itself--it sounds different than she's used to. A different accent? She hasn't been exposed to a lot of different accents, but Griar the Druid says his accent is a little different than the local...

But a healer sounds good. Probably not Griar, with so many unfamiliar voices, this can't be Rivertree. It could be Odd's Hollow, she didn't hear everyone there talk...

"Hey, somebody, we got a wounded fighter! Can we get a healer over here?"

A fighter? No, that's wrong. She's never fought anyone. 

"My, my, would you look at this? But why would you drag a wounded fighter into the middle of the festival square? Couldn't she be carted off somewhere else, like... oh I don't know... an infirmary? Or an accommodating ditch?"

Wait, this can't be Odd's Hollow, she may not have heard all the voices, but they had more or less the same accent as in Rivertree. Could it be Okorrost? Okorrost is such a long ways away...

"Make room, everyone step back! Now, what's the matter? What happened to her?"

She hurts. And she can't even lift her head. 

"Hmm... the wound looks nasty. Who did this to her?" 


"Demons, Prelate! We found her barely alive outside the walls of Kenabres." 

Demons??? Mother thought people would think she was a demon...and what the fuck is a Kenabres? Is it the town? She's never heard of a Kenabres, is she even farther away than Okorrost???

"The walls, you say? The enemy doesn't usually stray so close to the city. We must fortify the defenses... And you--hold fast, don't die, we'll see you right!" 

She's definitely not going to die! Dying would be bad! 

"We'll get you patched up now. But first--you there, guard, take her weapons: bearing arms is not permitted during the festival. Wounded or not, everyone must abide by the rules. She can get her things back after the festival." 

Lusilla's first reaction is confusion--what weapons? But someone does seem to be removing something from her--stretcher, she's on a stretcher, that's now been laid on the ground--maybe the--demons???--that hurt her left weapons behind and they got mistaken for hers?

Her second reaction is incredulity--what kind of priorities does this man have???

"Oh Inheritor, leader of our troops, the sharpened edge of our blades and and the unyielding strength of our armor. Iomedae, I beseech you, grant your mercy, heal her wounds." 

Troops??? What??? What's an Iomedae. A god, maybe? Lusilla knows perfectly well that there exist gods besides the ones anyone bothers to worship in Rivertree, and that in big towns and cities the healers are clerics, not druids, who can channel great rings of healing power instead of just using a spell whenever someone gets hurt like a druid does, and clerics get power from gods. But that still leaves so many questions. Lusilla is confused. 

A soothing light washes over her, but leaves her little improved afterwards. Lusilla has never, actually, herself, been on the business end of one of Griar's healing spells--he wasn't one to waste them frivolously, and she heals fine on her own. Usually. But this is sort of how she'd imagined it feeling, except for the part where it barely helps. 

It does help enough, however, that she can turn her head and squint up at the severe-looking man who tried to heal her and has a weird god and cares about rules too much. She swallows, and rasps, "I'm not...going to die..." 

It seems like an important point to clear up. 

"That's the spirit," he says bracingly. "My powers are not enough here--someone call for Terendelev! You there! Yes, you--stop dithering and gawping and make yourself useful--go and get Terendelev!"

Who's Terendelev? She hopes he's right that they can help. 

"Prelate. Surely there is someone else here better suited to running errands."

...What??? What would it even mean, for one person to be better suited than another to running errands. 

"I'll get her. Terendelev! Has anyone seen Terendelev?"

"Be quick about it, before it's too late!" the man, presumably named Prelate, snaps. "Now, who are you? I don't remember seeing you before, and I have a memory for faces." 

She's very very sure she's never seen him before but maybe this is harder to keep track of in cities. "I'm Lusilla," she manages. It's all she can think of to say--if she's never heard of Kenabres, then probably he's never heard of Rivertree. And she still has no more idea what's going on than he does. 

"That's the first I've heard of that name. Who are you then? What's your business in the city?" 

...Her business in the city is getting dragged into it on a stretcher??? She's never been here before! She's never been close enough to have heard of it, before! 

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A warm female voice cuts in. "My dear Prelate, please--for the sake of the festivities, stop interrogating this poor woman. She has been through enough already. Go on, I'll take care of her." 

Presumably this is Terendelev. Hopefully Terendelev is saner than Prelate is. 

"Hmph! All right, as you wish. You are our protector, and a dragon at that," sorry, a dragon??? A fucking DRAGON??? "so I shall defer to your wisdom. But be on your guard: I've been informed she was wounded near Kenabres--that means the demons are prowling just outside the walls. And the city is crawling with their spies! Others may be able to relax on this holiday, but not you or I--not the defenders of the city!" 

He stalks off. Lusilla wonders if there are any demons at all, or if he's like old Yokim, who sees fairies in the woods everywhere even though there are actually only fairies in a couple of spots and everybody humors about it because he's old. 

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Terendelev, when Lusilla lays eyes on her properly, is beautiful. Her face is unlined, but her eyes contain a sorrow that leaves no doubt in Lusilla's mind that she's the oldest person Lusilla has ever met, and her hair is a shining silver--really silver, not just Lusilla's or Mama's white. Lusilla suddenly finds it VERY PLAUSIBLE that this woman is a dragon actually. 

Just what has Lusilla been dumped into?

The glowing hand that Terendelev presses to Lusilla's chest does a great deal more good than Prelate's. 

"Thank you," Lusilla says, sitting up carefully. She presses on the spot that was hurting. Does it still hurt a little, or is that just a phantom ache? 

"I accept your thanks. But my work is not yet done," Terendelev says. Lusilla looks up sharply at her. Does that mean she still needs to be healed, or that some more storybook nonsense is going to happen?

"What do you mean?" 

Terendelev sighs. "I have restored your strength and eased your pain, but I have not healed you fully. In time, your pain will return." 

"What happened to me?" Lusilla asks, trying to keep the plaintive note out of her voice.  

"I don't know. But what struck you was no ordinary weapon," Terendelev says. "But do not be discouraged. You will be fine for today, and tomorrow--tomorrow, come to the cathedral and say I am expecting you. We will find a way to fix this. For today, though--enjoy the festival, and put this out of your mind for the moment. Merriment, all too rare in this time of war, is one of the best medicines." 

Lusilla can only nod mutely as the dragon-woman rises and walks away. 

This time of war. Troops. Blade and armor...

A war...against demons?

This is something out of a storybook! 

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Okay. Okay. This is something out of a storybook, but things out of storybooks happen in real life--if they didn't, where would the stories come from? So Lusilla has to actually deal with--the things that don't happen to get written down by someone who wants to tell a good story. 

Terendelev said to meet her at the cathedral tomorrow, which means she's going to need somewhere to sleep tonight...she looks down. Her dress is torn at the collar, and bloodstained, and she can fix the former but not the latter. She does that, to begin with, and then looks around. 

...It's beautiful. 

The city's square is much bigger than the village square in Rivertree, and more people than she's ever seen in her life--certainly at once, maybe in total--are milling around. There are minstrels playing, over there, a song she's never heard before. People are laughing and playing games and eating and drinking--there are smells she's never smelled before, enticing even to the human version of her olfactory senses--

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--There's still plenty of light out, she has time to figure things out. And she was explicitly told to enjoy herself. 

The very first thing she does is go over and punch a dummy that is for punching. Lusilla isn't that great at hitting things with her human-shaped hands, yet, but she's still pretty strong, and it's not hard to hit a straw dummy. The wooden post trembles under the force of the impact, and the other festival-goers assembled nearby cheer for her. Lusilla bounces and claps and twirls, and runs off to try the next thing. 

The next thing turns out to be a special festival drink, not that Lusilla could tell the difference between something that's special for the festival and something that's just different because it's from very far away. It tastes nice, anyway, and the bubbling excitement over new experiences spills over like the froth from the beverage. 

She has moved on to dancing in the open spaces, learning by watching the other festival-goers, probably doing very badly but who cares, when she's having fun? 

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And then everything gets very bad very quickly. 

Creatures with red skin holding spears teleport into the square; creatures with the body of a humanoid and the face and wings of a vulture appear in the sky and descend upon the crowds. 


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This is--bad. This is bad on a level Lusilla does not, actually, have the experience to process. 

Terendelev appears again, and demonstrates that she is, in fact, a dragon, by taking on her true form--Lusilla is in awe--but when she calls out the source of the horrible voice, the creature that appears is even larger than her, and--

--and now Terendelev is dead. 

Sometimes, disasters happen and places end. Lusilla should probably run. Mama ran, when Hilltop ended, and that's the only reason she lived to have Lusilla. But--

What happened to Hilltop was an isolated incident. Bad, but once it was over it was over; nothing similar had happened before, and nothing similar happened afterwards. 

What's happening right now is a war against demons--the spawn of Lamashtu--the very thing that Lusilla has been afraid of being mistaken for for her entire life. 

If she abandons these people now, how can she say absolutely that she isn't? 

The halfling who called for a healer when she was brought into the city loans her a crossbow that he claims is supposed to be able to pierce the hide of a demon lord--presumably the thing this Deskari creature--Terendelev said its name--is. She's dubious, but turning into her more powerful alternate form is a move Terendelev already tried, and it super, super didn't work, and Lusilla does not think she is stronger than a dragon. Admittedly, she doesn't have a long, sliceable neck, but--well, she can try the crossbow. 

The crossbow, astonishingly, works. 

...Well. Sort of. It hits Deskari, anyway. It doesn't seem to hurt him much. It does piss him off, though. His great, Terendelev-decapitating scythe comes down on the ground, and the earth itself splits open, as though to swallow her whole. 

Fortunately her spell-like abilities don't depend on her form; she kips into the air once there isn't solid ground under her feet.

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Hm. No. 

It doesn't exactly behoove Deskari to expend a lot of attention on a stinging gnat, but it behooves him even less to let it get away with it. He swats it out of the air and into the chasm in the ground. 

He meant to cleave her in two, but for some reason this doesn't seem to have happened. Whatever, good enough. 

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When Lusilla regains consciousness, she is at the bottom of a very deep hole in the ground. Her first instinct is to immediately get out of the hole, but that's pretty close to the instinct that led her to try not to fall into the hole in the first place, which did not work out so well for her. Also, the rift in the ground seems to have intersected with a pre-existing tunnel system. She cautiously gets to her feet and peers around. 

There are luminescent fungi, but it's still pretty dark. And there's no one around. And she just got beat up a bunch. 

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So she assumes her true form, which is significantly sturdier, and starts moving along the tunnel. 

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It isn't too long before she hears voices. 

"Holy mother of..." one voice curses. 

"Hey, hey! Stay with me! You actually got pretty lucky; you fell into a big hole, but at least you're not on your own. Everything's going to be fine. Tell me something: can you feel your legs?" 

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Lusilla immediately reverts to human shape. 

The second person seems sort of familiar, but she can't place it, so--whatever. Bigger problems right now. 

"Hello?" she calls, just as the other woman is affirming that her leg hurts too much to have a spinal injury. 

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The--knight? Raises her sword warily in Lusilla's direction for a moment, before lowering it. "You're the one Terendelev healed. You're not hurt, right? Can you help me get her out?"

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"Yes--no--sure," Lusilla replies, in order. She crouches next to the pile of boulders that have partially trapped the other woman, carefully lifting boulders with an ease that belies her slight frame. 

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"You're pretty strong." 

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"Am I?" She's weaker in this form than in the other. She's never really bothered to test her strength against her mother or brother, so...

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"These rocks are pretty heavy," the trapped woman confirms with a grimace. 

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"Oh." Maybe she is stronger than a normal human? That's sort of a shame, in that it would be cool for normal humans to be stronger. "...I'm Lusilla, by the way." 

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"Anevia Tirabade, of the Eagle Watch. I was in charge of security for the festival. I expected that demon cultists would try something, but...not this." 

"I'm Seelah, paladin of Iomedae." 

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"Iomedae is a local god, right?" 

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"I...wouldn't call her especially local, no...where are you from?"

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"Well, my mother's from Hilltop, originally, but Hilltop was destroyed, so now we live in the woods outside Rivertree." Pooooossibly this isn't much more informative to them then "Kenabres" was to her. "The nearest big city is Okorrost," she adds, in case that helps. 

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"Do you know the country?" Anevia asks. 

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Lusilla has to think about this for a moment. "Iobaria?" she hazards. It's not like it generally matters. 

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"Okay. We're in Mendev, which is on the other side of the Lake of Mists and Veils from Iobaria. Iomedae isn't specifically a Mendevian goddess, or anything, but she's pretty popular here, on account of the Worldwound." 

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"What's the Worldwound? Does it have something to do with all the demons?" 

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Seelah and Anevia both look at her as though she had unironically asked which end of a cow was up, which was probably fair of them. "Yes," Seelah says after a moment. "The Worldwound is the giant Abyssal rift that the demons are coming through. Do you seriously not know this?"

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Shrug. "I've never met a demon before today."

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Snort. "I'd never met a demon, for ages and ages after I'd heard about the Worldwound. I don't know if anyone's ever been in Kenabres before, in the last century, without having heard about the Worldwound." 

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"Well, I mean, I think mostly people in Kenabres cross the intervening distance while conscious, mostly. I wasn't. The last thing I remember before waking up on that stretcher, I was at home, in the woods, looking for herbs." 

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"...Huh. That doesn't make a lot of sense, for demons to cross the entire lake just to kidnap one person and dump them outside Kenabres." 

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"I really don't know enough about demons to say." 

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"Fuck, I think my leg is broken." Deep sigh. "Well, I've had worse." 

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Seelah would love to not be out of healing for today but oh well. 

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Lusilla is not out of healing for today. "Let me see," she says, and crouches by Anevia's side. She helps the other woman straighten her leg, and then casts Cure Light Wounds. 

"Cleric?" Anevia asks. 

Lusilla shakes her head. "Weird kind of sorcerer, I think." 

"Those happen," Anevia agrees, then hauls herself to her feet. She tests her leg and finds it satisfactory. She peers at the ceiling. "I don't suppose you have a way out of here." 

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"I...can fly," Lusilla says reluctantly, "and I could carry a person, but--if Deskari is still up there--he swatted me down here in the first place, I don't think he would just let me fly out." 

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"You took a hit from Deskari and you're still standing?" 

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"I think I got very lucky and he hit me with the wrong part of his weapon by accident." The actual blow isn't exactly a clear memory, just a confused flash of fear and pain, in that way that happens when events occur too suddenly to keep track of. "But you can see why I'm reluctant to face it again." 

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"I suppose...we can't just cower down here until he's definitely gone, though. There are people up there who need our help." 

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Theoretically they could, but since nobody here is going to do that, it's pretty theoretical. 

"You're right, but--it was a long gash. I want to see if there's anyone else who needs rescue and to be brought up to the surface, before I take the risk of poking my head out of the ground." 

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“I guess that makes sense.”

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It doesn't take long before the three of them reach an object that is sufficiently intact to make it clear that it used to be a locked chest. 

"I think this is where Hulrun put the confiscated weapons. Maybe your things are in here." 

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Hulrun must be the name of the guard that Prelate told to remove the weapons from her stretcher. "They weren't my things. I didn't have any weapons on me when the demons must've grabbed me, not even my whittling knife. They must've been left behind by the demons, or other victims of theirs." 

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"Hmm. Well, they're still likely to be useful." 

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"You're not wrong." 

Lusilla does not actually know which of the things that used to be in the chest were brought in with her, but anything that was confiscated from anyone else, well, it's not likely that anyone is going to prioritize returning them to their rightful owners even if both the people who did the confiscating and the rightful owners are both still alive, so, finder's keepers. Lusilla picks up the shortspear and the light crossbow, neither of which are complicated enough to operate that she expects to have any trouble with them, and Seelah can have the sword. It's not actually any better than the sword Seelah has right now, but having a backup is generally useful. On this same principle Lusilla hangs the heavy mace from her belt. 

And then they can move forward. 

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It isn't long after that that they run into a person...two people? No, one person and a corpse. 

"Who's there?" asks a half-elf woman standing over a very, very dead body, raising her rapier. 

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"Peace, friend! We're not cultists. I'm Seelah, and this is Anevia and Lusilla." 

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The woman lowers her rapier slightly. "I'm glad to hear it. My name is Camellia. I was in the square when..." she licks her lips nervously and shivers. "I never thought so many demons could get past the Wardstone." 

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Camellia gives her a junior version of the look Seelah and Anevia gave her when she asked what the Worldwound was. 

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"Before I was dragged into this city half-insensate on a stretcher, I was on completely the other side of the Lake of Mists and Veils." 

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This does not especially make Camellia look like she's judging her less. 

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"The Wardstones are the anchor points that keeps the demons mostly inside the Worldwound, instead of spilling out all over the rest of the world," Anevia interjects, before the situation can get any cattier. "They were a gift from Iomedae during the First Crusade." 

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"Okay. And the city square is supposed to be on the demons-not-allowed side of the Wardstone?" 

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"Yes," Camellia says emphatically. 

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"Thank you for being patient with me," Lusilla says, specifically to Anevia and not Camellia. 

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"You're welcome," Anevia says dryly. 

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Lusilla is not totally insensible to "let's change the subject before ending up in a fight we don't need with someone who isn't actually our enemy," and also this next question is pretty important actually, so she points at the mangled corpse and asks, "Who's that? What happened to him?" 

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Camellia shrugs. "I don't know. He must have been in the square when disaster struck. I tried to revive him, but he was already dead, sadly." 

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"You tried to revive that?" Lusilla asks incredulously. 

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Camellia spreads her hands and smiles slightly. "I didn't say I expected it to work." 

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Yeah this lady is giving some creepy vibes. 


Whatever. Not, actually, the most important thing right now. 

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"He did not get those wounds in the fall. Whatever did this might still be nearby." 

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"Did this happen before or after the fall?" 

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"I don't know, unfortunately. I didn't find him until we were already both down here." 

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If Camellia didn't come across him in some less mangled state it seems even weirder for her to have tried to heal him...but that's still not the highest priority. "I'm sorry none of us were in time to save him, then," Lusilla says, which is true enough. "I can fly, and I'm pretty strong, but we're looking to see if anyone else fell down before I start trying to ferry people back to the surface." 

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Lusilla ticks off on her fingers. "Two reasons, mainly. Firstly, I'd rather not be down here all my myself while looking for rescuees. And second, if possible, I would like to not go back into the main square until Deskari is no longer there, and if nobody goes up until everyone's ready, that's more likely." 

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"All right, I can appreciate those reasons. Count me in on getting rescued." 

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"Excellent." Time to proceed further down the tunnel. 

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Camellia would really rather return to the surface immediately instead of looking for more people to rescue, but she's really not in a position to say so.

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Anevia stops to loot the corpse but then yeah let's move along. 

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There are more chests, and crates, and other miscellaneous objects destroyed and undestroyed, and more corpses. None of them are as mangled as the one at Camellia's feet, so Lusilla stops to check and make sure that each one is, in fact, dead, before moving on. She notes, in the back corner of her mind that isn't dealing with the current crisis, that Camellia is a lot less interested in taking the initiative to see if any of these people can be saved, despite being objectively more likely to be savable than...that. 

They have to squish a couple of very large and aggressive centipedes. Lusilla has not started being in the habit of wasting animals she kills in the last day, so she bundles up their corpses in a piece of canvas salvaged from a fallen wagon, much to Camellia's disgust. 

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"You cannot possibly intend to eat those." 

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"Why not???" 

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"They're vermin." 

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"I have Purify Food and Water." 

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Camellia makes a deeply disgusted noise but does not continue to verbally object. For Now. 

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They continue on. They have to kill some more enormous bugs; Lusilla continues to collect their corpses in her impromptu giant sack, even though Camellia continues to be visibly disturbed each time. Not wasting what you kill is way less disturbing than whatever Camellia has going on, so she can suck it up. 

Eventually, there are, in fact, too many bug corpses to just carry around, and Lusilla has to admit that trying to salvage as much bug corpse as possible is significantly less important than looking for people to rescue. She puts down her sack. She can come back for it later. 

There is also a lizard. Lusilla dumps it next to the sack of bug. Camellia looks more or less resigned about that one; a lizard is significantly less gross than a whole lot of bug. 

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It is not very long after the lizard that they come across what is unmistakably worked stone, and with it, a pair of figures arguing. 

"No, I can't just walk away. It's got to be here somewhere!" one of them exclaims, before spotting their group of four. "Wenduag!" 

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"Lann? Did you find it?" The farther-away figure moves closer, stopping in surprise and suspicion when she sees them. "Who is that?" 

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Wow, these people are pretty. 

"I'm Lusilla, and that's Seelah, and Anevia, and Camellia. We're...looking for anyone else...who fell down the giant crack in the ground. I can fly," she adds helpfully, activating her spell-like ability and floating a couple of inches into the air. 

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"What happened on the surface? The caves haven't stopped shaking yet." 

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“The city is overrun with demons.”

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“Deskari showed up and split the earth with his giant scythe.”

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“That’s what Terendelev called him.”

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"If things are that bad, we'd better hurry." 

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“Hurry what? I mean—what are you guys doing?” Also what are you, I don’t think humans usually do that, but probably better to ask one question at a time.

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“Nothing that’s going to work,” Wenduag grouses.

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Lann ignores her. “We’re looking for an angel’s sword. It was supposed to be on a podium in here, but the ground shaking caused some of the ceiling to collapse. Some of our kids decided that the quake meant it was time to head to the surface, and the Shield Maze is the best way.”

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“It’s also incredibly dangerous, even for skilled hunters.”

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“Which is why we need to go in and find them. But Chief Sull is dragging his feet—”

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“Because it’s insane.”

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“—Dragging his feet, as usual, so we came here to find the sword. Nobody’s been able to wield it since the angel himself, supposedly, so if I come back with it, the tribes ought to put aside their bickering and go find the children.”

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“The reason nobody’s been able to wield it is that it burns the hands of anyone who tries!”

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“I will strap it to my wrist if I have to.”

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“Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that! Where was it supposed to be?”

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“In what used to be the center of the room.”

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"Not that I'm not sympathetic, but we do need to get back to the surface. Kenabres needs us." 

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Lusilla bites her lip and looks back and forth between Anevia and Seelah on one hand, and Lann and Wenduag on the other. "I...guess a couple of missing children aren't more important than an entire cityful, but..." oooooh this is breaking so many rules but. People's lives at stake. "This'll be real quick." 

And then Lusilla takes a deep breath, and changes. 

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The world is a different place, in this shape. Her actual vision is much the same, qualitatively, but she sees all around her instead of only in a small slice in front of her face. The world of smells explodes into life around her. And, most importantly, the magic in the world around her unfolds like a galaxy of stars. 

Including one very significant star over there--

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--She changes back, instead of going over and grabbing the angel sword immediately, turning contritely to face Anevia and Seelah, hands twisting behind her back. 

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"What...was that? What are you?" 

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Lusilla shrugs, looking down at her feet. 

"I dunno. Hilltop, the village my mother used to live in, just--got destroyed, one night. Mom woke up and everything was screaming and fire. She didn't stick around long enough to find out what was happening, just grabbed my big brother and ran. I...was born nine months later. It's presumably not a coincidence. But I've never heard of anything else like me. I...came out like that, and Mom fled into the woods before anyone else could see me, and decide that I was some kind of horrible spawn of Lamashtu." 

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"Well...you don't read evil." 

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Pff. Like that's definitive. 

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"I don't know what I am, or what made me. But I am a me, a person, and I can choose what to do, and I choose Good." 

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"That's the spirit!" 

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"Not that I don't agree with the sentiment, but why exactly did you choose right now to reveal that you're actually a giant pink starfish with too many eyes?" 

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"Oh, right. I can sense magic in that shape, and the angel sword is pretty magic." 

And she strides over, shoves some rocks out of the way, and grabs the sword's hilt--

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Lusilla falls to her knees, gasping. 



"Terendelev said that wasn't going to happen today!" she gets out, after a few moments. 

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"--You were expecting that?" 

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Lusilla looks down at the fresh blood on her dress in distaste. 

"Not the vision. Or the sword." Sigh. "But Terendelev did say she hadn't completely healed my wound, that it would re-open...still, since I'm currently capable of standing upright, it's certainly better than it was. But she said to talk to her about it tomorrow, and now she's dead." 

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"Vision? What vision?" 

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"I saw the angel's--Lariel's--last moments. He was betrayed by his allies, and struck down by...something that looked like Deskari, but wasn't Deskari..." 

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"You have to come back to the village with us! If you can do that on command, Chief Sull will have no choice but to listen." 

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"Well...I never meant to...I was just going to find the sword and..." can she hand it to Lann? 

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Nope. She can make it manifest, with a soothing glow, but the moment she tries to let go of it, it simply vanishes. 

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"--Well, I promised to get Seelah, and Anevia, and Camellia, back to the surface. I can come back afterwards and help." 

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"...There's a guy from the surface, who made his way to the village. We didn't get a lot out of him--he was pretty rude, honestly--but if you're looking for passengers, you could come talk to Chief Sull, and get him, and then go." 

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"How far is it to your village?" 

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"Not very far." 

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"Alright, I guess." Anevia does not look happy about the continued delays. 

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"So, is everyone in your village like you two?" Lusilla asks, once they're out of the worked-stone area the angel's sword was in, and in the natural tunnels between there and the village. 

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Snort. "What, mongrels? Yeah." 

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"Neathers," Wenduag hisses. "We call ourselves Neathers. Surfacers call us mongrels." 

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"...That doesn't...seem...polite? Of them?" 

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Lann shrugs. "It's not worth fighting over." 

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Wenduag gives him a deeply, deeply unimpressed look. 

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Lann clearly has a greater ability than Lusilla does to refrain from dying on hills. Except--"Do you get a lot of surface people down here? If it would be a fight to use the right word." 

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"Well, not really, but..." 

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"Lann is obsessed with the surface." 

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"I am not obsessed." 

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Wenduag is not calling bullshit out loud with her voice but she is thinking it at the top of her lungs. 

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"So what was that place, anyway? The room back there?" 

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"That's where we keep the relics of the first crusade. Sometimes we even come and blow the dust off the exhibits." 

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"The first crusade? Have you guys really been down here that long?" 

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"Yeah. We call ourselves the Underground Crusaders when we're feeling fancy." 

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"As someone who had never heard of the Worldwound when I woke up," wait, she can't say 'this morning,' she doesn't know when she was last conscious before getting abducted by demons, it's plausibly been more than a day, and it was already afternoon when she came to in the square, "today, I assume that 'crusades,' have something to do with it, but, uh, that's all I got. Could someone contextualize me please." 

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Lann and Wenduag both give her significantly more advanced versions of Anevia and Seelah's upended cow look. 

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"Yes, the Crusades are about the Worldwound. The fourth and most recent one ended about eight years ago. The first one started almost a hundred years ago." 

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"What makes a crusade different from a not-crusade, if you're still fighting demons when there hasn't been a crusade for most of a decade?" 

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"You can't not fight the demons, or they'll destroy everything. The Crusades are different. Each one was called with a specific goal in mind, usually retaking territory that had already been lost."

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"Huh." Based on storybook logic, a fifth one will probably be called soon, possibly in direct response to the attack on Kenabres, but Lusilla doesn't actually know if storybook logic is trustworthy here. "Has much of Mendev been lost to demons?" 

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Grimace. "Depends on how this attack goes, I suspect. Losing the Wardstone would be really bad. But--not much, especially compared with how it could be. Mendev is a place where people come from all over the world in order to fight the demons; the country's sort of remade itself around that. Not that we're in great shape, but hey, we're not Sarkoris. Yet." 

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"Wait, is that what happened to Sarkoris?" 

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"...How in the world do you know about Sarkoris but not the Worldwound?" 

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"Rivertree's village druid, Griar, told me his great-grandfather fled Sarkoris when it fell. But he didn't say what happened to it, and given that he was telling me about it in the context of something having happened to Hilltop, and nobody has any idea what happened to Hilltop, I had no reason to think anybody knew what happened to Sarkoris!" 

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Blah blah weird surfacer stuff, nobody cares. 

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"...Countries are a little harder to misplace than villages." 

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"Huh, okay." The More You Know. 

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This is not a circumstance in which it is EASY to take someone aside for a private word, but Wenduag manages. 

"Listen," Wenduag says quietly, "when we get to the village, don't show Sull the sword." 

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"Huh? What? Why?" Lusilla has very little education, but she does, actually, have a positive intelligence modifier. "...I already told Lann I would. If he says I will, and then I don't, either I look like a huge jerk or he looks like a huge idiot." 

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"It'll be the idiot one. Everybody knows Lann is more interested in old legends and tales of glory than is good for him." 

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"Maybe to your people, but Seelah and Anevia were there when it happened." Also Camellia but Lusilla cares less what she thinks. "They'd know I was being mean to Lann for no reason."

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"Not no reason. I wasn't joking when I said it was a fool's errand. The Shield Maze kills experienced hunters, nevermind the young and elderly that Lann wants to bring through with them." Wenduag wishes she had some kind of leverage--if these surfacers needed to go through the Shield Maze themselves, she could offer to guide them; but with eyeballs monster girl able to fly them all back to the surface, they have no reason to get involved in the tribe's business. 

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"Why does he want to do that?" 

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"The children who ran into the maze aren't the only ones far too eager to see the tribes return to the surface to fight demons." 

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"I don't think I understand why that involves bringing the infirm through the scary death maze." 

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"...Starvation wouldn't be better." 

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So the assumption is that the village druid would come with--plausible, druids are pretty good at fighting, compared to farmers. "They wouldn't have to be left behind," she says instead. "They could come up to the surface with me and the rest." 

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"Even the sword won't make Sull make up his mind that fast, let alone summon the rest of the tribes." 

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"I could come back?" 

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"Even if you got him to leave of the absolute worst of his foolhardy plan, it's still not safe." 

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"I...will think about it." 

Not that she's going to lie, about Lann, to Lann's face, where Seelah and Anevia can see her do it, that's just ridiculous, but she can do some thinking about the rest of it. 

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Wenduag is not exactly SATISFIED with this, but she will quit while she's ahead. 

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They run across some more Arthropods of Unusual Size. Spiders, this time. 

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Lann and Wenduag seem to be totally onboard with plan: Eat What You Kill, Even When What You Kill Is Giant Bugs. They are somewhat more practiced and less haphazard about packing up dead giant bugs to bring places. 

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They reach the village without significant further incident.

It's smaller than Rivertree or Odd's Hollow, and somewhat more focused on fishing than either of those two riverside villages, along with not having any real agricultural capacity. As a result of the latter, it's, well... also much poorer. And smellier. 

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Camellia made a DIRE mistake when she didn't immediately veto venturing into this sty. 


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...Lusilla is pretty sure Camellia is being rude, but she has...no idea what kind of rude she's being. 

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Lann either does not perceive Camellia's rudeness or elects to ignore it as he brings them to a scarred, elderly-looking Neather in concealing but obviously patchworked robes. 

The chief looks at them and shakes his head tiredly. "More uplandersh...the end timesh really are upon ush..." 

"Chief Sull!" Lann protests. "We found the angel's sword! And the person who can wield it." He points at Lusilla. "She had a vision, and now the angel's sword is...inside her, somehow. Gather the tribe! Anyone who can hold a weapon. The young ones are still alive, we can go save them!"

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Lusilla is...glad Lann is explicitly limiting his exhortation to people who can hold weapons? Although she's not sure why he thinks the children are definitely still alive, instead of just, like, hopefully still alive, given Wenduag's emphasis on how dangerous the place is. 

...On the other hand, given how much difficulty he's already said he's had persuading this guy, maybe he's just pretending to be more certain he is, because anything less would be an excuse to continue not going. 

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"Ah...Lann, alwaysh dreaming, alwaysh talking. You're too hashty, too hashty for your own good. It'sh going to get you in trouble." He eyes Lusilla. "An uplander with the angel'sh shword...that'sh too good for ush. Our kind don't have good thingsh happen--there'sh alwaysh a catch. Lann trushtsh people becaushe he likesh to believe. Ishn't that right, Lann? I'm the chief, I don't work on faith. Show me the shword." 

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Wow, this guy is--worse than Brin, Rivertree's miller. Maybe Lann is an optimist, maybe Lann likes believing in things, but you know what? 

So does Lusilla. 

She pulls out the sword and lights it up. 

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Tears run down the old chief's face. He doesn't even notice, gazing at the warm light of the sword. Dozens of other neathers stop what they're doing to stare. 

"Sho it'sh true...the angel...did not forshake ush, no...he came...back from the dead he came, to shave our children." 

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Sheeeee's going into the Shield Maze. She'll have to drop the others off on the surface first, of course, but--she absolutely does not have it in her to not go on the rescue mission after that sentiment is expressed to her face. 

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Lann smiles at her, grateful and a little relieved. 

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Wenduag's reaction is approximately the opposite. 

"See these fishermen and these hunters, these husks of men and women?" she spits. "Their blood will be on your hands!" 

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Lusilla rounds on her. 

"Husks? You use a word like that, and denounce me for wanting to give these people hope with the same breath?" 

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"You think there's hope if they're all dead?" 

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She throws her hands up. "So I'll keep them from dying! Problem solved." 

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Snarl. "You think you can?"

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"I survived a hit from Deskari." A hit he royally fucked up, but still. "I am the child of a night of blood and fire, and of my mother's desperate and unconditional love. And I will not stand by while people tell themselves that salvation is too good for the likes of them." 

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"When everyone here dies, it won't be my fault." 

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"You're too much of a pessimist, Wendu. We're not on our own anymore." 

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"You have the right of it, Lann," Chief Sull says somberly. "But we're neathers, we're going to wait. I shent a meshenger to shummon all the tribesh. It will take time, yesh. But they will come. They will all come for the light that we have sheen here today. Wait, Lann. Wait, uplandersh. Resht a while; our home ish your home." 

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"It's just as well," Lusilla murmurs to Lann, "since I have to get the others back to the surface first anyway." 

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Lann sighs and nods. "Alright. I should introduce you to the other guy who found his way here, then." 

He does not sound totally thrilled about this. 

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"Lead the way." 

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The other uplander is a greying human man wearing the kind of outfit that says he has money and cares if other people know it, and the kind of waistline that says he shies away from neither good food nor exercise. 

"Ah, a human face at last! And here I thought that I'd be gazing upon the twisted visages of these troglodytes for the rest of my life." 

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Aaaaaaand Lusilla immediately understands why Lann was not thrilled to bring her here. 

"I shall take that under advisement," she says curtly, "given that I am not human, and my true visage is significantly more twisted than theirs." 

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"--Yes, well. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Horgus Gwerm. Yes, that Gwerm--you no doubt have heard of me if you've spent any time at all in the city. I have a business proposition for you." 

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"I was dragged into the city half-conscious on a stretcher less than an hour ago; before that, I was in the woods outside a tiny village in Iobaria, and hadn't even heard of the Worldwound, let alone Horgus Gwerm." 

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He is starting to suspect that this girl is fucking with him.

"Well, you couldn't have picked a worse time if you'd tried. Only just arrived, and half the city is razed to rubble! You should know that you are looking at one of the richest and most distinguished men in Kenabres. I may not be as well known as certain swaggering loudmouths who spend their lives traipsing from one ball to the next... but the Gwerm trading company is one of the pillars of the city, I'll have you know! Did you see the marquees in the square? I paid for those. Tried any festival delicacies? You have Horgus Gwerm to thank for that!" 

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Ah. Well. Credit where credit is due. 

"I did, actually. The marquees were beautiful, and the festival drink was tasty. So thank you." 

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That's better. 

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"So...what did you mean by a business proposition?"

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"I don't know what's happening on the surface right now, but I am determined to find out. You have no intention of seeing out the rest of your days in this village, I suspect. We must find a route back to the surface, to the city. If there's anything left of it. 

"You are strong, it will be no trouble to you. But I, alas, am not as fit as I once was. I can't go crawling about through caves, playing at scouts. My proposition is simple: lead me back to the city and I shall pay you a thousand crowns." 

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--That's a lot of money. 

Lusilla doesn't actually know what a crown is--local currency, of course, but not what denomination--but even if that's the smallest kind of copper coin, a thousand of them is still a lot. 

Lusilla weighs the pros and cons. On the one hand, she had been going to bring him back to the surface just by default, and not charge him for it. 

On the other hand, he's rich and has been an ass about the Neathers. 


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"Very well. Until then, I shall--" 

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"Oh! Sorry, no, I wasn't clear. We already know how to get back to the surface, it's just you can't get there without me." 

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"...And how is that?" 

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Lusilla points upwards. "The same way we came in. I told you I wasn't human! I can fly, and I'm pretty strong." 

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"...Are you a dragon?" She would have to be a much younger dragon than Terendelev, if she was one, and he really hopes that if she is her coloration in human form is less suggestive of what color of dragon she is than Terendelev's was. 

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"Nope! If there's a word for what I am I don't know it. But I can fly." 

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"...Well, alright, then, let's be off." 

He glances at Camellia. 

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She nods slightly. The situation is deeply weird, of course, and she's really not sure what to make of Lusilla as a person, but she's confident that the overly-chipper probably-Aberration is not going to suddenly decide to suck everyone's brains out instead of ferrying them up to the surface. 

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Good enough for now. 

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The group that tromps back to the reliquary room and from there back to the area where Deskari's scythe cracked open the ceiling consists of Lusilla, Anevia, Camellia, Seelah, and Horgus Gwerm; Lann and Wenduag are staying behind in the village. Lusilla isn't sure whether that's because they want to coordinate the Neathers answering Chief Sull's call, or because they want to not deal with Horgus Gwerm, but in either case Lusilla agrees that those priorities make sense. 

And when they get there, Lusilla changes, and Horgus Gwerm can get an eyeful of the thing that she is that is not a dragon. 

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Wow, that is really not reassuring.

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Lusilla picks up Horgus with one arm, and Anevia with another, and Camellia with a third. 

She reaches for Seelah, but Seelah backs up and shakes her head, smiling. 

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"I'll wait down here, keep an eye out on things. You might be strong, but you don't have armor; you're going to need me in the Shield Maze." 

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"--You'll help?" 

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"Yeah. Place's supposed to be dangerous, right? A good sword arm will help a lot. Wouldn't want anything to happen to those kids." 

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"If the two of you do make it back to the surface alive...try to look up the Eagle Watch. I have a feeling we're going to be doing a lot of the work of holding the city together." 

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And then Lusilla takes off. 

When she reaches the top of the rift--which doesn't take very long at all--she sets each of her three passengers down safely, waves all five of her arms in a gesture recognizable as a friendly wave goodbye despite the difference in anatomy, and dives back down below. 

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And then she re-assumes human form and beams at Seelah. 

"Can I hug you?" 

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--Seelah laughs. "Sure!" 

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Lusilla hugs like someone not totally used to this whole "bones" and "joints" situation and not totally sold on it. And then she pulls back and grins at Seelah and starts back towards Neathholme, laughing and slowing down when she realizes that heavy armor means Seelah can't quite keep up. 

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The tribes have, unsurprisingly, not finished assembling by the time Lusilla and Seelah get back. 

Lann is talking to a female Neather when they arrive. 

"Oh, hey. Dyra, this is Lusilla, the uplander with the angel's sword. And Seelah. I didn't know you were coming back," he adds to Seelah. 

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"You guys seemed like you could use the help." 

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"I won't argue. Guys, this is Dyra, cleric of Abadar." 

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"You guys have a cleric?" 

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Lann snorts. "Just because we're living like this, down here--" 

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"No, no, I didn't mean it like that. Just, in my experience, small villages like this one mostly have druids, for healing and making water and so on, clerics mostly live in bigger towns and cities." 

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"I don't know anything about druids, but we usually have at least one cleric for every few villages. Not every village has one; the less lucky ones have to travel to visit when someone's hurt but still alive." 

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"Well...you have to learn to be a druid; if the crusaders whose descendants you are didn't happen to have any, I guess there wouldn't be anyone to teach more. But still, wow." Lusilla shakes her head. 

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"That...isn't how it works everywhere, anyway. In my experience, usually small villages have low-level clerics of Erastil, not druids." 

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"Huh. Well, Erastil seems like a good candidate for a god whose clerics could do a druid's job, if they had to." 

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"They can cast Plant Growth, yeah. It is a little surprising to see a cleric of Abadar in a place this small." 

"You'd be surprised," Dyra says, "how often the good word of positive-sum trade can prevent fights over resources."

"Well, good for you!" 

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"Speaking of resources--Lann, I don't, actually, have a home base anywhere right now, or anything, and even in my bigger form I can only eat so much, and I only have to feed this form if I eat in it, so," she gestures to the giant tied-up piece of canvas, then decides to instead untie it so that he and Dyra can see how much dead bug with bonus lizard there is in there. "I killed all this before we met you guys, and stashed it because it was sort of awkward to carry around. But you guys can have it, the important thing is it not going to waste." 

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Lann's eyes go wide. "That is...a lot of food." 

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"Like I said, I do not need all of it." 

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Okay Dyra is going to pounce on her to haggle now. 

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Lusilla had honestly intended all this as a gift, but wow, Dyra's enthusiasm is infectious, are all clerics of Abadar this cool? She is going to have to ask some questions about Abadar later. Also Iomedae, she still doesn't actually know much about Iomedae. 

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...Seelah is just going to...go practice with her sword. Over there.

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When Lusilla comes to find Seelah a while later, she's dressed differently. 

Before, she had been wearing a fairly unremarkable peasant dress; long-sleeved and full-skirted, it wasn't impractical, per se, but it was much better suited for running around in forests or fields than falling down rocky crags or killing approximately anything. 

What she's wearing now is a somewhat simpler skirt of the rougher fabric that the Neathers are able to produce, and a sleeveless bodice of worked lizard hide. On her arms are a pair of bracers that don't look like Neather manufacture, and a bag made of the same lizard-leather is slung across her body. 

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"Hey! Looking good. That doesn't count as armor, does it?" 

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Lusilla looks down at the pebbled material. "I don't think so. What d'you mean counts as?" 

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"Well, you said you're a sorcerer, right? Sorcerers and wizards can have trouble casting in armor." 

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"Huh. Well, if I have any trouble, I'll deal with it."

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Nod. "Where'd you get the bracers?"

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She looks down at her forearms. "Oh, that. Actually I already had these on? I didn't realize, under my sleeves, with everything that was going on. I have no idea how they got there. I definitely didn't have them before I got captured. I wish I could ask the guys who brought me in some questions, but," she shrugs. "They brought me in with some weapons, but they were just laid down on the stretcher with me. I don't know who put these on me or why. And they're magic! I didn't realize sooner because they just sort of disappear when I turn into my other shape, and I don't have detect magic as a regular spell, but Dyra does, and she noticed." 

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"Why was she using it?" 

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"Checking to make sure none of the meat had any supernatural toxins that my purify had missed." 

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"Huh. Well, your mysterious past gets even mysteriouser." 

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"I guess! I don't think most of my past was very mysterious, but I guess the mystery of my birth qualifies to make it a mysterious past and not just a mysterious interlude." She looks down at her chest and sighs. "I could do without the mysterious wound, though." 

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"Can't blame you a bit." 

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A little while later, Lann comes by. "Have either of you seen Wenduag?" 

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"Not since seeing Anevia and the others off, I think. Why?" 

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"I had a question for her about the Shield Maze, but I can't find her. I've asked around, but nobody's seen her since not long after you guys left." 

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"I guess she was really serious about it not being on her if this goes wrong." 

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Lann sighs. "I guess. I can't say I'm not disappointed in her, though." 

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"...If she really thinks everyone who goes into the Maze is going to die...she might not want to leave the ones who are left without any hunters or combatants." 

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Lann grimaces. "Maybe." But they are definitely not going to all die, so he is not really impressed with Wenduag even in this hypothetical. "I was really hoping to have her expertise navigating the maze, though." 

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"My other form has a really good sense of smell. I could try to track them by scent." 

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"Would you? That would be great!"

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"Can you get me some of their stuff so I can pick up the scent?" 

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"I can try. Give me a minute." 

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Lann is gone for a few minutes, and then comes back with three garments. 

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And Lusilla changes. 

Lann either knows enough about scent tracking, or just was able to reason it out, but he brought her clothing that hadn't been washed at all since they were last worn. 

Lusilla smells each garment carefully, before giving them back to Lann. 

"I think I'll remember. Thanks, this should be useful." 

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"Anything that means we can get to those kids quicker is a good thing." 

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Lusilla changes back. "Do you know how much longer to expect it to be?" 

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Lann sighs and shakes his head. "I don't know. Probably several more hours." 

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Lusilla nods and gets out a dagger she scavenged from a corpse that fell from the surface and a piece of chitin she took from one of the dead bugs and starts whittling. 

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"What's that?" 

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"I'm making whistles. It's something you can do with bones--this antenna isn't exactly the same, but it's worth trying, anyway--if we get separated at all, a loud whistle will let anyone else who's a little ways away but not too far know you're in trouble or have something you really need them to see. Griar taught me to make them." 

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"That's the druid that told you about Sarkoris, right?" 

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"Right. They're used by hunting or search parties, mostly, when something dangerous moves into the forest nearby and the village has to go kill it, or someone gets confused by a fairy and we have to go look for them. I've been in a search party but not a hunting party, I mostly just hunt normal stuff by myself. Being able to fly is a big advantage." 

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"I bet it would be." 

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"I guess if it's going to take hours we should probably have escorted Anevia to the actual Eagle Knights, made contact with them, etcetera, before coming back," Lusilla sighs, "but it's a bit late for that now. But I don't want to just sit around uselessly until then regardless." 

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"Preach it," Seelah says, resuming her sword drills. 



By the time Lann comes to let them know that the other tribes have arrived and it's time to go into the Shield Maze, a crowd of young Neathers have gathered around Seelah, and been armed with whatever sticks or fragments of whatever come to hand so that she can start teaching them the very basics of swordplay. It is deeply cute. 

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Lann has to stop, and stare, for a moment, because that is deeply cute, and it is making him feel some emotions, which he is not going to address right now. Because there are more urgent things, like going into the Shield Maze and rescuing other kids. 

"Hey," he says. "We're ready to go. How are you guys doing?" 

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"We're good!" Lusilla says, as Seelah gently shoos the kiddos. "Lead the way." 

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Lann leads them towards the opposite end of the village from the exit to the reliquary. 

"The rest of the tribes haven't arrived yet, but Chief Sull gave the go-ahead for us to scout ahead into the Maze, before the kids' trail goes any colder." 

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"Is it safe? If you needed to get all the tribes together..." 

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Lann shrugs with frustration. "I don't know for sure. But how much longer can we wait?" 

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"...Yeah, alright." Sigh. 

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The doorway into the Shield Maze is cracked open and guarded by a large number of Neathers--the other tribes haven't finished arriving yet, but most of this tribe is gathered in the vicinity. Lann exchanges nods with Chief Sull on the way in. 

The antechamber of the Shield Maze is sparsely furnished, but not dusty or decaying. Banners on either side of the doorway farther into the maze have the same symbol prominently displayed. 

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Lusilla points. "What's that?" 

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"What, Baphomet's unholy symbol?" 

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"Is that what it is? Who's Baphomet?" 

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"...Baphomet is the other demon lord besides Deskari who's most involved in the demonic forces at the Worldwound." 

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"...Oh. That's a bad sign, then." 

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"Yeah, no kidding." 

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Lusilla changes into her other shape and tries to identify the scents of the missing children. 

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Yep, they were definitely brought through here. 

When Seelah, being the most heavily-armored member of the group, pushes open the door further into the maze, every cultist presently in the room on the other side immediately looks up. 

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Well, that's not ideal, but it's hardly a surprise. 

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"...I assume these guys aren't friendlies," Lusilla says quietly to Lann. 

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"They are not," Lann says tersely, nocking an arrow. 

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"Hey!" Lusilla calls into the room. "I'm a big, scary monster! Tell me where you took the kidnapped children and I won't do scary monster things to you!" 

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The cultists decide that this is an excellent trigger to attack. 

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And Lusilla teleports* forwards into the midst of them. 

*Dimension Door sla

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...This is really inconvenient, actually, because of the three of them in the room, the one who was closest to the door was also... their only melee guy. Who is now on the other side of this Aberration from the archer and the wizard. The archer and the wizard are not thrilled about this! Fortunately, even though she beat them in Initiative, using her spell-like ability used up her standard action, which means they get to attack first! The wizard is going to use Magic Missile--

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Attack of opportunity. 

...Which just barely fails, her arm skidding harmlessly off his Mage Armor. 

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As he was saying, Magic Missile. 

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Spell Resistance. 

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She doesn't have Crossbow Resistance, though, right? Inquiring crossbow guys want to know. 

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...She does not. Ow. 

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Okay, but likewise, crossbow guy doesn't have longbow resistance, right? 

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Nope! Instead he appears to now have negative hit points. Not a great outcome. 

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Opinions are going to differ on that one. 

Meanwhile it's Lusilla's turn again. This time she does not flub her attack on the wizard, her arm crashing into him with a force that just doesn't care about his Mage Armor at all. 

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yep he's down

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Lusilla shrinks down to human size for better dexterity and begins efficiently stripping both of them. 

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Seelah, who has finished killing the melee guy while the narration wasn't really looking at either of them, looks up from wiping the blood off her sword. "What are you doing?" 

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"I don't like wasting resources." 

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"Sure, and fallen enemies have been a source of resources for forever, but usually you kill them first." 

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"That can't be right. What if we don't decide to kill them?" 

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"What do you imagine doing with them instead?" 

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...Lusilla pauses, sitting back on her heels to think about it. 

Rivertree would probably just quietly kill someone who came into town and started making trouble with demonic magics. There's a reason Mama fled into the woods when she had a weird baby that was plausibly connected to whatever happened to Hilltop. 

Lusilla obviously disagrees with taking the principle as far as killing weird babies, but these people are adults who made their choices and are unlikely to be talked out of them in the next five minutes, and she... doesn't really have the resources to hold them for longer. 

Theoretically this could all be a hilarious misunderstanding, except that these people are, in fact, wearing Baphomet's unholy symbol. And if she let them wake up and gave them a chance to explain themselves, what then? They have an obvious incentive to lie. 

Aaaaaaaalso if she does have to kill them, doing it while they're awake seems...harder. 

She grimaces, delivers a coup de grace to the one she's currently positioned towards, looks at the corpse, and staggers over to the side of the room to throw up. 

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...Seelah follows her over. 

"Are you okay?" 

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Lusilla wipes traces of vomit off her mouth. "First time I ever killed anyone." 

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"Ah." Sympathetic shoulder-pat. "Yeah, that'll mess with you. But he was going to hurt a lot more people." 

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She stands up, straightens her shoulders, and walks over to the other guy. Grimacing, she kneels down and twists his head, too, with a upsettingly audible crack. 

It is easier the second time. That is probably practically useful, but it is also seriously philosophically disquieting. 

Okay. NOW to not waste resources. 

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"...Do we have time for this?" 

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"I need a little time to finish healing from that crossbow wound. I heal fast, but not instantly." 

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"Alright," Lann says reluctantly. 

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Lusilla works quickly, and stops removing and stacking items from the bodies before they are quite stripped bare, when her wounds finish mending. 

She looks at the pile of rubble stretching across the room, blocking off the portion they're in from the farther portion. 

"I think I'm going to have to fly us over that," she concludes. 

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Well, this is going to be interesting. 

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Lusilla changes again, and picks up Lann and Seelah each with one of her arms before taking off. 

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He was right, this is weird. Not really bad, though, and undeniably useful. 

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Unfortunately, there are cultists on the other side of the pile of rubble. Also unfortunately, they absolutely heard the sounds of violence from the front of the room. Fortunately, they don't seem to have anticipated a giant flying starfish to come soaring over the barrier. The good guys get a surprise round! 

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Lusilla needs the surprise round to set Lann and Seelah down, and Seelah can't do a whole lot until she's been set down, but Lann can shoot arrows from anywhere. 

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Lusilla does not manage to keep Seelah from getting damaged at all, in this fight, which on the one hand is less than ideal because Lusilla has fast healing and Seelah doesn't, but on the other hand Seelah is also there to be a melee person and if Lusilla just handled all the melee then Seelah would probably feel like it had been a waste for her to come along. 

Once this group of cultists have been dispatched and their little group can look around the room with more than incidental amounts of attention, this side of the room turns out to have a fountain of blood built into the wall opposite the door they came in through. 

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"Wow. This doesn't just look like blood, it smells like blood. So either they bothered to enchant something to keep the blood from clotting and turning nasty," she reconsiders that phrasing, "even nastier than just the idea of a blood fountain is by itself I mean, or they have a really good illusion. I think. I guess human illusion spells could work on smell by default. But a lot of fairy ones don't, at least the ones used by the fairies I've dealt with, so I don't think so." 

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"Baphomet cultists are fucked up." 

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"I guess that's not surprising. And at least these resources were only wasted, instead of actively used to hurt people, except whoever the blood came from probably." Sigh. 

More importantly: "The trail goes that way," Lusilla says firmly, pointing. 

The way Lusilla points leads through a short hallway and into a wide room with a couple of short, ugly demons, and some kind of circle that would be deeply concerning even if it didn't appear to have been painted in blood. 

The demons are harder to kill than the cultists were--the blows Lusilla lands don't seem to do as much damage as they ought--but they do go down. 

"I'd say this seems like a good reason for a creepy blood fountain if it weren't for the obvious evidence that they didn't use the blood fountain," Lusilla says disapprovingly of the two corpses s(p)layed out by the blood circle. 

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Seelah grimaces. "I don't think doing more evil things makes a creepy blood fountain okay." 

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"Oh, for sure, just--these deaths are stupid as well as evil." 

The trail goes around the blood circle, fortunately, and towards a door in the adjacent wall to the one they came in through. 

...That...stays closed when she tries to open it...

"Rrgh," Lusilla says eloquently. 

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"Let me have a look," Seelah says, coming forward to examine the door. 

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"I think it's closed by magic. I mean, it's definitely for sure magic, and I think that's what's holding it shut." 

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"Well, there are a couple of key holes... they could be magic keys." 

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"Prooooobably. Unfortunately I have no idea how to pick locks to check." 

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Seelah snorts. "I used to, but I'm a little rusty, and I don't have any lock picks on me." 

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"Okay. So, we...try to find the keys, I guess," Lusilla sighs. "Next time I am going to leave a cultist alive, if I can, so I can ask them about it." 

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"Meanwhile I might as well check what's on the other side," Lusilla says, disappearing and then reappearing a round later. 

"Stairs," she reports. "A curved staircase. I didn't try following it up." 

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"That's...probably a good idea. Lusilla, what circle spells can you cast as a sorcerer?" 

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Mildly embarrassed squirm. "First."

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"So that was just something you can do because of what you are?"

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"How many times per day?"

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"As many as I want?"


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 "Okay. Can you tell us what else you can do like that? So that next time, it isn't a surprise?"

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"Ah. Okay. I can fly, I can bop around like that, I can make something glow either a basically normal amount or really brightly, and I can make myself harder to see the brighter it is, all as much as I want. I can also do a fifth thing as much as I want I think but I don't know for sure 'cause I've never used it that much 'cause I never figured out what it does. Also I can, I think just once per day, talk to someone in their dreams."

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"Thanks, I appreciate it." 

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"You're welcome." Sigh. "If we can't find the keys maybe we should tell the others to bring a battering ram, when they come in." 

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"Maybe. Or maybe we could just use Chief Sull's hard skull." 

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Lusilla snorts, and sets back off for the blood hall, to start exploring side doors off of it. 

The next combatant they find is...upsetting, and not only because he doesn't allow them to take him alive. 

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Lann stares at the dead Neather, sorrow and horror warring in his eyes. "Hovlan. His name was Hovlan." 

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Lusilla shifts into human form for the sole purpose of putting a comforting hand on Lann's shoulder. "I don't understand. If he was also here to look for the missing children, why did he decide to fight us?" Sure, Lusilla's true form could be scary, but they had tried talking him down. And if Lann knew him...

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Lann shakes his head. "You don't understand. He's been missing for years. He used to talk about wanting to try the Maze--I thought he was dead." 

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"...Okay, I recognize that almost certainly something more complicated is wrong with him, but do you mind if I pop back out to where your chief and the others are waiting, for a sec, just to confirm that there isn't some kind of time fuckery on this place, and we haven't been gone for an alarmingly long time?"

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"--Yeah, definitely do that." 

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Lusilla disappears for a moment, then reappears a couple of rounds later. 

"Chief Sull confirms that we've only been in the Maze for a little while," she confirms with relief. 

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"Good. I'm not surprised, though--there's something clearly wrong with Hovran. I mean," he smiles with a sort of gallows humor, "there was even before you caved his ribs in." 

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"I'm sorry." 

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"I'm not. I mean--I'm sorry we had to fight him, obviously; I'm not sorry he didn't succeed in killing any of us. But...look at him. It's like something was eating him from the inside." 

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"...Maybe the cultists have been mind-controlling Neathers who come into the Maze." 

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Lann looks faintly sick. "Maybe." 

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She hugs him. 

"We'll save those kids," she tells him. "Whether it be from death, or this. And...if it comes to that...if we're too late...we can at least save them from this." 

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Lann quite understandably does not look thrilled by this pronouncement, but he nods. "We'll be in time," he says firmly. 

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The room containing the corrupted Neather turns out to be part of a chain of rooms that the cultists were presumably using to connect the two disjoint halves of the main hall, which presumably they couldn't just fly over. There are more cultists in these rooms--the worst moment occurs when one emerges into the room the group is currently occupying while Lusilla is in human shape and bent low to the ground after her spear rolled under a table. He gets a surprise round and manages to get in a lucky hit with his crossbow, dropping her before she can rise to her feet. 

Lusilla wakes up to Seelah's concerned face, kneeling over her with the blood not even wiped off her sword. "I'm fine, I'm fine!" Lusilla protests, embarrassed. "I am fine, I heal fast." 

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"Are you sure?" 

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"I heal fast. I might've been in trouble if I was alone and the guy had a chance to finish me off, but I heal fast, and he may have gotten in a good shot but it was still just a normal bolt, not a weird magic demon wound. The only lasting damage is to my pride." 

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Nod. "We need to be more careful. This place isn't secured." 

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"Yeah," Lusilla grimaces, rubbing her hand over the place on her neck where the bolt went in. 




"You know," she remarks a little while later, gazing at a series of four paintings each in a specific monochrome color palette, "I have to say, I expected this place to be more...mazelike. So far it...isn't, really, it's just a bunch of rooms? Now, I admit I don't have much in the way of experience with buildings this large, but so far it doesn't seem... that hard to navigate?"

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"Most people couldn't get over the big pile of rubble." 

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"I mean, you're not wrong, but even so, it doesn't seem like it would be that difficult? And the pile of rubble wasn't, like, an original part of the room. I'm not sure these are very good Baphomet cultists." 

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"Probably for the best. Better cultists might be harder to deal with." 

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"Yeah...I don't want to assume that the whole place will be this easy, though. I wish I could take passengers when I bop around, then we wouldn't need to bother with looking for these magic keys," Lusilla grumbles. 

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"Caution is usually a good plan." 

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If there are any keys in the section of the "maze" connecting the two halves of the main hall, they don't find it on a first pass. They go back to the main hall, looking for more doors. 

"This one doesn't even have keyholes!" Lusilla complains of another door that doesn't want to open. 

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"There's probably some other way to open it. And if not, we can try to break it down." 

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"At least this one isn't magic," Lusilla grumbles. She places her ear against the door; when she doesn't hear anything that sounds like people moving on the other side, she says, "I'm going to check out what's on the other side." 

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"Be careful." 

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"Will do." 

She bops over to the other side of the door, finding herself in a short hallway with two doors, one opposite the one she had skipped over and one at the end of the hall. She tiptoes over to the door opposite and presses her ear to it. There was a slightly muffled sound of talking on the other side. She pulls away from the door and sneaks over to the other one.

...Or attempts to sneak over to the other door, at any rate. She looks down as her foot sinks into a loose stone, having just enough time to realize what's happening but not enough time to actually get out of the way. 


Whoops. Lusilla bops back over to the other side of the locked door. 

"I'm okay!" Lusilla says, before Lann or Seelah can say anything. "Completely fine!" 

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"What happened?"

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"I--set off some kind of fire trap, by mistake, but it's fine, I don't burn easy."

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"Is that what you call careful?" 

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"I should've flown," she sighs. "I just didn't realize I should have flown. I'll know better next time." 

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"You're new at this. I'm just glad you didn't get hurt." 

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It is at approximately this moment that the door opens from the other side and they are attacked by the four guys who had been in rooms adjacent to the hallway when the Fireball trap went off and made a noise that all of them could hear very clearly. 

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Hooray! The door is open! 

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The cultist in front is significantly more difficult to put down than most of the cultists have been so far, but the two presumable-demons are less annoying to deal with than the dretches in the blood circle room, and then the fourth guy is basically just a random cultist, and not one that gets really, really lucky in the critical hit department. 

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Seelah grimaces, some, when the fight is over, her hand unconsciously going to a place where the lead cultist got her pretty good. 

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"I'm still not out of healing, do you need some?" 

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"I'd appreciate it, yeah." 

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Lusilla has to use two Cure Light Wounds before Seelah feels mostly fine again. 

Then she turns to Mr. Perfectly Normal, who she did in fact succeed in not killing and who is now tied up in a corner. 

She picks him up and shakes him until he regains consciousness. 

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He is briefly tempted to try to play dead, but she is already paying attention to him, specifically, and if she hasn't already checked to make sure he was still alive, she can do so anytime, and maybe if he admits he's conscious the shaking will stop. 

So he opens his eyes and makes an undignified scared noise that is not the noise he meant to make but he has way more important problems than his dignity right now. 

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"Hello," Lusilla says pleasantly, "are you starting to rethink your life choices right now?" 

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"Good! Now: do you know where to find the keys that unlock the door in the room where there's a big 'ol circle painted in blood?" 

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...That was not a question he expected to be asked. 

He raises a hand and points at the dead Hand of Hosilla. It's not even really betraying anything to give her this information; if she hadn't bothered to loot the corpse before interrogating him she was almost certainly going to get around to it afterwards. 

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She puts him down. He's not going anywhere. A cursory search of the dead cultist reveals one key, probably magic, a page of orders from someone named Hosilla, that she should probably look at more closely in case there's important intel in it, and, score, a scroll of Cure Moderate Wounds. 

"This could be useful," she says appreciatively, showing it to Seelah. 

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Seelah nods. "How much of your own healing do you have left?" 

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"Two more." 

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"Well, ideally we won't need all of it, but I wouldn't bet anything on it." 

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"Right." Lusilla returns to the cultist. "That guy had one key on him. The door had two keyholes; where's the other one?"

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He gulps. "The--the other Hand had it!" 

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"...Hosilla has two Hands--those are her highest lieutenants. Each of them had one of the two keys into the shrine." 

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"Do you know where the other Hand is?" 

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"N-no. Uh, they didn't like each other?"

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"That is less useful than it could be," Lusilla sighs, but lets go of him. "Okay, that could have gone worse. If they're, like, actively being carried by guys, and not hidden in tiny secret compartments that would be a bitch and a half to find, we can work with that. I just wish it weren't taking so long." 

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"You and me both." 

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"I'm a little tempted to try the same thing on the door we're looking for keys for, but if the kids are right there, I don't have a good way to get them away from their captors... I can't take passengers when I bop around, and I really don't want to give them a chance to kill them before chasing me." 

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Lann's mouth presses into a grim line. "Agreed. But--maybe the door is easier to open from the other side. Did you check that, when you went past it the first time?" 

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"--I did not. Let me go check." 

She bops back to the other side of the door, at the bottom of the spiral staircase. She...doesn't see any mechanism for opening the door...she shoves at it, in case it's that simple. It's not. There isn't even a little bit of give, to make her think it would be worth trying again in her stronger form. 

She returns to Lann and Seelah and shakes her head. 

"Do you have any idea how to open the door from the other side?" she asks their captive cultist.

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He shakes his head frantically. "I've never even been allowed in there!" 

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"Pity. Oh well. Is there anyone besides the other Hand of Hosilla who might?" 

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"I...not that I know of, but...if someone did know, I wouldn't expect to know about it." 

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SIGH. "Pity. Alright." 

She picks up their captive cultist and hides him under one of the benches further back towards the pile of rubble. She doesn't necessarily expect him to keep quiet and cooperate with hiding if any other cultists come through here, but if the other Hand, or Hosilla herself, or whoever, is liable to just kill him for having been defeated or anything, he at least has the option. 

She hasn't determined for sure that it's safe to leave him alive, under any conditions, but they might have more questions for him, later, so at least they don't have to kill him right now. 

Arbitrarily, Lusilla picks the door opposite the one that had been locked to investigate next. There are a couple of corpses lying on the floor--not obviously drained for ritual purposes, just lying there dead. There isn't much else of interest in the room, except another door. 

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That door has angry lizards behind it! 

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...Okay, Lusilla would like to kill them for their hides and meat and so on, but actually they are on an unknown deadline so she will just. Close the door again. This takes a little bit of doing since one of the lizards gets to the door before she is quite done getting it closed but she succeeds at the opposed strength check, so it's fine. 

"Dead end," she reports. 

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"What was that noise?" asks Lann, who as the party's designated ranged combatant was standing far enough back not to have gotten a good look. 

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"There were a couple of lizards in that room that seemed to want to instead be not in the room. And probably also attempt to eat us or whatever. Either way, we don't really have time, and there wasn't another door in there that I could see, so, uh, no." 

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Seems reasonable. 

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The other door opens out into a large room, albeit significantly smaller than the blood-circle room. 

"...Is that what Baphomet looks like?" Lusilla asks, studying the statue in the center of the room. 

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"Huh. He looks kind of...basic...compared to Deskari." 

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"Well, like--Deskari looked really weird! This guy looks like a human being with a costume goat head. I guess you can surmise that the wings are real, since he doesn't have a shirt, but, like, 'guy with wings, in a funky hat' just isn't that weird! He's a demon! Those are supposed to be, like, the wild and diverse spawn of Lamashtu, right? He should look less like just a guy." 

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"I don't think that really rates, as far as complaints about Baphomet go," Seelah says, but she can't keep the edge of laughter out of her voice or the upward twitch away from her lips. 

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"No, you're right. But maybe sometime I'll be able to use it to start a fight between Deskari cultists and Baphomet cultists, or something." 

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"Get them to do our job for us, huh? Not a bad idea." 

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The door opposite the one they came in through leads to an unfinished room that appears to be currently being built by some kind of rock creature. Lusilla doesn't see any other doors, and the creature doesn't seem to have noticed her, so she shuts the door quietly. 

"Are there such things as rock demons?" 

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"There are enough kinds of demons that it wouldn't surprise me, but that looked more like a regular earth elemental. Good call avoiding a fight with it if we can help it; the cultists probably just summoned it to build or repair this place; I wouldn't expect it to have any direct connection to the demons." 

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Lusilla nods. 

The other door out of the room with the Baphomet statue opens into another corridor; Lusilla has to admit that even if she, personally, doesn't feel especially at risk of getting lost, this place is starting to feel more maze-like than when she first made disparaging comments about it. 

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Seelah halts, holding out an arm to stop Lusilla and Lann from advancing. "Trap," she says quietly, nodding towards a square in the middle of a bend in the hallway. 

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Lusilla studies it and nods. "I can get us over it." 

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"Please do." 

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So Lusilla re-assumes her true form and carries them around the corner. 

The smell hits them before anything else, charnel and old, fresh death layered on top of old death. The only saving grace that Lusilla can identify is that there is no trace of the smell of the children they're seeking, anywhere in this wing of the maze. 

The room, when they burst in, contains two more of the demon-looking guys that there were two of with the Hand of Hosilla and the cultist that they took prisoner. It also becomes apparent where the smell is coming from; in the center of the room is a pit full of corpses of varying ages, although if there are any old enough to have been completely skeletonized, this fact is obscured by some combination of older corpses on top of them and corpses whose flesh is sufficiently putrefied that it isn't entirely clear which set of bones it all belongs to. The room also contains a prison cell and some rudimentary instruments of torture, though it really isn't equipped to be a proper evil dungeon. 

This is REALLY UPSETTING to Lusilla actually and so she is going to experiment with combining her natural Slam attack with the Universal Ability charge. 

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The cambion DOES NOT LIKE and WAS NOT EXPECTING this. 

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Operation: Ram The Fucker appears to have been a success!

Now to try it on the other one. 

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Turns out that even two-on-one it is extremely difficult to fight a paladin while someone shoots arrows at you and an ?aberration? plays Nonconsensual Reverse Badminton with you. The cambions go down. 

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Once the demon-guys are dealt with, Lusilla has the attention to observe things about the room other than how Horrible it is. 

Like those glowing gemstones in the wall over there. Why are there glowing gemstones in the wall over there?

They're magic, obviously. That would probably be apparent even to human senses, just from the glow. But human senses wouldn't be able to see that the magic in the gems is connected to each other, and also to this piece of wall. 

"I think there's a hidden door here, and the gems are how you open it." 

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"That would make sense. How d'you figure it works?" 

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"No idea!" 

Bop! Now she is on the other side of the piece of wall. 

...Her attention is immediately drawn to a magic sword. 

The magic shines dully, like it's been suppressed or tamped down somehow, but it's clearly still there, to her senses. She picks it up carefully. It clearly hasn't been respectfully treated, despite the fact that it was sitting on some kind of makeshift altar; she doesn't even want to know what some of these substances smeared on it are. She wipes it off as carefully as she can and then bops out of the hidden chamber again. 

"I found this!" she reports. 

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"What is th--" Seelah starts, then cuts herself off. "--Can I see that more closely?"

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"Sure!" She hands over the blade. 

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Seelah takes it carefully, almost reverently. 

"--This is Radiance," she says, voice hushed. "Yaniel's sword!" 

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"...Some context, please, who didn't wake up today knowing what the Worldwound was?" It's going to be a shame when tomorrow happens and she can't use that line anymore. 

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"Wow, yeah, you wouldn't have heard of her... Yaniel was a great hero, a paladin who performed great feats like walking into the Wound alone and bringing back captives the demons had taken. She was one of the last people fighting at Drezen--an old crusader fort that fell a long time ago--to give non-combatants time to escape." 

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"I guess this is the paladin sword from Hosilla's orders, then." 

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“I mean, it fits, but—it seems like such an underwhelming way of referring to Yaniel’s sword. She wasn’t just some paladin!”

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“Possibly that was on purpose so some under-committed mook wouldn’t steal it.”

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“I guess so. Still. Wow.”

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It does seem pretty wow! But in, like, a storybook-typical way, so while Lusilla is impressed, she isn’t really shocked.

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There don't seem to be any more doors in the wing of the Maze accessed by the door from the blood hall. There might be secret doors, but looking for secret doors would A) take time none of them want to spend, and B) suggest going back into the rooms containing the lizards and the elemental, in order to be thorough, which would take even more time and maybe involve killing an elemental who really has nothing to do with this business, which Lusilla strongly doesn't want. 

"Maybe we missed a door, earlier. I don't think we were looking very hard. The blood hall was the first place we looked after we found the keyholes, there might have been a door we didn't go through in the area connecting the two halves of the hall." 

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"Maze-like enough for you yet?"

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She can't legibly pout as a giant starfish, so she just sighs. "Yeah, okay." 

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There turns out to be a door that they carelessly overlooked earlier that leads to what is probably another wing of the Shield Maze. It is located in what seems to be the cultist dormitory. Lusilla will concede that this is, in fact, significantly maze-like, in the sense that mazes are supposed to be confusing and it is definitely confusing why anyone would build this facility such that people have to walk through the living quarters to get from points A to B such that neither A nor B are a part of those quarters. 

The immediate area the door from the dormitory lets out into appears to be some kind of storage space, containing two cultists. One of them is teaching the other something to do with a deck of cards; a trick or a game or something, it isn't immediately apparent. The two were apparently sufficiently engrossed in their cards that they either failed to notice or actively declined to respond to the sounds of conflict elsewhere in the facility. 

"Hello," Lusilla says, when they look up to gawp at her, waving one arm all friendly-like. "I don't have any business with you, but do you know where the Hand of Hosilla is?" 

With Lusilla's bulk blocking the doorway enough that the two cultists can't see Seelah in all her definitely-a-paladin regalia, or Lann with his recognizably Neather features, it's possible that she can convince these cultists that she's some wicked beastie that they don't have to fight. Not that she expects to be able to save them in the long run, but everyone they don't fight now is someone they can potentially deal with with more healing available to them. 

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"Which one?" asks the erstwhile tutee. The apparently-older cultist cuts him off with a firm cutting hand gesture. 

"Who are you?" he asks coldly. 

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"I'm Lusilla!" 

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"...And...why...are you here?" 

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"Oh, Deskari cut a chasm from the surface to some tunnels near here. I more or less wandered in." Less, specifically. 

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...She doesn't look like any kind of demon he's ever seen...but he can't immediately think what else she could be. (He's unconsciously assigned her a gender based on her voice.) Certainly he would be more surprised to find something that looked like that fighting for the crusaders than for his own side. 

Of course, "his own side" is relative; he's seen plenty of skirmishes between Baphomet cultists and Deskari cultists, in his line of work, and even when everyone serves the same demon lord, that doesn't make them all one big happy Evil family; the number of minions he's seen Hosilla casually murder for annoying her has been...educational. 

So the question is, really, what risks he's running and what benefits, by cooperating with and/or pissing off this giant starfish creature. 

If he pisses her off, the obvious consequence is that she murders him. He doesn't know for a fact that she can do that; it wouldn't be maximally wise to assume she can't, given that she is a giant unidentified talking starfish monster, but on the other hand if you never take risks you never get stronger. Back on the first hand, it can be smarter to take on risks you have a better chance of evaluating. 

If he cooperates with her, the worst-case scenario is that Baphomet personally gets pissed off about it and tortures his soul in the Abyss for a long time. More probable and immediate potential consequences involve Hosilla or her Hand personally murdering him and making whether Baphomet notices him to torture or not immediately relevant. On the other hand, while he does know that either of the Hands of Hosilla is definitely stronger than him, that's more the kind of known risk that it makes sense to take in pursuit of strength, and also even if the starfish critter isn't relevantly on their side, if she's really strong she could eat the Hand of Hosilla instead of him, or if she's not really strong the Hand of Hosilla could look favorably on him for giving him a weird thing to murder and exaggerate about. 

Well. That's that decided. 

"Wait here. I'll go get him." 

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Lusilla is entirely in favor of not having to explore more of this blasted maze. Of course, it's possible the Hand of Hosilla will, on being called to talk to a weird creature of unidentified provenance and loyalty, hide his key, but that just means that if Lusilla has to beat him up for it she should try really hard not to kill him until and unless she finds it, so that if he doesn't have it on him she can make him tell her where he put it. 

Of course, if she does that, she should be really careful of traps, because if someone beats you up and wants the location of a valuable shiny, giving them instead the location of a vicious trap is the obvious trick to pull. Even if the person who beat you up drags you along with them to wherever you give them directions to, if you don't trust them not to kill you anyways, which the Hand of Hosilla definitely shouldn't in her case, because she will probably have to kill him anyways. 

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The senior cultist who is going off for the Hand of Hosilla drags the junior cultist along with him, at least partway, because no matter how this turns out leaving the kid alone with the weird starfish thing has nothing but downside potential, and the kid doesn't deserve that crap. 

He returns with the Hand of Hosilla and also sans kid. He is trailing behind the Hand, partly to perform deference and partly so that if the starfish creature attacks the Hand he can run away while it's busy. 

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Lusilla spends the interval while the senior cultist is gone explicitly confirming and discussing with Seelah and Lann that she was hiding them from the cultists, that she thinks that's why her Diplomacy check overtures worked, and that she's just trying to get the key faster. 

"Hello!" she says brightly when the Hand of Hosilla arrives. 

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The Hand regards her warily. Unlike the cultist who went and fetched him here, he can't take the relatively conservative tactic of buck-passing the problem this being represents; Hosilla is as likely as not to murder him just for bothering her with it regardless of whether the presumable-Aberration is sympathetic to Baphomet's cause or not. 

"What do you want?" 

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"Someone said there's a shrine upstairs past the door in the room with all the blood! Well. Some of the blood. I guess most of the blood is in the other room. Anyway. I wanna see it! But I can't get past the door." This is a minor fib. She could, in fact, get past the door just fine; it's just that she can't bring anyone else that's the problem. But lying isn't actually as bad as breaking a promise, and this guy has been murdering people horribly, so he does not need to know that she can bop around. 

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Yeah, no. 

"The shrine is off-limits to unauthorized persons," he says coolly. This...could still end up going well...if whatever this is doesn't mind being denied, or doesn't care enough about this specific thing that they won't just immediately demand something else instead...but he is definitely preparing to have to fight them. 

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Lusilla manages a recognizable shrugging gesture with all five of her arms. "Oh well. I tried." 

One of her arms lashes out, swiping at him. 

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FORTUNATELY, despite the fact that she may or may not have beaten him on raw initiative, he was prepared for this, i.e. he was holding his action to stab her with his glaive if negotiations seemed to have broken down at all! 

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Okay so the thing is. 

He can hit her. Her armor class isn't actually that great; she has four points of natural armor, yes, but her dexterity in this shape isn't awesome and she gets a penalty to AC for being large. 

But. He rolled pretty poorly for damage on that attack, actually! So it doesn't get past her damage resistance at all. 

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Aw, fuck. Maybe he should have tried passing the buck after all. 

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Well, he will, ultimately, have time to contemplate his regrets at length. Probably. There's s'posed to be a big line you have to wait in before Pharasma judges you, after all. 

The other cultist ran away when she started beating the Hand to death; probably this is because he has no idea she isn't just a big weird thing that will decide to attack people sometimes, and is instead the kind of existential threat to his little cultist cell that hangs out with paladins and pissed-off non-mind-controlled Neathers. 

Lusilla does get out of the doorway to let the others help before the fight is over, so the Hand does go to his death having learned this, but whatever, so have a lot of other cultists, if Baphomet cares to interrogate anyone about it he'll already have plenty, it doesn't matter. 

The key is, in fact, on the body, which is the most important thing. 

So NOW they can go back to the door with the two keyholes, and hope that all this wasted time hasn't rendered them too late to save the Neather kids. 

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The two keys slot easily into the two key-holes, and the door swings open smoothly. Lusilla picks up Seelah and Lann as she CHARGES up the spiral staircase, because that is, actually, faster than keeping herself down to their speed and safer than leaving them behind. 

The spiral stairs open out onto a balcony, where--

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"Praise Iomedae!" a golden-haired man in chains cries defiantly towards the giant, four-armed, bat-like demon in front of him. 

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--Lusilla can VERY CLEARLY see what's about to happen there. Not through any kind of supernatural prescience, it's just really fucking obvious. 

So she bops in front of the giant demon just as its arm swings forwards, burying itself in copious pink starfish flesh instead of aasimar. 


That hurts. Kind of a lot, actually. Lusilla is pretty sure it still isn't as bad as the chest wound Terendelev healed-ish, but it comes a lot closer than most things. 

As if in response to the comparison, the wound reopens, present despite the fact that she doesn't have a humanoid chest for it to be present on--the gash opens beside her mouth, at the join between two of her arms. Blood gushes out of her body, and reason with it, as the ancient fight-or-flight response present in every being join together in her to unanimously choose fight. 

She lunges upwards, her teeth digging deep into the demon's flesh, her arms pummeling him mercilessly, as a paradoxical black light wraps itself around her limbs to burn into his flesh. 

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"Kkh!" the demon exclaims in surprise. "What is this?"

He manages to pry himself free from the grasping arms of the abominable thing, then snarls, "Slaves--deal with this pest!" as he flees from WHATEVER THE FUCK THAT WAS. 

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With the target of her rage gone, it slowly bleeds out of her, along with her consciousness. 

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Okay so this situation is REALLY BAD OBVIOUSLY. 

Lusilla getting stabbed by a Vrolikai is not good, but at least she appears to be not dead, and--fighting back? Somehow? Whereas the aasimar definitely would have died, so--right choice, probably. 

The glaive-wielding figure who raises their weapon when the demon orders his "slaves" to finish off Lusilla is probably Hosilla. Seelah charges down the stairs towards her. 

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And Lann has two arrows fired off towards Hosilla before Seelah can reach her and give him a penalty for firing into melee. 

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Hosilla was not thrilled when Savamelekh ordered her to kill a giant starfish monstrosity that shook off one of his blows and then left him running bloody, but what was she going to do? Disobey? At least the starfish-thing probably wasn't going to do worse than kill her. 

A paladin running towards her is an extra, bonus, unpleasant surprise on top of that. Why would a paladin be working with a starfish monster? (Hosilla, though an inquisitor with at-will Detects for arbitrary alignments, has not bothered to point any of it at the starfish at this time, and thus continues in blissful ignorance of the aura of chaotic good surrounding the creature.) 

On the other hand, the paladin may have just been waiting for an opportune moment before charging in--it's smarter than Hosilla thought paladins were allowed to be, not to have jumped out when Savamelekh was about to kill the aasimar, but maybe the fact that there was nothing they could have done was enough of a mitigating factor that it could have worked. 

The arrows from the new and unexpected Neather, when they arrive at velocity, are really more of an annoyance. 

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The thing you have to understand, here, is that Seelah knew there was going to be a final boss named Hosilla who was stronger than either of her "hands," which means she saved a Smite Evil just for her. 

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Uuuuuuuugh, this is why paladins are ANNOYING. Still, it's not going to save her--

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Thwock thwock. 

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"WENDUAG," Hosilla yells. If this paladin is going to bring in a pet Neather archer--well, no, Hosilla would also have brought in hers, she'd have just been slightly less annoyed about it. 

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And then the aasimar cleric finally manages to wriggle his hands out of their bindings, and complete the somatic components for Cure Serious Wounds. 

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Not gonna cut it, still out of it.

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Cure Moderate Wounds?

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That'll do it. 

Lusilla wakes up to a terrified-looking probably-a-cleric kneeling over one of her arms, the last dregs of their most recent healing spell still fizzling into Lusilla's system, and, more importantly, Seelah having just gone down to a blow from presumably-Hosilla. 


Absolutely the fuck not. 

Ignoring the fact that last time she charged in to be a hero it fucked her up but good, Lusilla uses Combat Maneuver: Bull Rush before Hosilla can execute a coup de grace. 

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The starfish-thing choosing to attack her upon regaining consciousness, Hosilla can see. But actively tackling her away from the paladin? No, they're definitely working together. 

"What in the hells are you," she snarls, slashing at the creature with her glaive. 

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Whoops yeah sorry Lusilla was not that many hit points over zero. 

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...The cleric is going to take the opportunity provided by Hosilla not being Right There to crawl over to Seelah and try a Cure Light Wounds on her. 

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That'll work, yep. 

Seelah charges at Hosilla while Hosilla is still trying to puzzle out where the hell Lusilla's vital organs are located so she can perform a coup de grace. 

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Hosilla is briefly distracted from how annoying it is when enemies you've already put down get back up again when an arrow buries itself in her shoulder from a direction that isn't where the paladin's pet mongrel is. She turns in shock to see Wenduag nocking and loosing another arrow. 

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"I no longer serve you, you bitch. I always fight for the strongest side." 

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Okay. This is--probably not that bad, tactically. She can sort of see how Wenduag would decide that the starfish-thing was stronger than Savamelekh, under the circumstances, but it's hurt, and Hosilla was able to put it down once already. And Wenduag is useful but Hosilla already knows she can beat the stripling's ass with one arm tied behind her back. 

Personally, however, it is infuriating. Treachery and the interruption of the ritual and the disappearance of her patron and enemies getting back up when you put them down, NONE of these things have a RIGHT to happen, everybody here is required to die painfully right now and every act of further defiance from that state of affairs is badwrong and must be punished as viciously as possible. 

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The cleric is going to channel positive energy, now, and get both Seelah and the starfish monster. This is more efficient than just healing them one at a time and also he only has so many spells left to burn for Cures. 

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The death Savamelekh intended is too good for that little worm. 

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So, hey, the giant four-armed demon was able to break out of Lusilla's Grapple. 

Can Hosilla?

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Apparently, this round, what she can do is snarl some curse words in Abyssal that none of the others have heard before. 

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Huh, impressive, Wenduag thought she had heard all of Hosilla's Abyssal swears already. 

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Next turn Hosilla is going to be Pinned. 

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"Fuck your mother," Hosilla hisses. 

The problem, fundamentally, is that while Hosilla has excellent Wisdom (in theory; how applicable this is to matters other than spellcasting is debatable given her life choices), her Strength is decidedly mediocre for someone without any Weapon Finesse feats, and her Dexterity isn't, really, high enough to make up for it, not when the entity she's trying to engage in Combat Maneuvers with is not in the form that has a Strength no higher than that of a bear. 

Unfortunately for that entity, Hosilla's Wisdom is high enough for her to figure this out, and that she's going to have to change the situation in some way if she doesn't want to die in the next couple of rounds. 

Touch of Evil.*

*(The domain ability, not the feat. They're different!)

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...Oogh, Lusilla does NOT feel good. 

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So can Hosilla FINALLY make her check to get OUT of this GRAPPLE?

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On the other hand, Seelah hasn't been sitting still while Hosilla was grappled; she's been making an attack on her every turn. And with the smite, plus the fact that Lusilla absolutely counts as flanking Hosilla, the hits have been landing. 

And Hosilla is still subject to the smite, and Lusilla may not be grappling Hosilla anymore, and she may be sickened, but she's still threatening the square Hosilla is in, which means she's still flanking. 

How many hitpoints does Hosilla have left, at this point?

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Oh fu--

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That's what she thought. 

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As soon as Hosilla is finished off and no longer a threat, Lann rounds on Wenduag. "What the hell!" he snaps. 

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Wenduag rolls her eyes. "You're going to need to be more specific than that, Lann." 

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"How long have you been working for the demons?" 

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Wenduag folds her arms and smirks. "Since I was as young as these children here. Why? Want to know if I was demonically enhanced when we--"

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"How could you? Doesn't the tribe matter to you?"

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Wenduag curls her lip. "I don't want to hear that from you. Not when I was making the tribe stronger while you were chasing daydreams of glory." 

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"Making the tribe stronger...what do you mean?" 

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Wenduag nods at the shell-shocked children. "If the ritual had been completed, each of these children would have been made much stronger than they would have been able to achieve on their own." Her gaze lingers on the aasimar cleric, who steps back nervously. 

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"It's a good thing it wasn't! Strength that comes from demons, by murdering people, can't be a good thing!" 

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Sneer. "Being holier-than-thou never filled anyone's belly, Lann." 

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"Wenduag. Stop," Lusilla says, shifting into her human form so she can hold up a hand. 

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Wenduag's attention shifts immediately and completely, ignoring Lann in favor of Lusilla, her face smoothing out of its disdain. 

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"What did Hosilla actually have you doing?"

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"I chose those who were worthy and brought them to her, and the rest I scared away with tales of how dangerous the Maze was." 

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"So those tales were false, and you knew them to be false." 

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Wenduag gives a nod and a shrug, like, Yeah, so what?

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"So you lied to my face." 

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"I still served Hosilla, then." 

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"Did you lure in these children?" 

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"No. I tried to target people older and stronger than them; they're more likely to make it through the ritual with their minds intact." 

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"With their minds intact? That's a concern?"

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Another shrug. "There is a great and terrible rage. You can move past it, if your will is strong. You felt it, too, didn't you? When you fought Savamelekh?" 

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Savamelekh must be the bat-demon-guy's name, Lusilla doesn't think Wenduag has seen her fight anyone else. "Of course I was mad! He stabbed me something awful!" 

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"Tell yourself that if you want, but I've seen that rage before. I've felt it." 

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Unsettling. But not the most important thing here. 

"Are you sorry for the harm you've caused?" 

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"No. Why should I be?" 

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...Lusilla turns to Lann. "Can you think of any options besides accepting her into my service or killing her?"

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"You can't possibly be thinking of taking her. She'll stab you in the back as soon as look at you!" 

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"I mean, yeah, but--her turning on Hosilla might have saved all our lives. It seems pretty ungrateful to just turn around and kill her, after that. And I don't think we can trust her to go free. At least if she stabs me in the back, I'll be expecting it and I can take it. If she hurts someone else," she spreads her hands. 

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...Seelah nods reluctantly. 

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"It's a bad idea," Lann says flatly. "Even a cave spider feels loyalty to their mother--she's lower than a beast." 

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"...If Hosilla had succeeded in killing all of us, she could also have done...whatever she wanted...to the children." 

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"I know, but still!"

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Lusilla nods, and thinks.



"Okay. Wenduag. I am going to give you a chance." She holds up a hand. "Not with me. At least not to start with. You want to serve me? Then here's my first order. Go to the surface, find a group of crusaders or something to work with. Kill as many demons as you can. At some point I'm going to check up on you, and if you've done that, you can come work with me; and if you haven't, or you've done that but you've also killed people who weren't demons or demon cultists or whatever, I will kill you. Is that understood?" 

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Wenduag meets her gaze levelly for a round, and then nods, and vanishes into the shadows. 

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"You're gonna regret that." 

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Sigh. "I might. But--I really, really did not want to put her in a situation, even retroactively, where helping us means she dies and not helping us means she lives, no matter what else she's done. And it's probably not worse than just plain cutting her loose." 

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"Well...it's a good sentiment, even if it doesn't work out this time." 

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"And if I do have to kill her, I can do it at full health, with all my spells, and everyone at my side also fresh." 

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Seelah grimaces in acknowledgement. "Amen." 

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Lann nods, reluctantly, then turns to the children. 

"I'm glad to see you kids are okay." 

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Oh nooooooo, one of them has beautiful shining wings like a cicada! They're all so cute! 

"Your wings are so pretty," she tells the boy earnestly. 

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The boy nods and shuffles, still looking mostly awkward and scared. 

"C'mon," Lann sighs. "Let's get you back home." 

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The trip back through the Shield Maze is a lot shorter than the way out had been. They do, actually, run into a couple of cultists, but Lusilla has scooped up Hosilla's corpse, for this purpose; waving it at the cultists reliably makes them run away instead of fighting her, if being a big and unidentified monster-thing with too many eyes left them in any doubt as to whether that was a good idea. 

Chief Sull and the other Neathers still haven't ventured inside; there are still a few tribes who haven't shown up yet. They're overjoyed by the return of the missing children, especially the children's parents, who are among the crowd, emerging from it with excited exclamations to embrace their missing progeny. 

Lusilla allows Lann to explain what happened to Sull; he knows what context the old chieftain is going to need, and what he already has. Plus she feels really bad about Hovlan. And Wenduag, in a very different way. 

Once Lann has finished speaking with Chief Sull, it's time to return to the surface. 

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Lusilla isn't actually sure what to do, after re-emerging from the crack in the earth. Sure, there are demons around, but not being murderweasels like Wenduag probably the three of them can find something better to do than just kill random demons. 


"Maybe we should see if we can catch up with Anevia. I mean--it's been hours and hours by now--but she must be somewhere, and she'll probably have any idea what would actually help to do." 

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"...Do you think you can track her?" Seelah asks dubiously. Normally, a city has a lot of people in it; right now, a city has a lot of demons in it; and either way, that's a lot of smells for Anevia's to compete with. 

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"Well, I can try!" 

For the most part, so far most things that can't fly have been avoiding the edge of the hole, and most things that can fly haven't been leaving their scent on it, so early on Anevia and Camellia's scents start out easy to track. 

They get more difficult as the trail goes on; more than once, Lusilla has to double back, circling around to see where the scent picks up again after losing it. They encounter several demons while en route, and spilling demon blood over the trail doesn't improve it either. 

But eventually Lusilla tracks Anevia and Camellia's scents to a large grey building and can't find any sign of their leaving it again. 

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Lusilla shrinks down into human form before going inside. 

It's not that she couldn't fit into the building otherwise--it's designed for Medium creatures, sure, but it's not designed to be cramped for Medium creatures, and it's not like her Large form has bones or anything--but if there are any people there besides Anevia and Camellia, who aren't demons or demon cultists or something, she would rather they not see an unidentified creature with too many eyes until they have the context to know they shouldn't shoot it. 

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At first the building seems quiet, as the three of them enter. But unlike her nose, Lusilla's ears aren't any worse in human shape, and after a moment she can pick up the distant sound of metal-on-metal, the noise of a particular kind of violence involving people who are wearing metal armor. 

Lusilla glances over to see if Seelah hears it too. 

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Seelah's grip tightens on Radiance's hilt. "Somebody's fighting in there." 

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Yeah. No time to waste. 

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When the enormous--thing--with too many arms and too many eyes bursts into the room, almost everyone engaged in combat is taken by surprise. Is it a demon? A demon-aligned or cultist-summoned non-demon thing? Is it completely unrelated and liable to kill and eat people indiscriminately? 

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Almost everyone. Anevia recognizes Lusilla immediately, of course--she finishes off the cultist she had been fighting while he's distracted, and moves on to the next one. 

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Irabeth does not recognize what she's looking at immediately, but Anevia did tell her about the strange ?Aberration? in human form that she met in the caves and who helped her return to the surface, so--when she doesn't detect any evil coming off it, and she sees how Anevia reacts, the pieces click together. 

"For Kenabres!" she roars, and the rest of the Eagle Knights conclude that whatever is happening is Probably Fine and go back to fighting cultists. 

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The cultists are having...less luck. 

For one thing, none of them have any idea what the fuck is going on; for another, the only evidence available is not that the creature isn't going to hurt them. They rally, but more slowly than the crusaders, and, well, Nirvana bamboozle the judges, none of them get away. 

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Nobody is actively fighting anyone else right now. 

Lusilla takes on human form, the better to introduce herself with. 

"Hi, Anevia! Hi, Camellia! Are you guys okay?"

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"Well, I won't lie, I've been better. But I really appreciate you getting back to the surface promptly. How're the kids?" 

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"We found them and got them back to their families. Now, this may shock you, but it turns out the Shield Maze was infested with Baphomet cultists." 

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Snort. "I guess maybe I shoulda paid more attention to Hulrun when he said there were nests of cultists under the city." 

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Hulrun, Hulrun, why does that name sound familiar... the guard who took the weapons off her stretcher? She hadn't known he had opinions on cult activity. Well, whatever. 

"We dealt with the worst, by which I mean strongest, ones, but it didn't seem worth it to hunt them all down. I think the Neathers are going to do some work on that but we didn't discuss those plans in detail so you probably shouldn't assume there aren't any cultists underground quite yet." 

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"Thank you for helping Anevia. My name is Irabeth Tirabade, commander of the Eagle Watch." 

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Wasn't Anevia's name also Tirabade? Are they...cousins, or something?* Whatever, not the point. 

"I was glad to be able to help. It, uh, looks like you guys could use some more help right now, probably?"



*Yeah, cousins, like Amara and Michelle are cousins. 

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"We certainly won't turn it down." 

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"So, uh, what...is happening, here? I assume it's not just, like, killing demons and associated cultists so that there will be fewer demons around."

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"This is the Grey Garrison. Ordinarily, it's a bastion held by the Eagle Watch. Now, though," sigh, "the cultists have overrun it and are using our own fortifications against us. Which would be annoying enough on its own, but when Deskari picked up and threw the Wardstone," which SHOULDNT BE POSSIBLE "it landed here, in the upper floors. If we can restore it to its normal function, we can retake the city." 

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Ooh, a plan to actually solve the problem, not just chip away at the demon population. 

"Okay! I can fly, and bop around, but I can't take anyone while I bop around. And I can do some other stuff that doesn't matter as much right now. And I'm a weird kinda sorceress that can do Cures, but a pretty weak one, and I've used up most of my spells."

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"Bop around?" 

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"Some kind of teleportation." 

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Lusilla shrugs. "I didn't learn the formal words for most of this stuff." 

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Nod. "Even if you can't take passengers, the ability to bypass the cultists' defenses is likely to be quite useful."

The present area having been cleared of cultists, the crusaders assume formation and make their way up the stairs, where two different groups of cultist are waiting at different angles of hallway. 

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"--Hey, I know you!" one of Irabeth's recruits says of one of the cultists. 

"How's it going, pal?" asks the cultist. "Want to join? Your lot will be dead soon, but we'll be alive!" 


"Come on, leave these losers! The crusades are over, soon the demons will rule the whole world!" 

The recruit looks nervously over his shoulder at his several comrades who would get attacks of opportunity if he decided to defect and run over to the cultists. "Uh, no thanks. Hail Iomedae!" 

"Your loss. I won't enjoy killing you, but..."

Yeah, well, better to die in several rounds than Right Now. 

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Speaking of which, time to enter combat!

The cultists are unpleasantly surprised when the pale seemingly-human girl decides to Suddenly, Starfish. Lusilla has been getting this reaction a lot and seems to be having some form of feelings about it. Probably eventually enough cultists will successfully flee encounters with her and tell all their friends that people will start expecting it. She's not sure how she feels about that either. 

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Lusilla's ability to casually bypass the cultists' defenses is, in fact, useful; being able to appear behind them where they weren't expecting to have to defend from means only having to hit their flat-footed AC instead of their full AC sometimes. And it draws fire away from her friends and allies who have neither damage resistance nor fast healing. 

When all of the cultists--and the few dretches backinng them up--have fallen, Irabeth leads everyone along the balconies that compose most of this room, surrounding a great statue of...Iomedae? Iomedae seems like someone there would be a statue of in a place like this--and up the next flight of stairs. 

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What greets them at the next landing is a lot more worrying than a few dretches. 

"What's this? Do we have guests?" the demoness asks lightly, her voice syrupy-sweet as though with poisoned honey, her slickly painted lips widening into a grin that shows just a little more tooth than the welcoming smile she's parodying. "I'm so terribly sorry for the mess...why, I haven't even poured the blood into the goblets yet! Why I--Oh!" 

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Lusilla is one of the last up the stairs. She could have been sooner, but there was some structural instability, and she wanted to make sure nobody else got hit by falling pieces of architecture. 

She can hear the monologuing before she comes into view--monologuing that, for some reason, Irabeth hasn't interrupted with her sword yet. 

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So she assumes human form as she crests the top of the stairs, the better to maintain the element of surprise with. 

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"What a delightful surprise! Staunton, my little sweetheart, it's been so long! I've missed you so much... have you missed me? Admit it--you missed me terribly!" 

Hm, hm, hm. What have we here. Not any kind of demon she's ever heard of, and she's heard of every kind that ought to have come through the Worldwound, but that doesn't mean it means the Eagle Watch any good. Should she pretend not to notice it, in order to fuck with the paladins? Or should she point it out, as a "favor" to Staunton and in order to fuck with it. Decisions, decisions. 

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"Minago. You again, you wench." 

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"Minagho?* The one who--be careful," she calls out to the rest of the watch plus add-ons. "She's one of the deadliest creatures in the whole demon horde. She was once responsible for a massacre in this city. She must be back to finish what she started." 



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Tsk, tsk. "Aww, that's not nice," Minago drawls. "Is it my fault that you mortals are so easy to rile up?"

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...Nobody is attacking. 

Lusilla can understand that Minagho would be inclined to monologue, to taunt, to toy with them as a cat toys with a cornered mouse. 

But Irabeth--Lusilla supposes that she doesn't know Irabeth that well, yet. But it seems unlikely that she has similar motives, between the fact that, in stories, heroes usually don't, combined with the fact that all Irabeth has said is to be careful because Minagho is really dangerous. 

The last really dangerous demon Lusilla encountered was Deskari, who slew Terendelev. Unless Savamelekh counts, but Lusilla really doesn't remember much of their encounter. 

She makes her way forward, through the Eagle Watch members, and whispers to Anevia, "How fucked are we?"

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"Pretty fucked," Anevia whispers back. 

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"Got something to say, little one?" Minagho asks innocently.*



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"No, the stonework. Yes, you." 

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"Oh. Well," she doesn't actually have a better idea than the truth, "it's just I only just learned the Worldwound existed today, and I was wondering how strong you were, on a scale from, like," not a dretch, obviously she's way stronger than a dretch, "Savamelekh, to Deskari." 

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Minago wouldn't say she had specific expectations of what the (monster-posing-as-a-)girl would say, but she was... not expecting that. 

"Comparing me to Deskari? I'm flattered." 

Also, she hadn't heard of the Worldwound yesterday, and she knows Savamelekh by name? Pull the other one. What's more surprising is that the paladins seem to be buying it. What is going on?

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"I really cannot emphasize enough how many points of reference I don't have. What's a relatively powerful kind of demon?" 

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"Vrolikai. Vavakia. Gallu." 

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"Right, see, I don't know anything about any of those, so if I asked you how you rated next to them, I wouldn't really have a use for the answer." 

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She...doesn't know what a vrolikai is...but she asked about Savamelekh...

The obvious solution is that the creature is lying. Minagho has to admit, assuming that's true, that her skill in lying is laudable. 

Minagho does not like being this confused; confusion is antithetical to control. 

But even more disempowering than confusion is being seen to be confused. So that will not happen. 

"Staunton, darling, you should have told me you had made such charming friends!"

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"I don't know her." He's seen her in action, and observed her tacit approval from Irabeth as an extension of Anevia seeming to trust her, but that doesn't mean he has the faintest idea what's actually up with her. "And I wouldn't tell you how to piss into the wind, you bitch." 

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"Staunton, I'm hurt! Doesn't our time together mean anything to you? How I've missed the time spent in your arms...our clandestine trysts...having you beg to be allowed to see me again. I was so hoping we could reconcile...I'd rather like to see you again like that... for a very, very long time." 

She smirks. 

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"I'll kill you!!!" 

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Cackling, Minagho teleports away, leaving them to deal with the demonic minions she brought with her. 

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As soon as Minagho is gone, Lusilla successfully startles the minions--none of whom, unlike their mistress, have True Seeing--by assuming her true form. Several of the demons--oh, and there are some cultists, too, in the back, she hadn't seen them before--react by targeting her, which works for her under the circumstances, especially since she's only going to be in her current location for one round. 


After the combat is over--a process that involves a judicious application of "bop into melee range of the archers and casters"--Lusilla asks, "Does anyone need healing? I have a little left." 

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Seelah grimaces. "I'm not doing too hot, yeah." Inconvenient how this is happening within a few hours of, uh, everything else. 

None of the other paladins need any they can't do themselves, but one of the Eagle Watch's archers is also pretty banged up. 

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Lusilla changes back into human form and uses one of her two remaining Cure Light Wounds on Seelah and the other on the archer. Seelah doesn't, quite, also need the scroll of Cure Moderate. 

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"Do we press on, or retreat?" Anevia asks Irabeth quietly. 

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Irabeth grimaces. "If Minagho doesn't come back, we might have a chance. And we need to take the Wardstone."

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"But Minagho knows that as well as we do. On the other hand, if we try to escape, what're the odds Minagho just lets us go." 

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Irabeth grimaces. "Onwards, then." 

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Lusilla moves some rubble out of the way that had been blocking their path--not nearly as bad as the rubble splitting the blood hall, but still enough to seriously impede their path. 


The Wardstone is--Lusilla has never felt anything like it. She's not a demon, but she can still feel its power in the air, pressing down on her. She seems to hear something, in it--but a moment later, her head clears, and whatever it is is gone. 

And Minagho is there. 

Hm. Well. Not unexpected, and yet: fuck. 

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"Congratulations! You made it aaaallllll the way here. This is it, your precious Wardstone. But what are you planning to do now, hm? I could kill you where you stand... but you'd like dying in battle, like heroes, wouldn't you?"

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No??? Lusilla doesn't want to die at all? Obviously? And she can't imagine anyone else present does either.

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"No. I want you to die in despair, scrabbling around like rats in the blighted ruins of your city--blind and broken, your flesh scabbed and seeping, and every moment knowing precisely what was done to you!" 

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So much for the "all sweetness and light" facade.

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"There isn't a soul that can resist the temptations of the Abyss. Even a stone can be turned. I'm not joking--your precious Wardstone, weakened from the injury inflicted by Deskari, has almost succumbed to my charms. Soon the whole barrier around the Worldwound, the gift of your useless goddess, will be a weapon of the Abyss. Just a little more, and...boom!" She cackles. "Every city with one of these eyesores stuck in the middle of it, from Kenabres to Nerosyan, will turn into smoking craters, and all the mortals into red sludge beneath our hooves!" 

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Eyesore? The Wardstone is right there; they can all see how beautiful it is. This lady is reeeeaaaally bad at keeping her facts straight. 

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"So you have a choice...especially you, my pet!" She blows a kiss to Staunton. "Kiss me on my dainty hoof, pledge your loyalty to Baphomet, and when the world falls--its ruins shall be yours!" 

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"--Okay, so, just a quick check-in, nobody here is stupid enough to buy that offer, right? Like, at most what she's really offering is not dying immediately. There's no way any of us are valuable enough for a serious we-can-rule-together offer." 

Lusilla may not know from demons, but she knows from tropes. 

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Just Because It's True Doesn't Mean You Should Say It. 

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Minagho glares at Lusilla, unimpeded by her lack of actual eyes to glare with. 

"Don't sell yourself short, kiddo. Tell me, do your friends know how special you are?" 

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Wait, how does she know--

Not the immediate issue. 

When she asked Anevia how fucked they were the first time Minagho was toying with them, Anevia said "very." 

They prooooobably can't fight her, not and, like, accomplish anything. 


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"Yes," she says, turning into her other shape, and before Minagho can react, Lusilla reaches out, grabs her around the waist, and flings her bodily over the edge of the balcony. 

She doesn't wait to see if Minagho teleports away from the landing of that fall, or whether she immediately teleports back to her original position. Instead, she charges in the opposite of the direction she threw Minagho, towards a window with crumbling stone all around it. 

Her gamble pays off; the wall in that spot was sufficiently damaged that she manages to burst through it. 

"Climb on!" she yells 

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Irabeth catches her meaning immediately. She isn't, actually, sure that this is a good idea, but she doesn't actually have a better one. So she raises her sword to gesture the Eagle Watch and assorted deputized adventurers forwards, and charges out of the building and onto the fleshy form of the adventurer outside. 

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It's a tight fit. Lusilla's surface area is not, actually, sufficient to hold everyone comfortably. Theoretically it isn't sufficient to hold everyone at all. The only reason nobody falls off is that she is actively preventing it, her five arms curling and grabbing to rebalance whoever is currently in the process of falling off. 

Also, a significant chunk of her surface area is composed of, you know, eyes. This is distinctly painful--it is not even slightly practical to avoid stepping on them--but no damage is done that her fast healing can't take care of, so, you know, she can deal. 

This many people is also distinctly above her carrying capacity in terms of, like, weight, but even if she can't properly fly while this badly overburdened, she can float down to the ground slowly enough that nobody takes fall damage, so that's good. 

"Minagho won't be that badly off-balance for long, but I'm the one who pissed her off. Tell me where to show up if I manage to lose her, and then run." 

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Anevia gives her a landmark close enough to the Defender's Heart that it won't be too inconvenient for Anevia to hang out there waiting for Lusilla, but not so close that, if this has, somehow been a long con aimed at finding the Eagle Watch's current hideout, it will have worked. Assuming Lusilla shows up by herself and not with an army of demons, Anevia will lead her to the Defender's Heart from there. She thinks it's a fairly safe assumption at this point, but better safe than sorry. 

And then they run. 

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Lusilla waits at the bottom of the wall, letting her fast healing fix her eyes (ow), until Minagho appears at the opening in the wall that Lusilla left behind. 

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"You! You little bitch, I'm going to--"

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Readied action: dimension door. 

Lusilla could probably lose Minagho fairly immediately, just by bopping far enough away that Minagho can't figure out where she went. But then Minagho would be free to hunt down her friends. She's going to have to play keep-away for long enough that at the very least Minagho would have to work to find them. 

So she reappears a ways down the street from the Grey Garrison, but still close enough that Minagho should be able to see her from her vantage point. 

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Rrrrrr. The little brat is mocking her. Minagho can't shirk her duty to guard the Wardstone without risking incurring Lord Baphomet's wrath...still, if she were to just pop out for the briefest moment to indulge in some light revenge...maybe...

...No. Minagho is, in fact, too scared of Baphomet to do that. 

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Huh? Minagho isn't chasing her?


Lusilla stays where she is until she's sure the others are farther out of line of sight than she is, then bops around the city for a little while. Partly to figure out exactly where Anevia's landmark is, and partly so that if someone has a way of tracking her magically they'll have a more complicated path to follow. 

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Even with Lusilla's attempts to foil Trace Teleport, Anevia still finds her already there when she shows up where she told her to be. 

"Sorry about this. I didn't want to say our location out loud that close to the demons." 

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"No, that makes perfect sense," Lusilla says, shrinking into human form. "Do you know how Minagho knew about me? --Or was she just taking a shot in the dark that happened to hit." 

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"Lillitu have True Seeing. She could probably see your other form just fine." 

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"Really? How does that work? It wasn't...there. I mean," she waves an arm around. "I'm really shaped like this, right now, it's not just some illusion. What would she have seen if I'd been in a little alcove that my other shape couldn't fit in?" 

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Shrug. "You'd have to ask a wizard." 

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That was fair. Just because these people knew about a lot of things Lusilla had never heard of didn't mean they knew everything. 

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After several more minutes, Anevia leads her past the sentries and into the courtyard of the Defender's Heart. 

"This place is usually a tavern. We've made it our headquarters, until this situation is over--one way or the other. It's called the Defender's Heart." 

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"While Seelah and I were underground, helping Lann recover his tribe's missing children, we found this document," she fishes it out and offers it to Anevia, "that has some stuff in it that I think you should know. You and Irabeth, I mean, since she's in charge of the Eagle Watch." She still sort of wants to know how the two of them are related but she can't see a graceful way to ask. 

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Anevia skims the paper, frowning. "Thanks. I'll ask Beth to take a look at this." 

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"Lusilla! Glad you made it back safely." 

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"Seelah!" Lusilla waves energetically and bounces over to her. "Did everyone make it back okay?" 

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Seelah nods. "Didn't even catch a glimpse of any pursuit." 

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"Yeah...Minagho didn't really chase me, either. She screamed at me from the hole I made in the wall but she never left it." 

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"Huh. That's weird." 

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"...Well, if I had been able to draw her off, you guys maybe could've doubled back for the Wardstone." 

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"Maybe. I am glad you're alright, though." 

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"Same. Can I hug you?" 

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"--Yeah, sure!" 

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The quality of this hug is kind of objectively impeded by the full plate armor but Lusilla doesn't actually care, so. 

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"So," Lusilla says after a while. "This place is a tavern, when it's not instead the rallying point for the defense of the city?"

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"Well, y'know, it hasn't entirely stopped being a tavern in the meanwhile. The owner is still around and selling drinks and food. Although we're going to have to find a way to reprovision him, I think. This place is packed way beyond its normal capacity. It's not only those of us who can fight who're lodged here, right now; any civilians who didn't manage to get out of the city or die in the first wave of the invasion have been directed here, when they find 'em." 

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"Oh, good. --Does that include Horgus Gwerm?" 

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"I think I saw him around somewhere, why?" 

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"Well, y'know, he owes me money." 

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"You can't really mean to charge him for bringing him back up to the surface with Camellia and Anevia." 

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"Counterpoint: he looked rich as fuck and was an asshole to the Neathers." 

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Seelah snorts. "I see your point. But still..." 

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"If he says, 'You were just providing a public service, I'm not going to give you anything,' then I'm not going to hound him about it. But if he thinks fair's fair then I'm not going to turn my nose up at a handout from a rich guy." 

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Seelah covers a smile she can't quite suppress. "I guess that's fair." 

Seelah still wouldn't do it, but, enh, Lusilla's not a paladin. 

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So Lusilla heads off into the crowd. 


There are a lot of people here. Maybe not as many as are in Rivertree altogether, but... in Rivertree, Lusilla never saw so many people packed into one building, even one bigger than any of the buildings in Rivertree. 

Fortunately, it isn't that hard to identify Horgus Gwerm, standing at the bar. She makes her way over to him, careful not to push people as she gets through the crowd. 

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"Ah, there you are. One thousand crowns, as promised. You brought me back to the surface, and I duly paid for fast and efficient service. Horgus Gwerm pays his debts. Now, speaking of our future cooperation..." 

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Were they speaking of that? Lusilla can't be bothered to make a quip to that effect; she is too busy attempting to keep a straight face in the wake of opening the bag Horgus Gwerm gave her and discovering that a crown is a GOLD coin. 

What the fuck! This is so much money! You could--Lusilla can't even think of what you could do with this much money that isn't a hilarious understatement. 

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"I have a job that would be perfect for someone like you. Naturally, I'll pay generously for your services." 

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It does not occur to Lusilla to be offended by "someone like you." She assumes he means being a giant starfish, or possibly just her ability to fly. "Someone who is not rich" straight-up just does not cross her mind as an explanation. 

Her first impulse is to agree immediately, because this guy way, way overpays. She doesn't know WHAT she's gonna do with this kind of money, but her life has entered Storybook Mode, which probably means she's going to have the ability to buy ridiculously big-ticket items like magic necklaces and so on at some point. 

On the other hand, it's also absolutely a thing that would happen in a story is that someone ridiculously overpays for an easy task, in order to bait someone into agreeing to a much much much harder task, sight unseen. So she asks, "What kind of job?" 

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"Bodyguarding. You see, I have good reason to return to my mansion here in Kenabres. I still have... Never mind. My reasons are none of your concern. My mansion is a breathtaking building with a large garden in the wealthy part of the city. Even before the demons attacked, every thief and fraudster in the city had tried to get inside, one way or another. I shudder to imagine the state it's in now. I have little hope that my guards were able to hold the mansion during the attack, and I expect that the servants fled when they saw the demons. Only Abadar knows what's happened there since. Therefore, I would ask that you accompany me to my mansion and guard me there until I complete my business." 

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...Huh. Seems fairly up-and-up, assuming there's nothing extra special sketchy about the mansion.

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"Also, please do bring Camellia with you. I trust her more than the rest of your party. She is of noble birth, after all." 

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"She is?" 

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Harrumph. "Is it not obvious?"

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"Before today I'd never been anywhere bigger than Rivertree. I'd certainly never met a noble. How'm I supposed to tell?" 

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If Horgus Gwerm is judging her, he's making at least a token effort to hide it. 

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"So what are you offering to pay, exactly?" Not that he hasn't been generous so far but if she's agreeing to this for more than just herself she'd like to have numbers to bring everyone else. 

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"A thousand crowns." 

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It was the same as the pay for bringing him back to the surface, which had been a much easier task, but he hadn't known how easy it would be for her when he made the offer. Also, critically, she was not going to let a windfall like this turn her greedy and stupid. 

"Agreed. Conditional on Camellia agreeing, anyway, I won't make promises for her without her permission. And it won't be today, I'm out of spells and I'd bet she is too. Plus I don't think it'll be just the two of us, and everyone's low on everything."

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"Certainly, certainly. Most excellent. Let me know when you're ready to leave." 

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Lusilla nods and leaves to look around some more. 


...There are so many people. Lusilla finds herself a little shy. She had plenty of confidence before, when there was something concrete for her to be doing, but now--now there isn't much to do until tomorrow. Unless there's something she can do with just her non-spell stuff, but the obvious thing that bopping around and flying can do is courier work, and Lusilla doesn't think there's anywhere else in the city to deliver messages to. 

Well. Except Neathholme, of course. 

Has anyone actually told Irabeth about that? Lusilla thinks maybe nobody has told Irabeth about that. Somebody ought to tell Irabeth about that. 

Lusilla goes to go tell Irabeth about that. 

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Irabeth is currently sitting at a desk in what is usually a semi-private alcove of the tavern's main seating areas. 

"Yes?" she asks, when she sees Lusilla approach. 

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"You saw Lann, right? He came in with Seelah and me, when we showed up at the Grey Garrison?"

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Irabeth nods. "The archer."

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"Right. And you saw how he's," she gestures over her left side, where Lann has lizard scales. 

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"Anevia told me about the village you found there, and the missing children. And the dispatch you found on the body of the lead cultist." 

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"Right. So, the thing is, I'm all out of spells for today, but I can bop around as much as I like, and the Neathers also call themselves Underground Crusaders and seem to consider the whole angel-sword thing as some kind of call to duty, and it occurred to me that I could carry messages. It wouldn't involve fighting anything, hopefully, and I heal fast so even if I accidentally land on a group of demons or cultists or whatever I should be fine if they get a swipe in before I can leave again, and they could potentially be really helpful." 

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"That is...a very good idea, actually. Give me a minute to draw up a letter." 

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Lusilla gives her a thumbs-up and then wanders off to see more things until Irabeth has a letter for her to deliver. 

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There are a LOT of things and people to see, both inside the Defender's Heart and outside in the yard. Granted, a lot of them are clearly refugees, who often escaped the demons with little more than the clothes on their backs, which would be quite rude to bother. 

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Yeah, no kidding--ooh, that doesn't look like a penniless refugee! 

"Hello. Are you a cleric of Abadar?" 

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"Yes, I am. Vissaly Rathimus. Ordinarily, rector of the local temple of Abadar, but," sigh, "that no longer...exists." 

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"Oh. Because of the demons? I'm sorry to hear that. --I'm Lusilla." 

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He nods somberly. 

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"You know, I don't think I've ever been in a temple. Actually, you're the second cleric I've ever met! ...Unless someone in the attack on the Grey Garrison was a cleric, and it just didn't come up. Or one of the cultists I fought was one. Or more than one of--you're the second person I've ever talked to such that we explicitly established that they were a cleric. And the other one was also of Abadar, which is why I came over, I recognized the holy symbol." 

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"Yeah! Her name was Dyra, she--have you been told about the Neathers yet?" 

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"Let us suppose that I have not." 

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"Okay, you see that guy over there?" Lusilla points at Lann, blithely unaware that this could be considered "rude." 

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The priest looks over and nods. If he has anything to say about Lann's odd appearance, he keeps it to himself. 

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"Right, so, I don't know if you've heard any stories about 'Underground Crusaders' or 'children of the First Crusade' or anything like that, but the stories are true, at least as far as the people existing is concerned. There's a network of tunnels underneath Kenabres, and people live there in tribal villages. They're descendants of some crusaders from the First Crusade who got, I dunno, trapped or something, and wound up...I won't say 'looking like that' exactly because actually they all look really different from one another. They all have some significant variations from human baseline, though. Anyway, me'n Seelah ended up visiting one of their villages, and they had a cleric, which surprised me because where I'm from little villages have druids and clerics are mostly just in cities or towns big enough to really benefit from having channels instead of just Cure spells, and surprised Seelah because she was a cleric of Abadar and those usually don't show up in little villages instead of cities. But she's been really great for helping the different tribes resolve their differences via trade and stuff instead of fighting, which is usually a problem, and I had some stuff that I had hunted and she helped me work out a deal for it because their village could really use the food. Anyway. She's cool." 

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His eyebrows climb his forehead as she expounds and are arched like a circus tent by the time she finishes. "How interesting. I would like to meet this Dyra, I think." 

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"Well, I can't bring you there, but Irabeth is drafting a message to Chief Sull, so if you wanted to write a letter to Dyra I could bring that." 

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"How much?"

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"Man, I do think I get why you Abadarans are so into trade, but I'm not gonna lie, I come from the woods outside a little village that had a druid instead of a cleric, I won't object if you wanna pay me for it but it will actually be trivial for me to accomplish so I was just going to do it as a favor." 



Once that matter is hashed out, she glances over at Irabeth. Irabeth does not seem to need her immediately, so she decides to see what other new experiences she can accumulate. 

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One of the places she can see in the room is the bar, where someone who is presumably the tavern's owner or one of the tavern's owner's employees is serving food and drinks. Her stomach would like to take this moment to remind her that she hasn't eaten since Neathholme, and it has been a long day. 

She can acquire some food and also ask some questions about reprovisioning, which is something Seelah mentioned and Lusilla might be qualified to help with. 

Lusilla sidles up to the bar--no mean feat; there are a lot of people packed into this building--and, when the bartender looks over her way says, "Hello! I'm Lusilla." 

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"Gemyl Hawkes. What'll it be?"

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"Uhhhhhh that is a good question, what do you have?"

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He grunts slightly. "Less than I did before the demon attack, that's for sure. But--" and he lists available menu items. 

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She orders a chicken stew and draws him into a discussion of what he'd find useful in terms of provisions if she can obtain them while she's out in the city, either legally or, like, close enough to legally that under the circumstances the paladins aren't going to object. The discussion is sort of periodic since he keeps leaving to serve other people, but she has a better idea of what to look for than Seelah's offhand reference to reprovisioning left her with, so that's good. 

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And then she goes and collects Irabeth's letter, and Rathimus's, and enough blank paper that Sull and Dyra will definitely be able to reply, and pops down to Neathholm. 

She can't bop directly there; it's too far. But she doesn't encounter any particular trouble on the way there. She sees demons, a few times, but none of them close enough that they can do anything to her before she leaves again. 

When she reaches the village, she gives Sull his letter first. ...And has to read it to him, because his eyesight is shaky and not really up to Irabeth's relatively small handwriting. She's not sure she was meant to be be privy to the contents of the letter, but whatever, it's fine, Sull is asking her to read it, it's not like she's being sneaky. She'll just tell Irabeth about it on the way back. 

There is a little bit of an audience, by the time she's done. Sull asks her to let him think about how to reply for a bit, which she supposes is consistent with his displayed character so far. Her audience wants her to pull out Lariel's sword again, which she supposes makes sense. She does that once and then flees to deliver Dyra her letter. 

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Oh, wow, gosh, this is a really exciting letter!!! Dyra is extremely excited!!! Is Lusilla going to stick around long enough to take back a response?

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Yeah, for sure! It is pretty unlikely that Dyra will take longer to reply than Chief Sull. 

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Well, that's not wrong. 

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So while Dyra and Chief Sull are writing their replies, Lusilla goes out to have a look at the stuff that fell down when Deskari opened the big crack. 

She and Anevia had salvaged some stuff off some of the bodies, when they were initially passing through, but...not more than that. And there were wagons, in the debris. Not many, or intact, but it was worth looking through their contents, now. The odds that they could find the owners--or any living heirs, if the owners were among those who had failed to survive the fall--were low enough that Lusilla had no qualms whatsoever about taking whatever she found. 

One of the wagons mostly seems to have supplies for the festival. Lusilla sorts through it--strings of paper pennants, fabric banners--nothing she couldn't find a use for, if she tried, but mostly not things that were going to be useful in their current form, not in the immediate future. 

She does find one crate that, while broken, is still mostly in the shape of a box surrounding the things it had contained, and that one contains fresh vegetables. Lusilla was pretty sure they had been meant to be used for the festival refreshments. Trying to pick up the crate reveals that it is not going to continue being coherently in the shape of a box if given a whole lot of impetus not to be, such as by gravity acting unequally on its parts, so she brushes away the fragments of wood and piles the vegetables on a scavenged banner, that she can tie into a bundle later after she's done going through everything. 

The other wagon is less helpful. It's full of wood, and nails, and--carpentry stuff, she's pretty sure. If she knew anything about carpentry maybe she would be going, "wow! This doohickey would be really useful for Y purpose!" but she really isn't betting on it. She'll keep in mind that it's there, obviously, and maybe mention it if it seems like a good idea at any point; if anyone is looking for a list of resources or anything, but for the moment, the only thing that looks useful enough to make off with is a coil of rope. 

Lusilla ties up her bundle of vegetables and returns to the village. 

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Dyra has finished writing her reply but Chief Sull has not. 

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Lusilla collects Dyra's reply and wanders over to Chief Sull. 

"Would it help if I took dictation?" she offers. 

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"Hm...yesh, that would probably make this go fashter..." he says, with an air of perhaps covering something. 

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Fortunately, Lusilla does not perceive this. It still takes a while--Chief Sull still hems and haws a bit over what exactly to say--but before too horribly long she has his missive, too, and then she can take his letter and Dyra's letter and the vegetables and make her way back to the Defender's Heart, along a path of intermediate destinations sufficiently different than the one she took on the way out that if any demons decided to stake out her original appearance points for an ambush, they will fail. 

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And then she is back at the Defender's Heart! She will deliver the vegetables to Gemyl Hawkes, first, because they are sort of bulky, and then she will deliver Chief Sull's response to Irabeth and Dyra's response to Feducia Rathimus. 

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Irabeth isn't ignoring Chief Sull's reply, it's going in her to-deal-with stack, but her to-deal-with stack is pretty high and the letter isn't at the top of it. 

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Having, like, met, the man, Lusilla is fairly confident that he won't be offended if he finds out about this. 

Next she should...hm. 


Lusilla is a bit at loose ends, here. 

She seeks out Anevia. 

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"You've been keeping busy, huh?" 

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Lusilla half-shrugs. "I mean, I'm not going to just sit in a corner and stare at a wall." 

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Snort. "I wouldn't expect that from you of all people, no." 

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"...I guess. It feels like it's been a lot longer than a day since...since the festival." 

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"Not gonna argue with that. I think probably tomorrow Beth will have some things for you to do, out and about in the city. I'm sure there's a lot you could get done with just--'just'--unlimited Teleport or Dimension Door or whatever it is you can do, exactly, but I don't think any of us have ever really considered the possibilities, because none of us have ever expected that to be a thing that happens." 

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"Dimension Door?" 

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"It's a teleportation spell that's smaller than Teleport. I don't know as much about it since, unlike Teleport, it isn't often used for large-scale logistics." 

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"That makes sense. So, is--Irabeth assigning us tasks--how things are going to work?" 

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"I mean, I'm sure she'd be unhappy with you if she asked you to do something and you decided to just not without a good reason, but, well. I'm sure there's a lot going on in the city that's going to be more efficient, to say the least, to handle as it gets found out about, instead of reporting back to Irabeth and asking her what to do about it. Not just because of the time to report back--which part I'm sure your more unusual abilities would be very helpful with--but because she's busy. I'm not saying don't report back on what happens, but please feel free to take the initiative on anything that's going to help." 

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"That makes sense. Can you tell me about kinds of things she might be going to ask me to do tomorrow, or things she might not bother to ask me to do that I could do anyway? Not so I can go out and do them tonight--" she glances out one of the tavern's windows; it's been a long day, but the sun is finally creeping down over the horizon, "--I do, in fact, have to sleep." Which is good, honestly, because if she didn't have to sleep it would be sort of questionable if she could justify doing so, and then she couldn't visit her mother's dreams to make sure she and her brother were okay and let them know she was okay and where she was and stuff. "But it would be good to be able to start thinking about these things sooner rather than later." 

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Anevia nods. 

"Well, it would be really nice to have some idea how to fix whatever Minagho's doing to the Wardstone. Which, one, keep an eye out of course, but two, there is one lead we have. There was an old elf, called himself the Storyteller, who thought there was something wrong with the Wardstone and wanted to go in and see it. Hulrun thought it was obvious nonsense, of course, but at this point it seems like he might have known something. Heaven knows if he's still alive at this point, of course, but Staunton might have an idea of where he might be if he is." 

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Lusilla is starting to wonder if this Hulrun fellow who removed the weapons from her stretcher is more than just a simple city guard, if it matters what he thought. Well, it's too late for it to matter much now; they just have to clean up what's left as best they can. 

"Okay. Is there anywhere else I could find out anything about the Wardstone?" 

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"I'd suggest talking to Aravashnial, if he hadn't died so horribly..." 

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"You remember the guy whose body Camellia was with when we found her? I managed to recognize him, if only barely. Elven wizard, a little stuck-up, but he didn't deserve that. He used to hang out at the Blackwing Library a lot." 

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"Aha." Lusilla adds "Blackwing Library" to her mental list of notable locations with more than a little excitement. She's heard of libraries; vast treasure troves of books that make the circulating laundry wizard's collection of volumes look like a puddle beside the great Lake of Mists and Veils. The many eyes she doesn't have in this form itch with the desire to behold that many books in one place. 

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"I'm guessing you read the cultist dispatch before handing it over." 

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"Should I not have?" 

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"Eh, I can't see what it would hurt. Just--the Tower of Estrod? I won't deny that it would be useful to get some intel on what those guys there are up to, but if you do go there, be careful. I know you're pretty weird and strong, but I'd hate to see you get killed because you bit off more than you could chew." 

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"Any useable weapons you can scavenge, from dead cultists or whatever, bring them to Jhoran Vhane. He's the blacksmith outside in the yard, and the de facto armorer for our little resistance." Anevia, wife of a paladin and formally attached to the Eagle Watch, would NEVER suggest to an adventurer that they steal from civilians. But, like, with this many people dead, she's not going to go out of her way to impress on them to be too scrupulous about where they source their supplies. Not when Lusilla strikes her as a good egg and Seelah is quite literally a paladin. Camellia might be more of a concern but as long as they're grouped together it's probably not too much of a problem. 

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"That makes sense. While I was delivering messages between Irabeth and the Neathers' Chief Sull, I went back and searched those wagons we saw at the bottom of the chasm. There was a lot of stuff I didn't see an immediate use for--not one efficient enough to make it worth dragging the stuff back, I mean--but I did find some vegetables, and I brought those back to Gemyl the tavernkeeper." 

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Anevia nods. "That's good. By the time we run out of stores entirely this will probably all be over, one way or another--if we don't manage to fix the Wardstone soon..." she shakes her head. "But a little more food is good for morale, anyway." 

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At some point Lusilla should probably try to figure out the relative food needs of the Defender's Heart versus Neathholm, but...it's not that big a priority, on an immediate level. 

"I should probably go talk to Joran, then. We found a whole bunch of weapons on cultists in the Shield Maze." She should see what the current status of the Maze is, whether it's been cleaned of further cultists, maybe mug the remaining cultists for their remaining weapons. Not right now, though. Maybe tomorrow. 

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"That sounds like a good idea." 

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So Lusilla grabs the bundle of various armaments that they had pilfered from cultists in the Shield Maze, and goes out into the courtyard. 

Identifying Joran Vhane is easy. He's the guy doing smithing. Lusilla doesn't know how to do smithing herself, but she's seen enough of it that "put metal on anvil, hit with hammer" is a pretty obvious sign. 

She...thinks he might be a dwarf? She's heard of dwarves. Never seen one in person, though. Probably there is no polite way to ask and she's just going to have to wait until someone casually comments on it, like with what relationship exactly Irabeth and Anevia have. 

"Hi," she says, hoisting a bundle containing several polearms and assorted less-reachy weapons and also some shields bundled up in an amount of armor that a human who looks like her definitely shouldn't have been able to lift anyway. "I was told you were the person to give armor stuff I found? On cultists? That I had killed?"

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"That's me," the smith says, glancing only briefly up from his work confirm that yes, that is a huge bundle of stuff. His attention returns firmly to his work; letting himself get distracted would be not good. "You can set it down over there." 

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Lusilla sets it down over there. 

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Joran finishes what he's currently doing and comes over to look at the bundle. He whistles. "Where did you get all this?" 

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"Baphomet cultists in a subterranean maze who had kidnapped some children." 

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That is pretty much the exact correct amount of detail to make him shake his head and mutter about Baphomet cultists while also going "yeah that sounds like a thing that could happen." He starts going over the stuff. 

...He pulls out a glaive. "Are you sure you want to give this up?" 

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"...Well, I have no idea how to use it?"

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He hefts the weapon. "It's magic. I'd have to examine it more closely to tell exactly what it does, but by the strength of the aura, I think it's probably more than the most basic of enchantments. I wouldn't take it from you without your knowing what you were parting with." 

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Lusilla takes it back from him, then. "I'll see if Seelah can use it, then. Oh, speaking of Seelah, do you know anything about the sword Radiance?" 

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"--Yaniel's sword?"

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"Yeah! We found it in the subterranean labyrinth." 

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"If you'd bring it here and show it to me, I could tell you if it was the real thing." 

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"I'll let Seelah know, thanks." 

Lusilla stashes the magic glaive in the same corner where the rest of the party's stuff has been stashed. It's moderately inconvenient to get to, if you can't fly, which means the opportunity cost of Lusilla, specifically, stashing stuff there is fairly low. 

Then she continues wandering around the tavern. 

Hey, it has a basement, that's neat! 


The basement has a cell in it. 

The...basement? Has a cell in it?

Lusilla turns around and goes back upstairs. 

Gemyl Hawke has the really convenient property of being mostly in the same-ish place all the time, which makes him very easy to find. 

"Why does the basement have a cell in it?" 

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"Oh, that's for holding cultists who think they can hold their ale better than they can, and get looser-lipped about their true affiliations than they intended." 

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"...Does that happen often?" 

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"Often enough it was worth it to put in the cell." 

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"Well, alright. Is the fellow currently in there a cultist, then?"

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He shrugs. "Not one that confessed to me. The Eagle Watch has been handling that sort of thing since moving in." 

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"Okay, cool, thanks." 

She goes back down into the basement. 

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The guy in the cell is making fun of his guards for having fallen for something, apparently, much to the guards' disgust. 


He beckons to Lusilla when he sees her, after the whole 'being threatened by the guards' bit has died down. "Hey, chief! Hey, gorgeous! Come over here, I wanna talk to you about something, something really important!" 

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"Quit bothering decent people, Woljif, or I'll knock your teeth out," one of the guards says coldly. 

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"That seems like a huge overreaction." 

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"Thank you! That's what I've been sayin'!"

"You only say that because you haven't had to listen to him for hours," the guard says. 

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"So what was it you wanted?"

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"I'll lay it out for you: simple job, thirty minutes tops, we go someplace, talk to someone, and in return, whatever you want, I'll get it for you! Some extra rations? No problem! Armor, weapons, scrolls, you name it it's as good as yours. If you need my help with something, whistle and I'll be there. I'm handy enough with knives too, and even my magic know-how isn't too shabby!"

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"Ohhhhhhh, you're not a cultist at all, are you? You're in here for stealing." 

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"Chief. You wound me." 

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"I mean, stealing is obviously less bad than being a demon cultist!" 

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"Got me there. Not that I'm admitting to stealing anything, you understand." 

The guard who was threatening him earlier makes an incredulous snort, which Woljif valiantly ignores. 

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"Of course not. Well, whether or not you admit anything, you are...in a cell. That sort of seems like it would be an impediment to us going anywhere." 

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"Okay, well, I have an idea for that. You know Irabeth? Feisty-looking gal, always wears armor? You can't miss her, she's the meanest fighter in the whole city. So when you see her, you put in a good word for me, right, you tell her there's this guy, Woljif--that's me--locked up in the Defender's Heart for no good reason--well, for the follies of his youth--and he really wants to get out on bail so he can keep up his good behavior and make a contribution to society! Got that? Will you do it?" 

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"...Well, if I tell her exactly that then she will decide I'm either in on something with you, or just a naive idiot--probably the latter, considering, uh, stuff--anyway, I don't think that'll go the way you hope. But I can say something more plausible, like that we've got bigger fish to fry than--" she turns to the guards. "What'd he steal?" She notices Woljif about to object and holds up a hand. "Allegedly steal," she says, rolling her eyes a little bit. 

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"Well, hey, far be it from me to tell anyone how to do their job, as long as the job gets done." 

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Lusilla decides it's probably a better idea to bother Anevia about this than Irabeth. 

"Hey, Anevia, you know how the classic adventurer lineup has a burglar in it?"

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"I used to fill that role myself, before Beth and I settled down in Kenabres. Why?" 

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"So there's this guy in the basement." 

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She raises her hands. "I'm just saying, there's, like, two guards down there, and having three more guys pointed at the demons instead of each other sounds good?" 

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"...You think you can make it work?" 

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"I think so! And, you know, if it doesn't work, I can probably find him if he runs off," she places a finger next to her nose, "the same way I found you, when me'n Seelah and Lann showed up at the garrison. My other form's got a great sense of smell."

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Anevia nods slowly. 

"I'll talk to Beth, see what she thinks. I'm not saying it'll happen, but it's worth considering, you're right." 

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"Thanks, I appreciate it." 


And now it really is getting late so Lusilla finds an appropriately out-of-the-way corner, spends some time whittling scavenged insect chitin, uses her dream SLA, and goes to sleep. 

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She identifies her dream-message as being intended for Mama. She’ll do her brother tomorrow night.

”Hi, Mom. I don’t know how long I’ve been missing, but I’m doing fine. I woke up in a city called Kenabres on the other side of the Lake, and they’re having a monster problem but I’ve been helping. I…I showed them my true form—it was sort of an emergency—but they’re reacting well! There are loads of paladins here, so they know I’m not evil, and I’m fighting the bad monsters with them, so they’re happy to have me, and then by the time they’ve had a chance to think about things they already know I’m not horrible. I met some other people who look weird! They’re called Neathers and they live underground, below Kenabres. Oh, by the way, I found out what happened to Sarkoris…”

She continues on in this vein for some time, ending with, “Love you. Talk to you again in a few days or so.”

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In the morning she uncurls herself and exits the sleeping area she had staked out and wanders into the main public area where she can catch up with Seelah and so on. 

"I had a weird dream last night," she remarks to her paladin friend. She couldn't spend the entire night talking to her mother, unfortunately. "I was in the house in the forest with my mother, like usual, except the house was different and the forest was different and my mother was different and my brother wasn't even there at all." 

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"Doesn't seem that weird, as dreams go." 

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"Yeah...the part of it that felt weird was...I dunno, something else, something that either was just a weird ineffable dream-feeling that I can't put into words, or I forgot what it was when I woke up." Shrug. "It wasn't a terrible dream, apart from the absence of brother." 

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"Don't take that for granted. You hear about people getting terrible dreams from the Abyssal influence, sometimes." 

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"Fair, fair." 

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Anevia approaches their table. "Hey." 

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Anevia holds up a book. "Irabeth agreed to let you have the burglar. We're remanding him to your custody, so to speak. If he runs off before the crisis is over, he'll be pretty low-priority but we'll still arrest him again if we see him." She shrugs. "It's a pretty good deal. Criminals who end up in the regular penal battalions are a lot worse off." 

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"Regular penal battalions?" Lusilla is not sure she approves of that. Why doesn't being in a story mean that things can be stories-for-small-children levels of morally uncomplicated Lusilla is not that naive. 

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Anevia grimaces faintly. "They're...not always treated as well as they should be." 

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Yep, that's as much of a subplot as Lusilla suspected. "Can you tell me more about that?" Wait. No. "After the current crisis is over, I mean?" 

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Half-shrug. "I'm not sure I'm the best person to hear about it from, but I can...point you to some people who'll have, uh, useful perspectives." 

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"Thanks." And then Lusilla tables it. She can revisit the matter when it comes up again, or after they've fixed the Wardstone, whichever comes first. "And yeah, I'd appreciate going down with you." 

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Anevia nods and heads for the stairs to the basement. 

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Lusilla follows, obviously. 

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"Alright, we're here to make a deal," Anevia says to the two guards. "I'm remanding this guy to Lusilla, here," 

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Lusilla waves. It's a good thing these guards are different from the ones she saw yesterday or she would have Questions. 

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Anevia unlocks the cell door. The thief's eyes zero in on the book, but she doesn't immediately hand it to him. 

"Right now, we do, in fact, have bigger problems than larceny. For now, I'm remanding you to her," she jerks her thumb at Lusilla, "custody. If you run off before Kenabres is no longer under immediate existential threat by demons, we will arrest you again later. I am trusting her that you won't do that, or that if you do, she's responsible for finding you. Understood?" 

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...This was not Woljif's best-case scenario. 

For one thing, he's not convinced that "Kenabres isn't under immediate existential threat by demons" is a state that has existed since the Worldwound opened; even less so that the grand high muckety-mucks would agree so when the definition matters to the terms of his sentence. 

On the other hand, it isn't continuing to be in a jail cell and it isn't the Condemned, so he isn't going to say anything to the lady's face. 

"Absolutely. I'll be the model of good behavior, on my honor." 

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Anevia isn't especially impressed by this claim and she isn't bothering to hide it, but she is handing over his spellbook. And thieves' tools, slightly against her better judgment, but when explicitly paroling him as an adventuring-party burglar isn't the best time to impair him from burgling. 

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Lusilla clasps her hands behind her back and fiddles with her fingers. Fingers are so good for fiddling with, overwhelmingly much better for that purpose than the tips of giant starfish arms. 

"I wasn't, like, looking for something that--stratified," she says when Anevia and the guards are gone. "Sorry."

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What...does she expect from him, exactly? To say, "Naw, you're fine, this doesn't have any weird power dynamics at all?" 

Because, like, he will, but not in a way where it's information, just in a way where it makes the correct talky noises to make people not pissed off at him. 

"Hey, don't sweat it, chief. Anyway, down to business. I'm one of those guys that people around here call 'thieflings--'"

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Amused: "But you definitely didn't steal anything."

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"Not where the guards can hear about it, I didn't. Anyway, so we knocked over that shop--" 

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"The one you were locked up for knocking over?"

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"Right, exactly, and while I was stuck here, a little bird told me that Big Sister Kerismei wanted to see me, that she had some questions to ask me. You following?" 

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"She's your boss in the Thieflings and she's mad you fucked up and got caught." 

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Woljif makes a so-so gesture. "It's not so much that I got caught. That wouldn't bother her none, unless I squealed on her and the others, which I'm not dumb enough to do. No, there's something more serious going on, I can feel it in my tail. So, y'see, I knew as soon as I heard about it that I couldn't go alone." 

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"And I was the first person who showed up who was sympathetic, and who you could," con into, "convince to come along?"

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"Hey, don't sell yourself short! I wouldn't expect just anyone to be worth anythin' backin' me up against Sister Kerismei, you know?"  

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"Well, sure. Anyone who could get you out of that cell, on the other hand..." 

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He holds his hands up. "Hey, you said it, not me. Anyway, I don't need you to, like, get involved, just stand behind me and look mean for a bit." 

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"I'm not sure if I can look mean. I can look friendly, and I can look sad, and I can probably look angry but I don't know if I can do that on command, and I can look terrifying if someone has no context, but I dunno about mean." 

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"Terrifying if someone has no context?" Woljif isn't remotely sure he wants to know, but it wouldn't be better to get surprised with it later. 

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Lusilla assumes starfish shape. 

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Quick question what the fuck. 

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Lusilla turns back human-shaped. "So that's what I meant by terrifying." 

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"What was that?"

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"Thaaaat was my true form." 

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"Wow. Gotta say, I was not expecting that." 

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"Yeah, if there's a word for the thing I am I don't know it. My mom is a normal human and my dad is probably the thing that leveled her hometown, we're not actually sure." 

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Woljif whistles. If that's a story then it's a pretty neat story. 

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"...Also I have been working with some other people. Who you should meet. And who I should, probably, have consulted before asking Anevia if we could co-opt you as party burglar." 

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Hoo boy. Here's hoping that goes well. 

"Lead on, Chief." 

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While Lusilla is introducing Woljif to people, Anevia finds her again with a list of things Irabeth would really like done that are plausibly best accomplished by a ragtag, if expanding, adventuring party. 

"But be careful. Most of this stuff isn't worth dying over." 

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It is deeply convenient that Lusilla happens to be literate. "Thanks!"

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"What's on the list?"

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"Uh, Find the Storyteller--that one has a footnote to talk to Staunton Vhane, here, first--scout the Tower of Estrod, where there's a major cultist den, like, we might actually be able to find people high ranked enough to make actual plans--check on and clear some suspected cultist dens, and see while we're out if we can recruit any other useful survivors to the general task of crisis-resolving." 

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"Seems pretty reasonable." 

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"And then there's Horgus Gwerm's mansion and Woljif's thing...don't make that face at me, obviously those are less important than the things on Anevia's list, but people who aren't me have to travel at normal walking speeds, and I can't carry enough people while flying to obviate that as a concern. It makes more sense to do both of those things while we're doing whatever's nearby than to wait until we've done everything more important." 

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"I guess...I'm still not thrilled about Woljif's situation." 

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"I don't think Woljif is thrilled with Wojif's situation either, so, like, fair." 


The next step is to find Staunton Vhane and ask him about the Storyteller, since (she checked) this does not actually involve leaving the Defender's Heart. 

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Staunton is, with some effort, findable in approximately the hidiest corner there is to be found in the outdoors areas of the Defender's Keep, polishing some weapons. The attitudes with which people react to the effort to find him may provide some insight into why he's avoiding company at all costs. 

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Lusilla has no idea why people have this attitude but wow! 

"Hi! I'll get out of your hair soon I promise, but Irabeth thinks it'd be neat if my party could find the Storyteller, and apparently you're the last person to've talked to him, so I'm to ask you where he might be found." 

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"...Last place I saw him was the Blackwing Library," Staunton says warily. 

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"Do you know where he was staying?" Lusilla doesn't think that a library is a place to stay, but she could be wrong, and if she is then that's delightful and SHE wants to stay there. ...Later, after everyone isn't hunkering down in the Defender's Heart for security reasons. 

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"Okay. Thanks for the help!" 

Okay. Lusilla has a relatively low-quality map of the city, that she got by copying down what seemed like the most important bits of a much better map that Anevia had, since obviously Anevia's map was expensive and not to be removed from the Defender's Heart. She goes to check it again, marks down where the Blackwing Library is, and then takes the map to go discuss order of operations with the party. 

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Seelah peers at the map. "I don't think this has any of the chasms Deskari cut on it." 

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"'Cause I can fly us over them." 

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"There are less of us now than there were at the Grey Garrison, but that still seems like it might be uncomfortable for you..." 

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"Only if you were standing on me. I'd just pick you up." 

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"Well, sure, for now, but...there's five of us, and you only have five arms; what if we meet more people who can help, or need to be escorted to safety? If we find the Storyteller, how will you carry him?"

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"Oh. Hm. That makes sense." Plus if all her arms are occupied then she can't carry Resources, but she can bop back later to pick up Resources, she can't do that with people. 

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"Also, no offense, but your other shape is a little... surprising. I don't know that everyone is going to want to be picked up." 

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Shrug. "Seelah can vouch that I'm not Evil."

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Pfft. Like Detect Evil is so hard to fool. 

"That only addresses one concern. You don't have to be evil to accidentally drop someone."

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"I wouldn't! ...But I guess I can't expect a stranger to believe me about that." She goes and gets the known rifts marked down on the map. 

Okay, now let's all look at the map again. 

"...It's slightly less bad than it looks," Lusilla concludes, "there were some pretty narrow parts in the main square, it wouldn't be hard to bridge the gap there." 

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"Only in the square?"

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"There's probably other places but I don't know what other places, yet," she says thoughtfully, tapping one fingernail against the map. "Not that it wouldn't be convenient to find one, because this makes the route to and from the library much longer..." 

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"There are city walls between here and there anyway." 

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Oh right that was another problem Lusilla had been planning to manage by flying. "Well, it's easier to knock down a wall than to fill in a hole. --For the demons to have done so already, I mean," she adds hastily, "I'm not suggesting destroying the city's remaining infrastructure for my personal convenience." 

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Camellia thinks destroying infrastructure for personal convenience sounds like a great idea, if you can do it, get away with it, and aren't personally relying on that specific piece of infrastructure. Which means in practice she generally agrees. "I don't think it's wise to plan our route around the assumption that they will have." 

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With a practical route decided on that doesn't assume Lusilla will be able to casually bypass obstacles for the whole party, they set out, deliberately ignoring some kind of commotion involving an extremely shiny golem in the courtyard as they go. 

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As they enter the main square in search of a good place to ford the cracks in the earth, a tiefling running in the other direction all but runs into them. 

He spots Seelah first, in her shiny paladin armor. 

"No! I'll tell you everything, just don't hit me! I never stole nothin'! I only just joined the Thieflings!" He gestures backwards. "It was all them! Back there! They found an underground passage to the Grey Garrison and they've been nickin' stuff outta there ever since. Lowdown thievin' toerags, that's what they are! But I had nothin' to do with it, I swear!" 

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"Brother Gort, is that you?"

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"Brother Woljif? I thought you'd pegged it in Irabeth's jail."

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Snort. "Happy to see you too." 

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"What's this about the Grey Garrison?"

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"Right, so the temple round here--the temple of Iomedae--has a cellar, and a passage leads from it right to the Grey Garrison. The Thieflings, my pals, damn the lot of them, have been using this passage on and off to sell all sorts of stuff to the soldiers in the Gray Garrison." 

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"Wait, you were smuggling stuff into the Garrison? Not out of it?"

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"Here's a tip: soldiers always want stuff their commanding officers don't want them to have." 

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It feels to Lusilla that there has to be a way to resolve "commanding officers don't want soldiers to have thing -> soldiers want thing -> organized crime steps in -> soldiers get thing anyway" into a form that doesn't leave the gap open for crime to happen, but...that falls firmly on the non-urgent side of problems that exist, right now, and currently it happens to be sort of convenient anyway. 

"Okay. Thank you for letting us know. You should probably either get out of the city or to the Defender's Heart, so as to, uh, be less vulnerable to random demons." 

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"Right! Thanks!" 

He takes off in a direction that is definitely not the most direct path to the Defender's Heart. 

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"Did you know about this?" Lusilla asks idly. 

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"Not a clue. Thieflings keep secrets from each other too, y'know." 

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"I am not the least bit surprised." 



Nobody in the party is an engineer, but when they find the narrowest point, Lann is mostly confident that there shouldn't be anybody directly below, so if they attempt to wedge miscellaneous rubble into the gap to create a place where it's convenient to pass over, it probably won't fall on anyone if they mess up. 

For safety's sake, Lusilla goes down and checks. If there's anybody close enough that they could potentially wander into the danger zone, Lusilla can't find them. 

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Seelah really doesn't know much about engineering, but, and this bit is important, she is really good at carrying heavy rocks and heaving them into the hole. 

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Eventually they have a structure that does not perceptibly wobble when Lusilla, star-shaped and floating off to the side, pokes it with extreme firmness. 

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Seelah steps onto the impromptu bridge, carefully at first, and then with more confidence as it fails to shift under her weight. 

"It's safe!" she calls back to the others. 

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The rest of the party clambers warily over the gap, relaxing visibly once they've reached the other side. 


The square isn't any emptier of demons, demon cultists, and people who are sufficiently more greedy than they are scared of demons that looting seems like a good idea than the rest of the streets, but it's only after nearly reaching the end of the square that they encounter someone who they don't have to fight. 

"Th-thank the gods," the man gasps, stumbling to a halt and putting his hands on his knees to support himself. "I've found someone who isn't fleeing in a panic! Are you crusaders? Mercenaries?"

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Maurauders? Lusilla auto-completes. Their group had certainly found enough of those. She doesn't know if this guy was lucky enough not to run into any of those or if he did, avoided them, and is just not mentioning it because he wants to avoid scaring them off. 

"Crusaders," Lusilla says instead of voicing any of that. "We can get you back to the Defender's Heart, there are civilians there and crusaders protecting them." 

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"No," the man huffs, shaking his head, "That's not--I'm a servant of Count Daeran Naevis Kael Arendae, and his mansion is under attack by demons! My master and all his guests are trapped inside, and the house guards are nowhere to be found! I managed to escape through a servants' passage to look for help! Will you help me? The mansion is only a stone's throw away, on the next street over!" 

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Lusilla is about to agree immediately when it occurs to her that this could be a trap. She looks at Seelah. 

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"...I haven't been in the city long enough to have heard much about Count Arendae, but none of what I have heard is good," Seelah says reluctantly, "but that doesn't mean he deserves to be left to the demons." 

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"Well, I agree, obviously, as long as that's what's actually going on; can you check if that guy," she hooks her thumb at the messenger, "is actually Evil and therefore plausibly a demon in disguise or something?" 

The messenger looks offended but presses his lips together instead of saying anything about it. He is desperate. 

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"Oh! Sure. Not evil." Or, if evil, not strong enough to read, which still rules out a demon. 

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"Right, we'll come help," Lusilla tells the servant. 

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"Thank you--it's this way," he says, turning to run back the way he came. ...He does slow down some when he sees that Seelah, in her heavy armor, is not keeping up with him. 


The Count's manor is visible from blocks away, once they're on the right street, mostly because of the several demons trying to break into the place and the group of cultists loitering nearby. 

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There is a woman standing a little ways away from the main group of cultists. 

"Wearing a robe--check. Baphomet's symbol around the neck--check. Crazy eyes--check. Note to self--bring a mirror next time, to be able to adjust the optimal level of eye-craziness." She takes some notes on a crumpled piece of paper. "Everything is ready for the experiment." 

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Lusilla bops behind her. 

"Hello, what are you doing exactly?"

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"Oh, hello there! I'm doing science, obviously. An audience is acceptable for this experiment, as long as you don't interfere." 

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"What are you talking about--"

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The woman ignores her and steps away, walking towards the cultists. 

One of the cultists notices her. "Hey you! Who are you? Does anyone recognize her?" 

"Greetings, boys and girls! I am your sister in sin, a devotee of Lord Baphomet's dark will, and so on and so forth." 

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Lusilla bops back to the others. "I think...she is not a real Baphomet cultist," she says, quietly enough that the cultists and the faux-cultist won't hear her. 

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Seelah grimaces wryly. "I think you're right about that." 

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"She looks like one of us, but she talks kinda weird..." another cultist muses nervously. Then he notices Lusilla's party. "Who's there with you?"

"Who?" Neno glances back. "Oh, them! Just an audience, they don't matter. Consider them a supplementary component of the coming experiment. In the name of our Lord Baphomet, please be so kind as to undertake a little test of your competency in our wicked cause. Let's start with something simple. What is Lord Baphomet's favored weapon?" 

"We will not answer to you," one cultist begins angrily. 

"Our lord can wield any kind of weapon! He is all-powerful," another declaims. 

"Wrong! He wields no weapons at all, he doesn't need any--he just gores his enemies with his horns!" another one protests. 

"These answers are wrong!" Nenio chirps. "The correct answer is Aizerghaul, a glaive made of red adamantine. This experiment has taken quite a surprising turn. I would never have expected the followers of the great Baphomet to be baffled by such a simple question. Fine, let's recalibrate the difficulty and proceed with the next question. Please name Lord Baphomet's sacred animal." 

"A bull, of course!" The one who claimed he wields any weapon says. "Everybody knows that." 

"Yep. And a cow," the horns one nods. 

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Snort. "Technically, it's an aurochs." 

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"I'd like to ask you to stop prompting them, but it seems they could do with a prompt or two," Nenio remarks.  "It appears the experiment has yielded results which are as unexpected as they are incredible. Baphomet's cultists have not the slightest idea about who Baphomet really is, let alone any in-depth knowledge of his ideology or philosophy. I'm positive that this news will cause a sensation in widest scientific circles."

"Damn it, she's right," one of the cultists says in disgust. "I'm a shitty excuse for a cultist. And my mother used to tell me to become a plowman..." 

"Hey, take it easy!" another one protests. "We've only had two questions! You there, come on, ask another one. We'll get the next one!" 

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"Let them try!" Lusilla calls. This is, frankly, too funny not to enable. 

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"Is there any sense in continuing? You cannot answer the simplest of questions. I am ashamed of you, as cultists and as individuals." 

"Please, ask again. I can answer, I'm sure I can!" begs the cultist who isn't a plowman.

Nenio sighs. "How do you spell Baphomet's name." 

Not-Plowman screws up his face. "B...A...F...A...screw it! To hell with Baphomet! I thought it was gonna be fun, but instead there are all these questions! I'm done here. I'm going back to my village, back to my mother! 

"Hey, wait... You there--how dare you stir up discord in our ranks! Get them!" 

"The experiment is complete. Unable to deal with the questions, the cultists decide to deal with the examiner instead. A typical reaction for a person who has never been burdened with any intelligence. Now you're going to start hitting each other, aren't you? Please, proceed. I won't interrupt."

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In response, Starfish. 


Between Suddenly, Starfish, Woljif throwing a Grease in the middle of the group of cultists which totally fails to affect Lusilla on account of how they can fly, and Seelah and Camellia being really good at stabbing things and Lann at shooting things, it doesn't take long to dispatch every cultist except the one fortunate enough to decide to quit. Lusilla sincerely hopes he makes it out of the city alive and makes good on his repentance. 

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Nearby, not so nearby that it's inevitable that they be noticed, but not so far away that they couldn't possibly be seen, a hooded figure seemingly untouched by the destruction around them states, "the absence of an answer is an answer too," before walking out of sight. 

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"How interesting! Tell me, is that your original form, or one granted by a magical ability?" 

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"Oh, this is what I really look like!" 

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"Fascinating," the scientist says, and gets out a tape to begin measuring Lusilla's various dimensions. 

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"What are you...doing?" 

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"Science! As the future author of the Encyclopedia Golarionnica, it's important that I learn as much as I can about absolutely everything." She takes down notes. "Are you a typical member of your species?" 

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"If there's any more of the thing that I am, I don't know about it," Lusilla says apologetically. "My mother got pregnant the night her village burned down, but she never saw what did it." 

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"Hmm. Unfortunate. You seem capable of flight; what other abilities do you have?" 

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"Um. Who are you?"

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"Ah, of course. My apologies. My name is Nenio. I am an explorer, a pilgrim, a yet-to-be-recognized scientific luminary, and future rector of all Absalom's universities at once. Also, I know some spells." 

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So, a wizard. Lusilla is pretty sure this is what wizards are like, from her stories. 

...Wizards in stories are also, like, useful, in addition to crazy. 

"I don't have time to tell you all about myself right now, we're in a hurry. Do you want to come with us so I can explain later?"

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"Do you wish to become my follower? To accompany me on my expeditions to the Worldwound? To assist me in my experiments? To run errands for me? Perhaps even to write down my deepest thoughts for the benefit of future generations? Oh, how splendid! Of course, I agree! Truth be told, I have no money to pay you. But you will be aiding the progress of science, and that is its own reward!"

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The real reward, obviously, is wizard spells to fling at the demons. "Okay!" 

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"Excellent! You're hired! To think that I finally found someone to accompany me! Twenty-seven crusaders before you said no, not one of them saw the undeniable appeal of my offer!"

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Okay, great, awesome, onward to the big house. 

If word has started getting around in demonic circles about the big scary starfish, it hasn't reached these guys yet. Opening combat with a Charge+Slam is still an excellent way to achieve a surprise round for the rest of the party on the grounds of ???flying eyeball starfish???

There aren't all that many demons on the outside of the building, once they finish off the first batch, but some alarming noises are coming from within.

The entrance that the demons had pried open is still ajar, if too large to fit Lusilla's true form. 

With any luck, the attackers already inside won't be expecting to be hit from behind. 

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Lusilla was struck dumb by what she saw as they burst into a large banquet hall. 

The musicians made sense. The extremely fancy walls and curtains and other such decorations made sense. The table covered with an absurd amount of food made sense. 

The people...not wearing clothing??? Did not make sense. Why. What was going on here. 

...She rallied fairly quickly. Already there were corpses on the floor, one of them as inexplicably scantily clad as several of the (so far) survivors. The demons were not going to wait for her to figure out what had been going on before they arrived. 

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Hey how does that cluster of demons over there feel about Create Pit. 

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Most of the partygoers, nobles and entertainers both, are just screaming and trying to run away from the nearest demon. 

But not all of them. 

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Oh awesome. You know what Lusilla is going to do, she is going to use her still-absurd-even-in-human-form strength to wrassle some demons into Nenio's pit. She can just fly out, it's not even a thing. 

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You're aware that Create Pit has a relatively short duration at low levels, right? 

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FINE then when it ENDS she will simply turn into her other shape and FALL ON TOP OF the demons in question. 

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What the fuck this is so unexpected and annoying???

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What the fuck. That is so unexpected and delightful. 

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Unfortunately, even though Lusilla is, objectively, pinning several demons to the floor, they don't have the condition Pinned; the ones with greater freedom of movement, towards the outside, are perfectly capable of stabbing or gouging or whatever at her soft fleshy anterior. ...Which does count as soft, texturally, even though her damage resistance is doing a lot of amelioration in terms of how horrible the situation is for her personally. 

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Meanwhile Seelah is taking the extremely reasonable and obvious route of Just Stab Them. Like, don't get her wrong, it's great that Lusilla is sitting on a bunch of demons that haven't gotten stabbed enough yet and that that other guy over there can apparently do the thing where positive channeling only heals friendlies and not also the demons, but stabbing is very much a basic part of this complete crusade. 

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Camellia couldn't agree more. 

(Shh, just ignore the fact that she is objectively much squishier than Seelah and it would be much more efficient for her to just curse the bastards. If nobody knows that then nobody can stop her from shedding all this beautiful blood.)

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If Woljif mostly hangs back, out of range of the demons' claws, and cantrips at them, will anyone object? No? Good. 

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Once the rest of the demons are mostly dead Lusilla gets off of the ones she's holding down so that other people can help murder them. 

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Much obliged. 

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And then all the demons are dead, and Lusilla turns back into her human shape, glances between the very pretty helpful guy and the servant who guided the party to this place, and walks up to the former. 

"Are you Count Arendae?" 

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He raises an eyebrow at her. "Indeed. I suppose I must tha--"

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She holds up a hand to stop him. 

"What's with the naked people?"

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"--What, the dancers?" 

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"Is that what's going on? Why would dancers wear that little clothing? Nobody took off their clothes for the village dances back in Rivertree." 

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Is she just messing with him??? ...Good show if she is. 

"I assure you, there's a world of difference between village dances and this." 

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"Well, that makes sense, lots of things are different from anything I knew before I got kidnapped by demons. What is the difference, though?"

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"These dancers are here not for their own enjoyment, but for the...aesthetic appreciation...of the guests." 

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Blink blink blink. 

She looks at the dancers. She looks at him. She looks over her shoulder at Lann. She looks back at the Count. 

"...That makes no sense," she says, perplexed. "You," she points at him, "and my friend Lann there," she jerks her thumb back, "are both much prettier with your clothes on than any of those people are in less?" 

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Wait, she thinks he's pretty? What? Does she need her eyes checked???

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The count laughs. 

"While I'm gratified to hear you say so, I'm afraid my duties as host leave me too busy to join the entertainers in such a manner, not that it isn't a novel thought."

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She still doesn't really understand but it's...probably not important. 

"Okay. I'm Lusilla, by the way. And that's Seelah, and Nenio, and Woljif, and Camellia." She already told him Lann's name. 

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He raises an eyebrow. "You cannot possibly imagine I'll bother to remember all those names." 

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"Well, if you don't, that's on you and not on me, since I said 'em." 

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"Now that we've finished with the niceties, tell me this: how did these thrice-damned demons end up at my soiree?" 

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"...Are you looking for an answer on the level of 'they broke in through a locked door,' 'Deskari showed up, threw the Wardstone, and led demons into the whole city,' or 'the Worldwound exists,' like, I assume you're familiar with that last one on account of living here? But I am from a tiny village in Iobaria and was not in fact aware of it before yesterday." 

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"What an eventful day it must have been. I'd almost consider it worth it, living in a charming little village with the luxury to ignore the Crusades...except, no, I wouldn't." 

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"It was kind of a lot, yeah! I still don't actually know if the demons kidnapped me yesterday or if I spent a long time unconscious, but one minute I'm romping through the woods looking for useful plants and the next I'm waking up with a weird injury and learning that the Worldwound exists because Deskari flew out of it to decapitate Terendelev and knock me into the tunnels beneath Kenabres where the descendants of the First Crusaders," she nods her head at Lann, "need help cleaning out a nest of Baphomet cultists that have kidnapped some of their children." 

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"I do try." 

If Deskari shows up, and the good guys don't even a little bit make for a good story, that seems probably bad in terms of predicted outcomes! 

"Hey, Horgus Gwerm gave me money for dragging him out of a chasm in the earth, do I get a reward for rescuing you too?"

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Snort. "Why not." He pulls a ring off his finger and tosses it to her. 

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Lusilla catches it. Oooooh, shiny. Coins are objectively more useful but her brain is more hardwired to perk up at Shiny Wearable Object. 

"On a genuinely unrelated note, your house, uh, has some holes in it and seems like it was not ideal amounts of defensible even before that. You should probably go to the Defender's Heart, that's where all the paladins and other people who can fight are, and we've got a lot of civilians stashed there too." 

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"I thank you for the invitation, but I am not quite as desperate as I may seem. At times, it is better to be surrounded by the repugnant mugs of demons than the sour and dour physiognomies of Iomedae's righteous paladins." 

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"What about my physiognomy? Sour enough for his lordship? Don't worry, a few minutes with the dazzling count here and it will sour like week-old milk." 

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Lusilla claps her hands over her mouth in attempt to be slightly more discreet about her giggling. Seelah is great!

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"What's this? An attractive paladin with a sense of humor? You're a veritable walking scandal." 

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Lusilla draws her shoulders back and wags a finger at him. "I assume you're joking, but you should be aware, Seelah is the best. I hadn't even heard of Iomedae before yesterday, and knowing that she's who Seelah is a paladin of makes me think she's gotta be pretty cool." 

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He raises an eyebrow. "I envy the lack of experience that allows you to think so. You'll learn better."

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Eh. He has yet to impress her a fraction as much as Seelah, so.

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"As it happens, though...I feel like stretching my legs. I have some little healing, I am no friend to demons, and I elevate any society that I deign to grace with my presence. I shall accompany you--only for a short time, of course. I have no desire to remain at the vanguard for a protracted period. What say you, my unusually pentapodal acquaintance? After all, Deskari spoiled my party; I find myself inclined to spoil his."

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Lusilla glances at the others.

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"I don't like this guy much. I'm not saying I think he's a demon in disguise, but..."

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"Well, now, it depends. Am I allowed to thump him next time he comes up with more aristocratic witterings?" 

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"I'm not the boss of you." She is maybe arguably the boss of Woljif but. She doesn't love that situation! She is definitely not the boss of Lann, though. 

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"In that case, the more healing the better, I say. Besides, if he's as annoying to the demons, they won't be nearly so gentle."

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"I agree."

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Nenio completely ignores the question, instead taking some kind of notes about a particularly dismembered demon corpse. 

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"Hauling this guy around sounds like going through a back alley with a diamond tiara on your head. Not my favorite kind of attention."

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"Which leaves me to tiebreak, I guess, so--sure, come along."

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"Capital. Good acquaintances that begin and end at just the right moment often leave the most pleasant memories, wouldn't you say?"

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"I don't have the experience to say. Unless you mean an acquaintanceship with a demon, beginning with stabbing them and ending with them dying, which does seem preferable to the available alternatives." 

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Snort. Well, no, more of an elegant snicker, but same difference. 

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The rest of the survivors of the attack, being much less useful than--well, actually--

"Hi," Lusilla says to the song-sorceress who had been covering them just before, "I'm Lusilla, who're you?"

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"Aranka. Thanks for the save! What was it you turned into, back there?"

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"Maybe I should write up a pamphlet--no, I don't expect to only confuse literate people. Um, I don't know what I am. I'm a--that--that can take human form, though, not a human who can turn into a that. My mother is human, though. When she had me she ended up fleeing into the forest so people wouldn't kill me for being some kind of spawn of Lamashtu, but I'm not--I don't hurt people. Except demons and demon cultists, now, I guess. I don't like it, though." 

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"I assure you, the demons will have no such tender feelings."

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"Which is why I do it, distaste aside. Anyway. I don't suppose you'd like to come gallivanting around the city with us."

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She looks tempted, but: "No, I think I had better not. Sorry." 

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"No need to apologize." 

There are enough surviving guests that it's ultimately decided that they'll hole up in the most defensible part of the manor. Lusilla is sure that has nothing to do with the fact that it's a wine cellar. She makes them take actual food in there, too, and also makes sure each of the dancers has at least a dagger in case any of the nobles try anything funny that the dancers don't want. 

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"I think I could stop anything like that," Aranka murmurs to her, "but it's a good thought."

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Having a Bonus Healer turns out to be very useful when they run into a squad of cultists in the street. Their archer manages to put down Woljif and Lann before Lusilla can squish him, and while she and Seelah and Camellia are attempting to do that while a handful of melee-er cultists attempt to fend them off, Daeran turns out to have the extremely convenient ability to channel positive without healing the enemy. 

...Lusilla isn't entirely sure how; she didn't see a holy symbol on him anywhere and she thought only clerics could channel...? But there are a lot of things she isn't familiar with so it's not that weird if he is one. 

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They encounter a couple of dretches not long thereafter. Lusilla quickly discovers that she HATES DRETCHES when she has to collapse into her human form because the enhanced sense of smell of her natural form is not as unalloyed a benefit as she thought. 

Also demons have damage resistance and she is not made of cold iron, which is not new or anything, but is still kind of rubbing salt in the wound of how obnoxious dretches apparently are. 

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Radiance is cold iron! Among other things. 

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Yes Seelah we appreciate you Seelah.

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Actually the worst thing about dretches is they run around naked and attack with their claws so there is literally nothing you can loot from their bodies. ...But the nausea thing is pretty bad too, yeah.

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They sneak past what looks like a group of cultists and a group of looters committing violence against each other instead of anyone doing anything constructive, for once, and then fail to sneak past a completely different group of looters. 

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THESE they can loot! Hooray!

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"...Is that okay?" Seelah asks, as Woljif removes what are clearly stolen goods from the bodies of the looters. 

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"Serious question: if we don't, is there any realistic chance of this stuff getting back to its rightful owners?" 

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"...I guess not..."

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"I don't like the situation, but I don't think we're making it worse by scavenging here--but I could easily be wrong! Did not know the Worldwound existed last week?" 

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Sigh. "No, I suppose you're right. It just seems like a bad precedent, I guess." 

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"That is fair and also something to keep an eye on." 

They make it to the Blackwing Library. The building is in awful shape; one of the rifts from Deskari's scythe goes right through it. Lusilla is Not Thrilled, since libraries are supposed to be full of books. But. Priorities. 

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The library is full of books! 

The books are less neatly arrayed than they presumably were before Deskari happened. Several bookshelves have fallen over, or been knocked askew, or even just had their contents thrown loose. Plus, there's a big pile of books in the center of the floor being used as kindling for what looks like an about-to-be pyre, with several people--including an incongrously elderly-looking elf--bound together atop it. A group of men in ill-fitting armor with mismatched heraldry holds torches beside it. They all look up when Lusilla and company push the doors open. 

"Ha!" cries one of their number in a booming voice. "Crusaders? Excellent! I am Captain Chaleb Sazomal, and these are my men. I am about to burn these vile back-stabbers and heretics here, these pathetic imitators of the traitor Areelu who tricked their way into the ranks of the crusaders!" 

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Lusilla takes a moment longer to process this farce than she probably should, but--come on. 

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She plants her hands on her hips, throws her shoulders back, and bellows, "YOU IDIOTS!"

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The thinly-veiled Not Crusaders jump. 

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"You're lucky it wasn't real crusaders who found you like this," she lies, "those costumes wouldn't fool a dretch. For fuck's sake, if you can't find matching emblems, cover them up! In the name of," Baphomet or Deskari Baphomet or Deskari whatever pick one, "Baphomet, you had better get out of here and leave this place for me to deal with, and smarten yourselves up if you're going to go on pretending! You're a disgrace to infiltrators everywhere!" 

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Must not laugh. Must not laugh aloud. Must not keel over laughing and break the ruse. 

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"Seriously. If you're going to wear stolen armor, you'd do better to stuff rags in all the places where it's loose."

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"Sorry," Chaleb says, "sorry, we'll get out of your way, ma'am." 

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"I do enjoy your sense of humor. It's quite fiery," he says when the cultists are gone, still mostly holding back laughter. 

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She grins and pumps a fist triumphantly. "Better my sense of humor than these books! Or the people on them, obviously. Hi! Sorry about that," she tells the people on the pile of books, going over to untie them. "I figured it was better to get them out of here without a fight, instead of risking them lighting the fire while we were beating them up." 

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"Thank you," says one of the men, climbing to his feet and rubbing at his wrists to get the circulation back. Once he's reasonably satisfied with that, he bows to her. "Allow me to introduce myself; I'm Brother Klaem, of the Order of the Flaming Lance. We thought we were doomed." 

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"You're welcome! --And are you, by any chance, the Storyteller," she asks the elderly-looking elf.

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"I am indeed. Thank you for the rescue." 

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"You're welcome! Actually, we came here looking for you; there's something wrong with the Wardstone, and you were our best lead for figuring out what."

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Sigh. "I warned the authorities of Kenabres that the local Wardstone had been desecrated. They waved off my warning and paid for their inaction. I have examined many Wardstones, and only in this one did I sense a flaw, a spot of corruption inside. A vulnerability that the demons have clearly already exploited...if they are able to spread the blight further, and corrupt it fully, it will be a truly terrible weapon...it frightens me to think what they will be able to do with it. The Wardstone must be destroyed." 

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"Destroyed? Isn't that a little much? I mean--isn't there some way to fix it instead?"

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"Perhaps...perhaps. But I do not know what it is. And delaying to try to find one carries great danger."

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"Do you know what the flaw is?"

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"I'm afraid not. To understand the nature of this blight, we would need to understand the nature of the Wardstone itself, and this is hidden from me...I can only guess. Have you heard of the Red Morning Massacre? A dreadful morning remembered with fear even by those not yet born at the time. A demoness called Minagho invaded the city with a crowd of her followers, and began the killing and desecration that demons do best. They say she covered the Wardstone with the blood and dismembered corpses of her victims...could such an abomination darken the radiance of the gift of Iomedae herself?"

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"...Minagho is guarding the Wardstone now." 

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"She hasn't covered it in blood and guts again, though, so probably it wasn't that..."

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"Even so, for Minagho to be personally dealing with the Wardstone is terrible news. There is less time than I had thought."

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"You're right. Well. We'll figure something out. --I want to move as many of these books as I can somewhere marginally less convenient for vandals or looters to get at, and then we can head back to the Defender's Heart."

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"I thank you. Although these old bones may be a bit slow..." 

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"That's fine. Worst case scenario, I can carry you." 

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In response, Lusilla changes shape. 

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And that didn't make any noise or anything, so the Storyteller doesn't react. 

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...Oh. Right. He's blind. 

"I have another shape, and I just turned into it," she explains. Her voice does sound different, in this form--still recognizably the same person, but a little bit louder and located in a different location and it echoes a touch differently. "I can carry people just fine, like this!" 

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The Storyteller reaches a hand out to one of her arms. "May I..." 

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"Oh, sure." She closes the last little gap. 

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Chaos, and destruction, and the world viewed through an impossible kaleidoscope of a thousand eyes; but mostly screaming. 

It goes on for an amount of time impossible to discern before, gradually, it starts to change. 

The screaming becomes less discordant; the kaleidoscope of images slowly begins to resolve into something coherent; the destruction is turned against itself and forged into something else. The whole shrinks down into itself, becoming more orderly, like wool becoming thread around a spindle. 

Eventually it resolves down to a point, and there is a flash of violet light, and a sourceless surge of all-encompassing love. 

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And then she is back in the library, the tip of one arm held in an old elf's hand. 

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"What was that?"

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"You saw it?"

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"Yeah, it was all--so much, and then it was...swirly..."

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"Fascinating...this has never happened before, so far as I can recall." 

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"I don't know what I am," she says frankly. "Maybe whatever my father was...and that vision, while probably relevant, wasn't all that enlightening...is why I could see it. There were a lot of eyeballs involved, after all."

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"Perhaps." But he does not look totally convinced. 

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Well, neither is she, it was just a guess.

Anyway, before they leave she's going to pick up as many bookshelves and also loose books as possible, and move them somewhere less convenient for looters or fire-happy cultists to get to.