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we'll build a Lucy and we'll make Lamashtu pay for it
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"...Maybe the cultists have been mind-controlling Neathers who come into the Maze." 


Lann looks faintly sick. "Maybe." 


She hugs him. 

"We'll save those kids," she tells him. "Whether it be from death, or this. And...if it comes to that...if we're too late...we can at least save them from this." 


Lann quite understandably does not look thrilled by this pronouncement, but he nods. "We'll be in time," he says firmly. 


The room containing the corrupted Neather turns out to be part of a chain of rooms that the cultists were presumably using to connect the two disjoint halves of the main hall, which presumably they couldn't just fly over. There are more cultists in these rooms--the worst moment occurs when one emerges into the room the group is currently occupying while Lusilla is in human shape and bent low to the ground after her spear rolled under a table. He gets a surprise round and manages to get in a lucky hit with his crossbow, dropping her before she can rise to her feet. 

Lusilla wakes up to Seelah's concerned face, kneeling over her with the blood not even wiped off her sword. "I'm fine, I'm fine!" Lusilla protests, embarrassed. "I am fine, I heal fast." 


"I heal fast. I might've been in trouble if I was alone and the guy had a chance to finish me off, but I heal fast, and he may have gotten in a good shot but it was still just a normal bolt, not a weird magic demon wound. The only lasting damage is to my pride." 


Nod. "We need to be more careful. This place isn't secured." 


"Yeah," Lusilla grimaces, rubbing her hand over the place on her neck where the bolt went in. 




"You know," she remarks a little while later, gazing at a series of four paintings each in a specific monochrome color palette, "I have to say, I expected this place to be more...mazelike. So far it...isn't, really, it's just a bunch of rooms? Now, I admit I don't have much in the way of experience with buildings this large, but so far it doesn't seem... that hard to navigate?"


"Most people couldn't get over the big pile of rubble." 


"I mean, you're not wrong, but even so, it doesn't seem like it would be that difficult? And the pile of rubble wasn't, like, an original part of the room. I'm not sure these are very good Baphomet cultists." 


"Probably for the best. Better cultists might be harder to deal with." 


"Yeah...I don't want to assume that the whole place will be this easy, though. I wish I could take passengers when I bop around, then we wouldn't need to bother with looking for these magic keys," Lusilla grumbles. 


"Caution is usually a good plan." 



If there are any keys in the section of the "maze" connecting the two halves of the main hall, they don't find it on a first pass. They go back to the main hall, looking for more doors. 

"This one doesn't even have keyholes!" Lusilla complains of another door that doesn't want to open. 


"There's probably some other way to open it. And if not, we can try to break it down." 


"At least this one isn't magic," Lusilla grumbles. She places her ear against the door; when she doesn't hear anything that sounds like people moving on the other side, she says, "I'm going to check out what's on the other side." 


"Will do." 

She bops over to the other side of the door, finding herself in a short hallway with two doors, one opposite the one she had skipped over and one at the end of the hall. She tiptoes over to the door opposite and presses her ear to it. There was a slightly muffled sound of talking on the other side. She pulls away from the door and sneaks over to the other one.

...Or attempts to sneak over to the other door, at any rate. She looks down as her foot sinks into a loose stone, having just enough time to realize what's happening but not enough time to actually get out of the way. 


Whoops. Lusilla bops back over to the other side of the locked door. 

"I'm okay!" Lusilla says, before Lann or Seelah can say anything. "Completely fine!" 


"I--set off some kind of fire trap, by mistake, but it's fine, I don't burn easy."


"Is that what you call careful?" 


"I should've flown," she sighs. "I just didn't realize I should have flown. I'll know better next time." 


"You're new at this. I'm just glad you didn't get hurt." 


It is at approximately this moment that the door opens from the other side and they are attacked by the four guys who had been in rooms adjacent to the hallway when the Fireball trap went off and made a noise that all of them could hear very clearly. 

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