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we'll build a Lucy and we'll make Lamashtu pay for it
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Lann is gone for a few minutes, and then comes back with three garments. 


And Lusilla changes. 

Lann either knows enough about scent tracking, or just was able to reason it out, but he brought her clothing that hadn't been washed at all since they were last worn. 

Lusilla smells each garment carefully, before giving them back to Lann. 

"I think I'll remember. Thanks, this should be useful." 


"Anything that means we can get to those kids quicker is a good thing." 



Lusilla changes back. "Do you know how much longer to expect it to be?" 


Lann sighs and shakes his head. "I don't know. Probably several more hours." 


Lusilla nods and gets out a dagger she scavenged from a corpse that fell from the surface and a piece of chitin she took from one of the dead bugs and starts whittling. 


"I'm making whistles. It's something you can do with bones--this antenna isn't exactly the same, but it's worth trying, anyway--if we get separated at all, a loud whistle will let anyone else who's a little ways away but not too far know you're in trouble or have something you really need them to see. Griar taught me to make them." 


"That's the druid that told you about Sarkoris, right?" 


"Right. They're used by hunting or search parties, mostly, when something dangerous moves into the forest nearby and the village has to go kill it, or someone gets confused by a fairy and we have to go look for them. I've been in a search party but not a hunting party, I mostly just hunt normal stuff by myself. Being able to fly is a big advantage." 


"I guess if it's going to take hours we should probably have escorted Anevia to the actual Eagle Knights, made contact with them, etcetera, before coming back," Lusilla sighs, "but it's a bit late for that now. But I don't want to just sit around uselessly until then regardless." 


"Preach it," Seelah says, resuming her sword drills. 



By the time Lann comes to let them know that the other tribes have arrived and it's time to go into the Shield Maze, a crowd of young Neathers have gathered around Seelah, and been armed with whatever sticks or fragments of whatever come to hand so that she can start teaching them the very basics of swordplay. It is deeply cute. 


Lann has to stop, and stare, for a moment, because that is deeply cute, and it is making him feel some emotions, which he is not going to address right now. Because there are more urgent things, like going into the Shield Maze and rescuing other kids. 

"Hey," he says. "We're ready to go. How are you guys doing?" 


"We're good!" Lusilla says, as Seelah gently shoos the kiddos. "Lead the way." 


Lann leads them towards the opposite end of the village from the exit to the reliquary. 

"The rest of the tribes haven't arrived yet, but Chief Sull gave the go-ahead for us to scout ahead into the Maze, before the kids' trail goes any colder." 


"Is it safe? If you needed to get all the tribes together..." 


Lann shrugged with frustration. "I don't know for sure. But how much longer can we wait?" 


"...Yeah, alright." Sigh. 


The doorway into the Shield Maze is cracked open and guarded by a large number of Neathers--the other tribes haven't finished arriving yet, but most of this tribe is gathered in the vicinity. Lann exchanges nods with Chief Sull on the way in. 

The antechamber of the Shield Maze is sparsely furnished, but not dusty or decaying. Banners on either side of the doorway farther into the maze have the same symbol prominently displayed. 


Lusilla points. "What's that?" 


"What, Baphomet's unholy symbol?" 


"Is that what it is? Who's Baphomet?" 


"...Baphomet is the other demon lord besides Deskari who's most involved in the demonic forces at the Worldwound." 


"...Oh. That's a bad sign, then." 

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