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we'll build a Lucy and we'll make Lamashtu pay for it
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...Seelah is just going to...go practice with her sword. Over there.


When Lusilla comes to find Seelah a while later, she's dressed differently. 

Before, she had been wearing a fairly unremarkable peasant dress; long-sleeved and full-skirted, it wasn't impractical, per se, but it was much better suited for running around in forests or fields than falling down rocky crags or killing approximately anything. 

What she's wearing now is a somewhat simpler skirt of the rougher fabric that the Neathers are able to produce, and a sleeveless bodice of worked lizard hide. On her arms are a pair of bracers that don't look like Neather manufacture, and a bag made of the same lizard-leather is slung across her body. 


"Hey! Looking good. That doesn't count as armor, does it?" 


Lusilla looks down at the pebbled material. "I don't think so. What d'you mean counts as?" 


"Well, you said you're a sorcerer, right? Sorcerers and wizards can have trouble casting in armor." 


"Huh. Well, if I have any trouble, I'll deal with it."


Nod. "Where'd you get the bracers?"


She looks down at her forearms. "Oh, that. Actually I already had these on? I didn't realize, under my sleeves, with everything that was going on. I have no idea how they got there. I definitely didn't have them before I got captured. I wish I could ask the guys who brought me in some questions, but," she shrugs. "They brought me in with some weapons, but they were just laid down on the stretcher with me. I don't know who put these on me or why. And they're magic! I didn't realize sooner because they just sort of disappear when I turn into my other shape, and I don't have detect magic as a regular spell, but Dyra does, and she noticed." 


"Why was she using it?" 


"Checking to make sure none of the meat had any supernatural toxins that my purify had missed." 


"Huh. Well, your mysterious past gets even mysteriouser." 


"I guess! I don't think most of my past was very mysterious, but I guess the mystery of my birth qualifies to make it a mysterious past and not just a mysterious interlude." She looks down at her chest and sighs. "I could do without the mysterious wound, though." 


"Can't blame you a bit." 


A little while later, Lann comes by. "Have either of you seen Wenduag?" 


"Not since seeing Anevia and the others off, I think. Why?" 


"I had a question for her about the Shield Maze, but I can't find her. I've asked around, but nobody's seen her since not long after you guys left." 


"I guess she was really serious about it not being on her if this goes wrong." 


Lann sighs. "I guess. I can't say I'm not disappointed in her, though." 


"...If she really thinks everyone who goes into the Maze is going to die...she might not want to leave the ones who are left without any hunters or combatants." 


Lann grimaces. "Maybe." But they are definitely not going to all die, so he is not really impressed with Wenduag even in this hypothetical. "I was really hoping to have her expertise navigating the maze, though." 


"My other form has a really good sense of smell. I could try to track them by scent." 


"Would you? That would be great!"


"Can you get me some of their stuff so I can pick up the scent?" 


"I can try. Give me a minute." 



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