Drizzt Do'Urden in Lifesteal
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"I assumed you were telling me this information because you wanted me to take action on it. If you just want me to know-- that's fine. I'm not going to tell Leowook."


"Oh. Yeah, I mean, there's not much for you to do, I'm just, like, letting you know. Thanks for not telling Leo. Normally I'd tell Zam but I don't actually know if I trust him right now, so."


"... why not?" WHAT'S HAPPENED TO ZAM?


"He's an APO member? And I went, hey, what's the APO, and he just said Leowook told him not to tell me. I tried asking more questions but he just refused to tell me anything except that it was worth it but he can't tell me why because Leowook told him to keep it a secret. It was really weird, like, cult member shit. I'm really not liking the APO."


... Aaaaa? "I think we can agree on that."


"Glad we can agree, then. You see why I can't call him up and be like, hi Zam, I just did so many crimes to the APO. Right now it's, like, you and Pangi and Zam around, and I don't know where Pangi stands. Uh, I saw Parrot earlier, I guess I could've messaged him. Maybe later I'll see what Parrot knows about the APO. Probably less than you, though, he's still pretty busy with his thing."


"I'm glad you trusted me with this information."


"No problem. Let me show you--uh, I'm sending over a screenshot--"

"--That's all genuine maxed out netherite. And the chest is full of maxed tools. If you leak this I'll be mad."


Mapicc is rich; why is this to be a surprise or secret? "I'm not going to tell people you have armour, but I do expect they'll guess."


"Probably." Sigh. "I should maybe hide it better if they're going to be looking for it, 'cause this is a lot of shit. Leo is not going to be happy. But like, come on, man, it was in a chest at spawn. I really don't know what he expected. ...Maybe this, honestly, and he was just looking for a reason to start a fight that made him look like the good guy."


Oh, it's the APO's stuff. Makes sense. "It's possible."


"I might call Zam later, honestly. See if I can get anything out of him. Since he's actually a member he's probably the most likely to have new information, and he's supposed to be on Team Awesome. But it's risky, if Leo is talking to him about stuff then he might just catch on right away that I'm calling 'cause I'm the one who took everything, and last time I tried to ask about the APO he didn't answer me."


"--I would be willing to ask on your behalf."


"That'd be really nice, actually. Thanks, Drizzt."


He does like and trust Zam more than Mapicc. Honestly he's doing Zam the favour here.

"You're welcome."


"--If Leowook does end up fighting me about this, do you want me to call you or leave you out of it? I should be fine either way. I guess maybe not if Zam betrays. Nah, I doubt Leo's geared up and I can take Zam in a 1v1. Worst case scenario I can run." The extra pearls and gapples help, but that's gonna stay secret for now. "So it's mostly just about how publicly you want to be against the APO. Up to you." 


He doesn't want to promise Mapicc anything (fool me once...) but also the APO is very alarming. "I'll keep an eye on the situation."


That didn't answer his question. He still does not know if he should call Drizzt if a fight breaks out. "Sooooooo should I call you or nah."


...he has information that makes the APO alarming that doesn't come from Mapicc. "You can call me."


"Cool." Mapicc debates whether to pack up and move everything right now. It's okay hidden. Definitely shows up on the shift-F3 thing and is close enough to spawn that it's possible to catch like that but honestly it should be fine for now as long as he doesn't give anything away. He'll move it later. "I'm gonna call Parrot and Spoke, see if the NPPP know anything. I might call you again later depending on how it goes. Call me if you need anything, yeah?"


"I'll go talk to Zam while you do that." 


"Sounds good. Bye, Drizzt."




Drizzt whispers to PrinceZam: vc?

And then Zam is just silent, and he really hopes he isn't in trouble.


Zam takes a few minutes, but he shows up eventually. 



"... is everything alright?"

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