Drizzt Do'Urden in Lifesteal
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"Apparently Branzy got captured?"


"No one's actually fighting, they're just having fun. If they were actually fighting Zam wouldn't have hit me with a piece of carpet. I think they're fine."


"He didn't want help, either. ...They're fine."


After about another hour, Spoke sets the birch building and surrounding forest on fire; it still doesn't approach the church or anything long-term, but this time it spreads quickly and despite a single half-hearted attempt at putting it out the house is pretty quickly burnt to the ground. Spoke also... places a bunch of obsidian?


People scatter and calm down after that for a while. There are still people hanging out at spawn; Branzy, Rekrap, and Zam leave--and after a while more of building Pangi leaves as well--but Roshambo, Baconwaffles, and Planetlord show up. Still, things are quiet for at least a few hours. What does Drizzt do during those few hours?


Drizzt starts replanting the burnt forest.


Another couple hours pass. Bacon approaches Spoke and Roshambo in chat for a business proposal. Roshambo is...giggling with Mapicc and dropping cocoa beans named "poop" on the ground? 


And then Mapicc and Roshambo splash themselves with potions and start critting out Baconwaffles. They aren't pulling their punches like people did in the earlier play-fights. Even without the skill difference--which is considerable--it's a 2v1 where they have the element of surprise. The fight lasts less than 15 seconds; Drizzt doesn't have time to interfere.

baconnwaffles0 was slain by Mapicc
<PrinceZam> oh no
<baconnwaffles0> oh
<Mapicc> "Teach him a less"
<Mapicc> -spoke
<PrinceZam> ok
<Mapicc> "Teach him a lesson"
<baconnwaffles0> teach him a less
<Mapicc> dead people dont talk baconwaffles


Well, that's alarming.

Is Mapicc letting Bacon get his equipment back?


They're cycling through his stuff; eventually Ro makes a chest on the bridge where Bacon died and they put Bacon's stuff in there. There are extended negotiations in chat over Mapicc trading his sword for Bacon's, saying he's willing to trade Bacon's for a different sword which Bacon doesn't have, and establishing several times that yes there is a chest at spawn where Bacon died with Bacon's stuff in it.


It takes about twenty minutes for anything to happen other than the chat negotiations, but eventually invis particles run up to the chest, break it, and then there's a full suit of netherite armor with an invisible person inside it running away. (Mapicc and Ro don't do anything about this; it's hard to say if they even notice.)


As long as things are returned he doesn't need to interfere.

... he does throw saplings and some food at the invisible suit of armour, as some Helpful Resources.


This alarms the invisible suit of armor!!!! Invisible suit of armor is pearling away!!!!!!!!!!!



How is a porkchop threatening?

...chasing someone down to give them a porkchop would be more threatening.


There being a person who may or may not have a grudge against you and may or may not be giving information to your enemies is threatening. Bacon does not have very good stuff right now. Or many hearts. And is just very scared at the moment in general.

But Bacon's in the nether on an ice boat path with Planetlord now so hopefully everything's fine.


He will give the food when Bacon is visible. That seems a sensible response.

Back to replanting the forest, so a greater proportion of spawn isn't uncomfortably bright. 


Bacon is not visible because Bacon is back at his base. Hiding. For a while, anyway. If Drizzt messages him he can probably be convinced to come out again and sell more IHOB memberships but for now he does not have enough gear to be at spawn.


(It's getting into the evening; spawn is starting to lose people, instead of just changing people. Mapicc and Ro mine the APO sign at spawn before they leave.)


Drizzt whispers to Baconwaffles: I apologise for scaring you with saplings


baconnwaffles0 whispers to Drizzt: it's alright man
baconnwaffles0 whispers to Drizzt: can i interest you in buying a bacon subscription


Drizzt whispers to baconwaffles: ... the foodstuff or you?


baconnwaffles0 whispers to Drizzt: the food
baconnwaffles0 whispers to Drizzt: i am not selling myself. my bad on the phrasing


Drizzt whispers to baconwaffles0: I could be interested


baconnwaffles0 whispers to Drizzt: meet at spawn?

This might be really stupid, given the whole "losing hearts quickly due to just being killed by Mapicc and Ro, who might still be there to try and kill him" thing. Then again, it's better to do something interesting and get killed for it and maybe learn something from it. Worst case scenario, he loses another heart, they should still have enough to revive Jaron. Best case scenario, he gets four diamond blocks, that's, like, a decent fraction of a heart. 


Drizzt whispers to baconwaffles0: I will meet you there


Baconwaffles: makes his way to spawn! He is still very much keeping an eye out for Mapicc and Ro--Mapicc's outer layer is on, so he's nearby somewhere, but he's not immediately visible.


He waves to Drizzt once Drizzt is also there. "Hey, how's your day been?"


"Better than yours, I fear."


Half-laugh. "Yeah. Well, I'm glad yours was, uh, better than getting killed by Mapicc. So--bacon. Have you ever just, been running around and realized you're out of food, or close to it, you don't have much left, and you're far away from your villagers or farms, or you're busy working on something else and don't really have the time, or maybe you're not even out of food but you want more and don't want to spend the time to get it, or--whatever it is, you're not ready, you weren't expecting it, you want more food."


This is so obviously a pitch, but it's also true. He hasn't gotten into the rhythm of eating here, and he hasn't even made a proper farm yet. "Go on."

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