Drizzt Do'Urden in Lifesteal
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"Well, that's where I come in! You see, if you buy an IHOB subscription, you can get free bacon whenever you want. You can go to the IHOB basement and take from there, you can ask me, um, we've also got stashes, shulkers hidden around the server, if you want ones for you at specific coordinates we can work that out, or if you want, like, delivery. It's just a one-time payment and then for the rest of your time on the server you won't have to worry about running out of food because you'll always have bacon."


"How much would this payment be?"


"Four diamond blocks. I think that's--I think that's a reasonable price."


"It is." ... he was throwing saplings at Bacon because that was the most valuable item he had on him. "... maybe in the future."


Bacon puts down an ender chest, in case that’s the issue? …Looks like no. Damn, and Drizzt isn’t even trying to bargain him down.

“Well, thank you for hearing me out, Drizzt. And for, uh, not jumping me.”


"... why would I want to?"


"The thing with this server is people don't always need a reason. Maybe you do, like I said, I, I appreciate that." Bacon considers elaborating on the fact that, especially alone, he is just kind of a free heart, and then decides not to say that. "So, yeah. Thank you. Let me know if you change your mind on the bacon subscription."


"When I have the diamonds, I'll let you know."


"See you around."


Unless anything else is on fire or there's another conflict, he's going mining.


He can do that! The sun's down, most people are retiring to their bases for the night, and some people have started to go to sleep.


He needs to not become completely nocturnal (as much as he'd prefer it), so he mines a bit before sleeping.


The next day is quiet until early afternoon; does Drizzt do anything in particular in the morning?


He takes Guenhwyvar mining with him in the morning. (If he can't fight with her, there's no reasons to ration out his time with her.)


In the early afternoon:

<Mapicc> drizzt
<Mapicc> vc


Mmf, Mapicc. Hopefully he's not elaborately deceiving him again.

He goes into voice chat. "What do you want?"


How does Mapicc always forget how hostile this kid is.

"Heyyyyy Drizzt. Have you heard anything more about the APO since we last talked?"


He attacked Bacon unprovoked! He had to spend hours mining obsidian because of him! "Bits and pieces, probably not anything you don't already know."


He attacked Bacon after being paid by Spoke to do so. Important distinction. The obsidian thing is fair, though. Speaking of things Spoke paid Mapicc to do:

"Someone paid me to commit a lot of crimes and I'm starting to think I shouldn't have but, uh, I did."




"Nah, more like crimes against Leowook. Which is probably better, honestly, I would've done it if Leo paid me but I would not be happy about it."


...right. "Has Leowook reacted?"


"Notttt yet that I know of. It hasn't been very long, he'll probably notice soon."


"Is there are a reason you want me to know this?"


“Dude, I’m giving you free information, you don’t have to be rude about it. I wanted to talk to someone, you’re the only one around who is definitely not an APO member, I thought I’d call you.”

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