In Which People Bicker
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Maybe some of the people here evolved from apes. Mine were created by Torag. …but that's off-topic. Can we get a shadow under our control to channel positive energy somehow? Alchemists can make unstable potions for free, right, maybe we can have a shadow going around throwing alchemist healing potions at the enemy shadows? It'd take a while but it doesn't cut into our teleports or such.


You guys are getting ghost touch swords??

It's the start of a good idea, at any rate, though Cressida Kroft somewhat despairs of hammering out the details in this format.


Oh great Milani, grant that shadow over there the power to overthrow its brethren, by making it (him?) a first circle cleric...


A shadow that could channel positive energy would be really useful here, yeah. The other shadows would never see it coming.


Isn't the queen a bard? She could make all the weapons ghost touch, bards can do that.


Sheer foolishness! The shadow would damage itself with every channel!


Isn't the queen a bard? She could make all the weapons ghost touch, bards can do that.

My powers are clearly beyond your ken.


Great! The shadows are dumber than they were as people, they'll never see it coming.


I guess you have a point regarding energy channels.

What we need to do is get a shadow witch with the healing hex, that's single-target but unlimited-usage. The only witch patron I can think of who cares about Golarion is Baba Yaga, so I would suggest we send someone to Irrisen to ask Elvanna to petition her about it, but I'm open to suggestions.


All witches actually work for demons, that'll never work. And how do you know so much about them anyway?


I love a witch burning as much as the next person, but I haven't died yet and am not going out by asphyxiation. No Fire In The Vault.


We don't need a witch anyway. Evil human clerics don't hurt themselves when they channel negative energy, so asking Milani to cleric a shadow will work fine.


Guys, we should all pray to Alseta and ask her to grant us a shadowproof door! Or maybe she has an outsider we can summon who is a door, she's a goddess of doors, she must!


There was the shadowbox idea, that people forgot about for some reason.
I don't know if a box shadows can't escape from can be made.
I do know that if we manage to lure a lot of shadows into the same place, we can kill them with an area effect. Very strong channeling from a cleric, and several fireballs, or other area spells. You can't gather thousands of people in the range of fireball, but shadows are incorporeal, so they can all be in one place without taking any place!
They are fast, and will escape if they survive, so it has to be a well-synchronized attack by several casters, to ensure all of them die immediately.
Probably wouldn't work on all shadows in the city, but maybe like, a thousand at a time? And then we do it 6 or 8 more times!

Or maybe you can kill them all with swords. But it will certainly take much longer!


There is no way "Jasoom" is a real place.

Jasoom is where Baba-Yaga is from. Also they have an eternal war where after you die, they pull your soul into a jar and that jar into a construct, so you have to keep fighting. Terrible place.



Would it be bad for morale if Kroft put her face in her hands and wept?

If there happens to be in the room a Lawful Good or Lawful Neutral cleric with the Loyalty subdomain, and they happen to roll high enough Sense Motive to notice or deduce the state Cressida is in (if not its intensity), they will silently tap her with Touch of Loyalty for +4 against fear (also charms and compulsions, but that's less important) for an hour. It's at least something.


They are fast, and will escape if they survive, so it has to be a well-synchronized attack by several casters, to ensure all of them die immediately.
Probably wouldn't work on all shadows in the city, but maybe like, a thousand at a time? And then we do it 6 or 8 more times!

Guys, all of these "solutions" which boil down to "kill all of the shadows" are making me really uncomfy. 

What did shadows ever do to any of you?


They killed my my landlord's sister's youngest child! And my landlord. And my sister.


So what? They killed me too and you don't see me complaining about it.


If everyone forgives the shadows, they'll disappear! I heard it works on ghosts.


If we tell the Shadows about the healing light of Sarenrae, they'll find redemption and turn back into people! I heard it works on tieflings.


If everyone forgives the shadows, they'll disappear! I heard it works on ghosts.

That's actually the secret to Geb's persistence. Whenever his old greatest foe gets bored or dead or whatever, he finds someone else with Mythic Ranks to piss off.


We should Sending Geb and convince him that the leader of the shadows would be suuuuper pissed off if he saved us and destroyed them all!


See? I told you Geb was a person!


So what? They killed me too and you don't see me complaining about it.

[If a certain cleric of Gruhastha was present, he may have attempted to explain why you shouldn't do to people things they value not happening, even if you wouldn't care in their place, and logically justify it from first principles.
He is not present, and the shadow is probably not smart enough to understand any of that anyway.]

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