In Which People Bicker
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Wow. I have never ever seen a shadow insult someone's smarts, and somehow we're the rude ones?


Who is "Gruhastha"? Is it actually a demon?


[The commentary insulted the shadow's smarts. The cleric commented about never would, he genuinely believes in everyone's potential.
On an unrelated note, being able to feel insulted is a character flaw, git good.]


Not feeling insulted means you're weak and inviting people to trample on. I'm not Chelish but I know that much!


I'm the only Chellish person in this room.




Except maybe Reebs.


See? Ileosa knows how things work.


What if we flood the tunnels with acid? Or alchemist fire, and then light it? Like, the whole tunnel so that they can't fly above it.


Does fire hurt shadows? I know it hurts humans.[citation needed]


Fire hurts shadows, but we're pretty durable! That part of being a shadow is actually really fun.


What if we summoned some fire elementals? That's easy, right?


Good idea, we could use them to make the caves less chilly.


To fight the shadows!!!


I'm all in favor of the caves being warmer, but I don't see how that would hurt the shadows.


To send... to the surface... to fight shadows... because fire hurts shadows, and fire elementals aren't real people so shadows can't hurt them.


When someone else steals my idea in half an hour and everyone likes it I will hold personally you accountable for the discrepancy.


Okay everyone listen up!

There were 18,000 Korvosans yesterday, that's about how many shadows we need to kill.

> "The touch of an Allip deals 1d4 points of Wisdom damage (DC 15 Will negates). A successful critical hit causes 1d4 points of Wisdom damage and 1 point of Wisdom drain (instead of double Wisdom damage). With each successful attack, an allip gains 5 temporary hit points. The save DC is Charisma-based."

They're immune to the strength damage of Shadows and fly at the same speed and are just as incorporeal. Otherwise they're about as powerful.

Shadows average 12 wisdom, so it'll take an average of 4 hits to take one down, but they'll miss sometimes and need to chase them down, call if 10 rounds. Once they've got no wisdom theyll fall unconscious. So we can get rid of 1440 shadows in a full day per Allip, so we need about 14 of them to defeat the shadowplague. We can easily control that many undead at once, with the wizards we have.

> "Those who fall prey to madness and take their own lives sometimes find themselves lost on the path to the afterlife, trapped in a state between life and death. These unfortunates, known as allips, suffer from the violent and incurable insanity they faced in life and take out their terror, confusion, and rage upon the living."

It says that in this book I found. If we pick 14 Korvosans who are already pretty mad with grief already, we can use some extra magical help to goad them into killing themselves, and then control the resulting Allips and make them kill all the shadows.


What's an 'allip'. Are they secretly demons. That all sounds like they're definitely demons.


We should not create more undead to save us from the undead! We should just pray to Pharasma to help!


Shadows can't hurt each other, what makes you think allips could hurt the shadows?


Shadows can't hurt eachother because they do strength damage and don't have a strength score!

But they do have a wisdom score! It says so in the beastiary!


We should not create any more undead. We should totally find a place somewhere that already has allips, and bring them here. It can't be that hard of a task for a couple of extremely powerful wizards.


[Cressida noises to the general effect of asking a wizard whether the allip plan would work, learning that it would work, being concerned that the allips could be grappled and pinned by shadows if the shadows are coordinated enough, asking the shadow if they're coordinated enough, learning that they might be (hierarchical mind control is useful for coordinating, and also shadows are good at pack tactics), deciding that it's still another highly useful tool to add to the toolbox and a component of the Eventual Plan.]


And when the shadows have been rendered comatose through Wisdom damage, instead of summarily executing them you should have a cleric plane shift them to Nirvana!


(Where's "Nirvana?")

(oh okay)

They can't go to Nirvana, they're not dead yet!

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