In Which People Bicker
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They're kind of dead. I mean, they're so dead they're undead. That's probably dead enough to go to Nirvada.


But they're evil! They're definitely too Evil to go to Nevada.


Shadows murdered my family. I'd rather go to Hell than see a single one of them in Nirvana.


What about the shadows that used to be your family, you slack-jawed fucking moron?


It's because of people like you the shadows are still around! If everyone forgives them, they're gone!


Anyway, if we're going to try getting a shadow clericed, we definitely need to pray to Black Butterfly about it, because she's a good deity who's a shadow.


Wait, what?


Uh, when Desna was placing the stars she created a pattern of spaces between the stars and a butterfly formed there who's her shadow.


Wait, hold on. If it takes Desna to place the stars, then having a wizard bring over a star with us by teleport definitely won't work.


We just need to pick smaller stars. Gods fight demons but we fight demons too, just smaller ones.


Black Butterfly isn't undead.


My friend says she's a god of negative space, though.


Wrong kind of negative.


Shadows keep doing evil because they're hungry, right? We need to design a ring of sustenance for one, and then we can redeem it.


I think Black Butterfly is a goddess of silence, so if we want her help, everyone must shut up. 


...oh great Butterfly.







Cressida Kroft said right at the start that she wanted to get a better handle on the shape of the threat before jumping to solutions.

Some of these proposed solutions have had kernels of good thinking in them, but on the whole Kroft thinks it would be better to hold off on proposing solutions and just roundly discuss the problem. There are several parts of what happened last night and the explanations they've gotten which are mysterious to her, and - 


Kroft has given up on finding solutions? It's a good thing she's not in charge of the Guard anymore, that's for sure!


...And I have a number of questions which maybe someone here knows the answers to. The big one is, what caused the shadows to attack last night when they never had before? What was the proximate cause?


They gave up on finding a solution to the Worldwound and now it's a sucking wound in the top of planet, draining blood and treasure out of Golarion's best nations. You want the thing with the shadows to be a forever war, like the Worldwound is?


What was the proximate cause?

Rovagug made the shadows attack? Reebs already went over this??


Right, so, she'll state what seems like the obvious theory just to get it out there, but Kroft's stating in advance that she's not very happy with it. Maybe a cleric can clear up her confusions?

So, the theory goes, the attack on Korvosa was the effect of direct divine intervention: the Rough Beast reached out to a shadow and directed it our way.


If the theory is so obvious why do you still have confusions?

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